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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best concert you've ever seen!

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Rage Against the Machine, April 1993, State Theater in Detroit. Those guys ROCKED.

They might have been the worst band I saw at lollpalooza in 93. Good thing I wasn't at the Philly show where they made a political statement instead of playing their set.

Wow. No political statements like those in the Detroit show... actually, I don't remember them saying much of anything at all. Nobody really knew who they were (some of the people in the crowd were shouting "it's the Beastie Boys!"), they weren't the headliner (House of Pain was) and I think their album had just hit the shelves. Maybe I saw them at their best?

Their show at Alpine Valley in 2007 was fantastic. They played all their best tunes.

! Morello is a god amongst guitar playing men!

Anyone who supports an organization like the shining path, really has no moral authority to criticize the american government and their actions. I always thought Morello was one of the most overrated guitarists of his generation. I prefer more melodic work.

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Anyone who supports an organization like the shining path, really has no moral authority to criticize the american government and their actions. I always thought Morello was one of the most overrated guitarists of his generation. I prefer more melodic work.

Just because you don't like his style doesn't make him any less talented. He was a boss in Guitar Hero, come on! :)

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Anyone who supports an organization like the shining path, really has no moral authority to criticize the american government and their actions. I always thought Morello was one of the most overrated guitarists of his generation. I prefer more melodic work.

Just because you don't like his style doesn't make him any less talented. He was a boss in Guitar Hero, come on! :)

I just don't think making weird noises is all that impressive

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Yea, i have to agree with that. Making wierd noises isnt really talent... And Joe Perry and Slash are both also guitar hero bosses, a much better boss in my opinion. I just hope that Buckethead is never made a boss on that game...

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Just out of curiosity, has anyone seen the Journey tour that's going on right now? I learned that the lead singer isn't the original guy from a long time ago, it is some guy that they found in the phillipenes. or something that was in a Journey cover band. Since their lead singer had broken it off with the band, they replaced him with this guy and supposedly he is better than their original guy. Thought it would be an interesting one to see, but I had a game the night of it.

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Buckethead is one of the most skilled guitarists to ever live, he just cant write music, he does have a lot of good songs just too many shitty ones that overshadow the good songs. On straight up shredding id take him over anyone except Gilbert and Impellitteri.

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Just out of curiosity, has anyone seen the Journey tour that's going on right now? I learned that the lead singer isn't the original guy from a long time ago, it is some guy that they found in the phillipenes. or something that was in a Journey cover band. Since their lead singer had broken it off with the band, they replaced him with this guy and supposedly he is better than their original guy. Thought it would be an interesting one to see, but I had a game the night of it.

No way.

Next you'll tell me that they found him on YouTube. Well, actually, they did.

Arnel Pineda is the third lead singer after Steve Perry and Journey went their separate ways. Damn, I'm witty.

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Linkin Park last night was awesome.. great show, very uptempo.. if you are even a slight fan of linkin park and have a chance to go see them in concert go, you will leave smiling. We took a friend who sorta knew linkin park a little bit, not enough to know the words to many songs or anything like that and he loved it.


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Buckethead is one of the most skilled guitarists to ever live, he just cant write music, he does have a lot of good songs just too many shitty ones that overshadow the good songs. On straight up shredding id take him over anyone except Gilbert and Impellitteri.

No offence or anythin, but i think hes WAY over-rated and a bit of a hack. All he does is "shred" which, playin guitar myself, isnt hard at all. It takes next to no talent. He never even did anythin that exciting that i know of anyway, i mean something that would make him famous. To be honest, i dont think he should be as famous as he is. There are WAY more guitar players out there that are hundreds of times better.

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I know its not hard to shred just about any decient guitarist can do it. But, the riffs he plays at such a high speed are pretty technical. I am not into his faster songs his chill ones are 1000 times better than when he just tries to cram in a bunch of sweeps and what not, check out Nottingham Lace by Buckethead its a really good song. I will agree he is over-rated but, I mainly blame this on the mystery behind the bucket and many people get caught up into it and just think hes amazing and "cool". I know that there are way better guitarists than him like I said Gilbert, Impellitteri, Becker, Petrucci, Johnson etc all better than Buckethead, I just like the wierd twist he puts on music

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Yes. I bought the new CD Revelation yesterday, haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but I am sure It will be good. I like a bunch of their stuff, and am going to see them in Toronto in September.

On another note, It wasn't really a concert, but I saw the play "The Music Man" last night with my dad. His company owner got everyone a pair of tickets because he is on the Board of Directors, so we went. It was kind of neat!

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best show (musically) ive ever seen was a Medeski Martin and Wood show in asheville, nc afew years back...musically/creatively brilliant.

best experience ive ever had at a concert was any time I saw Phish...except the hampton roads show in 2004, that was pretty halfassed.

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i saw alkaline trio a few weeks ago, maybe a month and i thought it was great. their fans really get into what the do and it makes it a ton of fun. also the small venue, clutch cargos, as you detroiters (or michiganders), know make it a really tight squeeze.

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Tom Petty was amazing! i cant really get around how good the show even was! lol, and some guy was tryin to get me to find a joint for him, lolz!

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Just got home from Cruefest. Had an AMAZING time. Trapt and sixx am were pretty good, buckcherry was absolutely terrible and i never want to see them again. Papa roach stole the opening acts there was no contest, they got the crowd going so well and the singer hopped off the stage and walked through the entire crowd and stands.

Now getting to motley crue. Absolutely amazing as usual, the pyro and fireworks were alot of fun to watch. They played all the hits and a couple new tracks that were great. Tit-e cam was on fire and there had to have been over 700 lights on the stage. Best part of the night was before the cam tommy lee came up to the girl next to me and told her to open her mouth, which ended up tommy pouring JD over the whole lot of us. I also hi fived nikki sixx and vince neil. Great night.

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Just got home from Cruefest. Had an AMAZING time. Trapt and sixx am were pretty good, buckcherry was absolutely terrible and i never want to see them again. Papa roach stole the opening acts there was no contest, they got the crowd going so well and the singer hopped off the stage and walked through the entire crowd and stands.

Now getting to motley crue. Absolutely amazing as usual, the pyro and fireworks were alot of fun to watch. They played all the hits and a couple new tracks that were great. Tit-e cam was on fire and there had to have been over 700 lights on the stage. Best part of the night was before the cam tommy lee came up to the girl next to me and told her to open her mouth, which ended up tommy pouring JD over the whole lot of us. I also hi fived nikki sixx and vince neil. Great night.

I went to that in late july when is swung through here, I enjoyed it as well, Motley Crue still knows how to put on a good show. Did Buckcherry manage to turn crazy bitch into 30 minutes of their set at your show too?

Tit E. Cam was quite amusing too.


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Yes they stretched that garbage out for what seemed like forever. I couldnt understand a word the singer was saying and they were terrible all around.

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Neil Young is comin to Calgary in October!!!YAY! AC/DC is also about to release a new album (black ice) and will be goin on tour in late 2008 early 2009.

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I just found out that Coheed and Cambria's Neverender tour is coming to Chicago. Its all four Coheed albums in four nights, I will be buying my 4 day pass Friday when they become on sale.

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