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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX

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I am not sure if there are any posts on this, but I was at my LHS getting the one90's this morning. While the skates were baking I was talking to the manager of the store. He said that the Bauer rep told him that vapor XXXX skates will be out next year. He had not seen them but the rep had and said they were awesome. I wonder how they will compare to the one90's.

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so im guessing after they make the Vapor XL, they will make a vapor XXXXX (or whatever fifty is) and so on and so forth... will they keep changing colors?

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so im guessing after they make the Vapor XL, they will make a vapor XXXXX (or whatever fifty is) and so on and so forth... will they keep changing colors?

50= L

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Hopfully they make a WHOLE new line up

There is no way NBH is ditching the Vapor line, its a big money maker

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The foresight that they put into their naming scheme is about the same foresight as they put into designing skates for people who would like to use them for more than 3 months. :rolleyes:

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Hopfully they make a WHOLE new line up

There is no way NBH is ditching the Vapor line, its a big money maker

I wouldn't be suprised if they ditched it. ONE90 has already taken all the Vapor's thunder.

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I dont think they'll keep the Vapor line much longer TBH i think they'd wanna make a fresh start for NBH, because it only appeared that Bauer was in on the Vapor line, but then again the one90 would have been perfect to start a new line of skate

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I dont think they'll keep the Vapor line much longer TBH i think they'd wanna make a fresh start for NBH, because it only appeared that Bauer was in on the Vapor line, but then again the one90 would have been perfect to start a new line of skate

The Vapor line is still very popular. Just today sold a XIX and took deposit on a XXX. Customers are loyal to a brand label and in most cases will look for that again when replacing skates. I envision them refreshing the Vapor line, not replacing it.

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I don't think that Bauer would lose the Vapor line. If they made a new line that fit differently than Vapors (while getting rid of the Vaors, and consequently fitting differently than the Supreme line), they would be losing all the customers whose feet fit in the Vapors. If they made a new line, but they kept the same fit as Vapors (basically just changing the name), they would be losing all the people who are too lazy to try the new line on. It would save NBH a lot of money to just keep the Vapor line and keep the Roman numerals... Although, if they don't put XL on the Vapor 40, i will be displeased.

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Funny thing is a lot of those people who have vapors don't fit well in them they just buy them because they look sick and everyone else wears them.

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Funny thing is a lot of those people who have vapors don't fit well in them they just buy them because they look sick and everyone else wears them.

No doubt. Thats why you see people just moving around to the next new high end skates even though they don't fit at all alike.

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