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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR goes above and beyond

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I don’t post very often, but it would be a crime if I didn’t do it in this instance.

I win an Ebay auction for a pair of Bauer Classic Gold Skates from Bargain Sports/Summit Sports in Michigan. When I receive the skates, the holder on the left skate appears mounted off-center (towards the inner side of the skate). I send pics to BS/SS and they arrange for the skates to be shipped back. They receive the skates, have several people look at it, and also call Bauer. Their conclusion is basically that the skate is within Bauer’s specs. I’m not a skate expert (I only know what I absorb through MSH) but that conclusion didn’t seem right to me. Remembering that JR worked for a Summit Sports in Michigan, I asked if it was possible to get his opinion. I told them I would be satisfied with his conclusion, no questions asked. They made it happen.

If JR found the skate to be misaligned, the most I was hoping for was for him to look at their remaining inventory of Classic Golds and choose the skates that were best aligned. I would have been 100% satisfied right there. Now here’s what actually happened:

1.) JR went to their warehouse,

2.) took a look at the skates and decided that BOTH holders needed adjusting (one a little more than the other).

3.) picked the best skates to work with from their inventory

4.) brought them back to his shop in Novi

5.) adjusted the holders

6.) REPLACED the LS steel with LS2 steel

7.) sharpened them, and

8.) sent them back to the warehouse…on the SAME DAY...

9.) all this for someone he doesn’t even know!

All I can say is: WOW! (JR, If I’m leaving anything out, I sincerely apologize). I was hoping for #1-3 at most. Heck, if it was inconvenient for JR in any way, I wasn’t even hoping for #1.

Call me easy, but this easily won me over. If I ever need more than a sharpening (and that is not even totally out of the question considering the availability of a good sharpening locally), I’m definitely going to ship it to JR. It’s not because I’m expecting all the extras, but because I respect and appreciate his eye for detail and work ethic. He didn’t just treat me the way I would like to be treated. He treated me the way HE would like to be treated.

Can’t wait to get them!


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Wow that is awesome! Its great that youre letting everybody know about it too. I guess everyone should remember how lucky we are to have people like JR, Chadd and everyone else around MSH to help out!

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I have friends and fam that live in Novi and Milford MI. that play. Where does JR work so I can send him some biz. Most the guys I know go to Peranis.

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I have friends and fam that live in Novi and Milford MI. that play. Where does JR work so I can send him some biz. Most the guys I know go to Peranis.

Its in the first post where JR works.

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I dont know JR but he sounds like a pretty cool guy. Just only if more LHS workers or storeowners could go the extra mile like him i think there would be a lot less problems with customer service and hockey equipment. Thats great everything worked out.

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I have friends and fam that live in Novi and Milford MI. that play. Where does JR work so I can send him some biz. Most the guys I know go to Peranis.

summity sports at the novi ice rink.

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Thanks guys, but it really wasn't anything special at all.

I went in and looked at the skates and saw that they were off. I explained to the Internet dept how to check for the mismount. I chose two pair of skates and brought them back to Novi with me. Had only a 1.5 hr window to crank them out, but got them done before the truck showed up. That's what we call performing miracles :)

Mike - thanks for the kind words. I'm sorry I couldn't get to it quicker...have had a hell of a week!

I'm one who believes that the customer is our livelihood...if we do not take care of them we won't be in business. As you guys know, I keep my MSH business and day job business separate, but Summit actually does it right - I saw the email they sent you this afternoon.

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Nice to see a business (or at least one person) who is willing to take the time to do a little extra to make sure things are 'right' for the customer. Perhaps in the short-run ot might cost you a few bucks, or a little time, but in the long run great service always is a great business decision.

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Thanks guys, but it really wasn't anything special at all.

I went in and looked at the skates and saw that they were off. I explained to the Internet dept how to check for the mismount. I chose two pair of skates and brought them back to Novi with me. Had only a 1.5 hr window to crank them out, but got them done before the truck showed up. That's what we call performing miracles :)

Mike - thanks for the kind words. I'm sorry I couldn't get to it quicker...have had a hell of a week!

