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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Helmet

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If anyone's watching the winter classic there was a good extended shot from most angles of Malone wearing it on the bench talking to Pang during that long delay.

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Just like any helmet, some will fit you better than others. The Easton helmet has some great features but the NBH 9500 was more comfortable when I tried it on. That said, just like skates, go with fit, not looks.

Get out your colored Sharpies and get ready to decorate your Easton helmet box head!! There will be a contest with a Grand Prize to Mexico to the OPS factory to custom design your OPS in summer 09 with Heatley.

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Hey, don't blame me, I stayed quiet!

  DarkStar50 said:

Get out your colored Sharpies and get ready to decorate your Easton helmet box head!! There will be a contest with a Grand Prize to Mexico to the OPS factory to custom design your OPS in summer 09 with Heatley.

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You're off the hook! But they have to buy the helmet to be in the contest so who did who a favor? Before the kids rush out to buy their new Magic Markers, the actual Grand Prize is still unknown to me.

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So far so good with the new easton bucket. Definitely fits a little better once you put it on and it warms up a little bit. Wish they made them a little bigger, they run a little smaller then a CCM or Bauer

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I hope they hit the shelves soon. Can't wait to try one one. My brother has all Easton except for the helmet and he's been driving my nuts talking about it. He wants to dump his old CCM bucket and wear the big "E" on his helmet.

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Great product placement. The only white helmet of all of the actors. And no 'safety stickers' on the back or 'Easton' graphics on the side. I guess it was Dr. Neela Rasgotra "pro stock".

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saw that last night. i was suprised to see the helmet, oddly my girlfriend didn't care. :P

anyway the hockey was pretty lame, no surprise there really. I thought it was funny that almost none of the helmets fits the characters right, all way too big.

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Ive been in a large CCM since i can remember which is closed all the way. With the new easton S9 i have a large opened all the way and its still tight on my head. I guess its just their sizing but i can either shave the padding down or just try a Extra Large. After the large heats up on my head from sweat it definitely fits a little better but i think the X large would give me a little bit more room to play with. Anyone else notice a size difference????

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