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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do you guys use? Im looking for a new nice one thatll last me. Do you like money clips? Bill folds? What innovative ones are nice?

PS- NO LV, Gucci, or Prada wallets. Im not into that crap

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I go through them every year or so and got a fossil one from the in-laws for x-mas that is holding up fairly well.

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Check out Tumi, it's a pretty sleek Italian brand. They make a lot of high quality luggage and briefcases too. They're fairly expensive compared to department store wallets, but they're nice and high end without being gaudy like LV or Gucci.

Best part is they make just about every type of wallet, billfold, money clip, trifold, slim, large. I have a slim billfold, it's nice and doesn't wear a rectangle into the ass pocket of your pants.

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I used to use a money clip and go wallet-less. Loved it but it wore the crap out of my cards. Now it's all about the thin bifold.

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B) I got a bad mother fucker wallet for Christmas, it kinda stays in my hockey bag and keeps all my change in it, but its the ultimate Pulp Fiction memorabilia

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get a money clip and a thin card holder, and clip the money clip over the card holder. Its slim and classy.

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i got one i made out of pink and camo duct tape, and a velcro one that came with my bookbag at walmart.

(my girl and i entered a contest at the prom and we both wore duct tape dress/suits.)

why spend a lot of money on a wallet, its in your pocket all the time. it's not the wallet, it's whats in it yo.

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I go through them every year or so and got a fossil one from the in-laws for x-mas that is holding up fairly well.

I have a Fossil and really like it.

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I got a Jfold wallet last year. It's slim and it doesn't look like every other wallet, but it's kinda of dense. Some combination of its lack of padding and my boney behind lead to one card being cracked over another. But it's thin and it's not black or brown.

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I use a money clip. I got sick of pulling out my 30 pound wallet and searching for my ID when getting carded at bars. Now I keep my ATM card, my most used credit card, and my ID w/ my cash...easy access.

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Check out the Jimi. It's compact, hold just enough - not for those that love saving receipts, coupons, etc. and have a discount card for every store they visit. It can be popped apart to be used as a money clip/card holder for light weight in the pocket on a night out.

I've had mine for over a year, still looks good.


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I have a leather singlefold from Anchor Blue.. it has a card carrier that slips in and out of the wallet so I dont even have to open my wallet to give my id or get my cc out.

Very nice.. looks like brand new after 2 years now.

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Check out the Jimi. It's compact, hold just enough - not for those that love saving receipts, coupons, etc. and have a discount card for every store they visit. It can be popped apart to be used as a money clip/card holder for light weight in the pocket on a night out.

I've had mine for over a year, still looks good.


That's pretty cool...considering getting one of those.

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I use a letter wallet that has two separate lining for money and papers plus ample room for cards (credit, bus, videostore etc) I paid 5$ for mine here in Ottawa and seems to be holding together better than the Roots wallet I had before which I had paid something like 50$...

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