I'm one who believes that the customer is our livelihood...if we do not take care of them we won't be in business. As you guys know, I keep my MSH business and day job business separate, but Summit actually does it right - I saw the email they sent you this afternoon.

JR starring in MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 4 !!!

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I was fortunate to meet JR last month. He's a class act all the way. He took care of me, my hockey shopping, and the drinking afterwards the half day that I was in town.

Hope to catch you again.

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JR is a great guy. instead of just taking my money, he told me that custom eagle gloves would take a long time, and advised me to buy something else.

that would make the coolest movie ever. JR could be dressed like a gangster working in some underground shop, rushing to get ls2 holders put on before the ups truck comes. then the ups man charges duty fees, so JR wastes him and drives his pimp-mobile at 200kmh to the fedex place...

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Thanks guys, but it really wasn't anything special at all.

I went in and looked at the skates and saw that they were off. I explained to the Internet dept how to check for the mismount. I chose two pair of skates and brought them back to Novi with me. Had only a 1.5 hr window to crank them out, but got them done before the truck showed up. That's what we call performing miracles :)

Mike - thanks for the kind words. I'm sorry I couldn't get to it quicker...have had a hell of a week!

I'm one who believes that the customer is our livelihood...if we do not take care of them we won't be in business. As you guys know, I keep my MSH business and day job business separate, but Summit actually does it right - I saw the email they sent you this afternoon.

...and I didn't even know about the 1.5 hour window! Add more points to the list.

JR - There's really no need to send the LS2 hardware. You've already done too much, and I'd feel bad taking more. Thanks just the same.

Summit Sports - yeah, they did treat me right. Like I basically told them, mistakes happen, but it's all about how it is resolved...and they (and JR) did more than I would have asked.

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Thanks guys, but it really wasn't anything special at all. 

I went in and looked at the skates and saw that they were off.  I explained to the Internet dept how to check for the mismount.  I chose two pair of skates and brought them back to Novi with me.  Had only a 1.5 hr window to crank them out, but got them done before the truck showed up.  That's what we call performing miracles :)

Mike - thanks for the kind words.  I'm sorry I couldn't get to it quicker...have had a hell of a week!

I'm one who believes that the customer is our livelihood...if we do not take care of them we won't be in business.  As you guys know, I keep my MSH business and day job business separate, but Summit actually does it right - I saw the email they sent you this afternoon.

Classy and modest ;)

never had the pleasure of meeting JR but he seems a great guy.

Keep up the good work. **Raises his thumb**

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JR I am absolutely impressed and I commend you in performing such a kind act for someone you don't even know. I know that this sounds really wishy-washy/warm fuzzy/borderline fruity, but it is comforting to know that there are honest people working in our industry that do care about the customer as opposed to lining their own pockets. I hope someone sees this and rushes to hire you as an equipment manager for some NHL team and pay you ridiculous amounts of money for the amazing jobs you do.

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Thanks, Sn1per - but I wouldn't want an eq mgr job. I saw how that was with Nashville. While the experience was good, I knew that it wasn't for me.

Mike - The LS2 will be more user-friendly for you - especially if you are considering outsourcing your steel for sharpenings. And now that I drilled the holes, it will be easier to service them rather than dismounting the holder for blade swaps.

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Thanks, Sn1per - but I wouldn't want an eq mgr job. I saw how that was with Nashville. While the experience was good, I knew that it wasn't for me.

Mike - The LS2 will be more user-friendly for you - especially if you are considering outsourcing your steel for sharpenings. And now that I drilled the holes, it will be easier to service them rather than dismounting the holder for blade swaps.

Drilled holes? Okay, that's another item to add to the list, LOL!

Well, that pretty much settles it. I'll be sending my steel to you for sharpenings. Do you think I should order an extra set of LS2 steel from you so I can have one set on hand while I'm sending the other to you? If so, please send me an email with the pricing for the steel and hardware, and your preferred method of payment. I think I'm finally going to find out what it's like to have consistent quality sharpenings :)

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