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2007 MLB Thread

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I say both ALDS goes the full 5 games, with Yanks and Sox winning for yet another ALCS showdown that the Yanks win in 6.

After making up for their historic ALCS collapse, the Yankees win and face their 2001 WS opponent, the Diamondbacks. The Yanks make up for that one too and win in 5 games.

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I'd be absolutely amazed if the DBacks made it out of the first round. They're possibly the worst 90 win team ever. 21st in baseball in runs scored.

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  mik3 said:
  trevor13478 said:
  mik3 said:

For some reason Boston is starting Matsuzaka in games 2 and 5.

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They didn't pay 100 million for him to sit on the bench ;)

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The honeymoon is almsot over with most Red Sox fans and him, if he loses game 5 at home there will be fans trying to revoke his work visa.

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but, if it goes the other way, and he's great in the playoffs, his 2nd half slump will be completely forgoteen about.

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Is there an HD broadcast to the TBS games? The NL games are broadcast on TBS until the world series and it would suck to not get to see the Phils in HD.

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  Dean_ said:

Is there any canadian stations that are covering the yankees games ?

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I'm pretty sure Sportsnet is carrying the ENTIRE playoffs.

Here's their tv sked - Sportsnet's Baseball Playoff Coverage

So they will have all the games in HD as well.

Hope the Rockies pull it off tonite, if they do, watch out for these guys. Holliday is on fire right now, he literally won me my fantasy pool. Hawpe, Tulowitzki, Helton, their offence is just dominating right now. They gotta get to Peavy early.


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  SalmingUSA said:

It's on TBS in the US. Maybe your satellite or cable carries it?

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My Cable Co. has TBS....but I'm seeing Family Guy right now (even though my guide says MLB 7:30-10:30p)


  bubber27 said:
  Dean_ said:

Is there any canadian stations that are covering the yankees games ?

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I'm pretty sure Sportsnet is carrying the ENTIRE playoffs.

Here's their tv sked - Sportsnet's Baseball Playoff Coverage

So they will have all the games in HD as well.

Hope the Rockies pull it off tonite, if they do, watch out for these guys. Holliday is on fire right now, he literally won me my fantasy pool. Hawpe, Tulowitzki, Helton, their offence is just dominating right now. They gotta get to Peavy early.


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Sportsnet has the game tonight (TBS's feed) in HD as well.

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  RadioGaGa said:
  SalmingUSA said:

It's on TBS in the US. Maybe your satellite or cable carries it?

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My Cable Co. has TBS....but I'm seeing Family Guy right now (even though my guide says MLB 7:30-10:30p)


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Because Sportsnet owns the rights for the MLB Playoffs in Canada, so if TBS is broadcasted in your area, then they have to show something else (same thing with me. I'm close by in Mississauga, love that Family Guy ep though!).

Bad correlation, but remember when WWE Raw was on Spike, and TSN had the rights? Spike would show something else in that spot in Canada while TSN would show Raw.

Same thing. Big bucks for the rights, they don't want anyone else tuning in to another channel to watch the same show.


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Somebody tell MVP Matt Holliday to 1. Slide feet first into home, and 2. TOUCH HOME PLATE!!!!!! Isn't that the two things they teach you about running to the plate? Shades of Todd Stottlemyre sliding over 3rd Base in the World Series in '93.

And is it just me, but is Todd Mcclelland the worst ump in MLB?


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  bubber27 said:

Somebody tell MVP Matt Holliday to 1. Slide feet first into home, and 2. TOUCH HOME PLATE!!!!!! Isn't that the two things they teach you about running to the plate? Shades of Todd Stottlemyre sliding over 3rd Base in the World Series in '93.

And is it just me, but is Todd Mcclelland the worst ump in MLB?


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With his size he should have done the Bo tackle instead. Didnt touch home plate??? Close enough ;)

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  LegoDoom said:

Is there an HD broadcast to the TBS games? The NL games are broadcast on TBS until the world series and it would suck to not get to see the Phils in HD.

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Nevermind.... They just added TBS HD to my Comcast service. Channel 220.

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  bubber27 said:

And is it just me, but is Todd Mcclelland the worst ump in MLB?

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We were watching the game for a short while with other people, so I was occasionally distracted by the conversation, but it took me two times of saying, "Wait a second, he called a strike on that?" to realize he has the slowest call of anyone.







By the way, a lot of people were late to commit, mainly because the Rox have been terrible for nearly a decade, and they didn't pull within striking distance until about ten days ago, but the vibe in Denver over the Rockies is great now.

Hell, I was late to commit, since I obviously follow the Red Sox, but a friend of mine called me up a week-and-a-half ago to ask, "What are you doing to lunch?"

"What am I doing for lunch?"

"Yeah, you want to go to the Rockies game?"

Well, this guy was college friends with the son of Jerry McMorris, who was the first owner of the Rockies, so the two families split six seats about thirty feet up the third base side, first row behind the dugout. Basically, whenever they show a closeup of a righty batting, you can see those seats. They were very cool, to say the least!

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The angle has to be a little awkward, doesn't it?

I've always liked sitting higher up, myself. Baseball is such a "vast" game that I just can't take everything in when I'm down too low. I like seeing all the adjustments that the fielders make and the leads that the runners are taking, etc., etc.

My best friend and his father are huge Yankees fans, so every summer we go on a road trip to catch a series. We went to Cleveland this year, and I have to say that the seats we sat in for the first game were some of the best seats I've ever had for a Big League game - bottom of the upper deck, almost directly behind home plate.

Either way, sitting that close had to have been pretty cool, if not for the view of the game, then just for the experience.

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We went to a series in Detroit a couple years ago. Really nice ballpark. I enjoyed it a lot - though I missed most of the first game because the broad in front of me had a nice set paired with a low-cut tank top.

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Mack, Braves officially announced they're not going after Andruw.

I wonder if Atlanta goes after someone like Mike Cameron, Corey Patterson, or Milton Bradley.

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  mik3 said:

Mack, Braves officially announced they're not going after Andruw.

I wonder if Atlanta goes after someone like Mike Cameron, Corey Patterson, or Milton Bradley.

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You think Torii Hunter may be out of the price range? Or is Torii set to become a Yankee?

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