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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Helmet

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that is one sexy helmet. shame that it isn't a tooless design. then again, the ones with a tooless design seem like they were designed for gorillas.

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It is a nice looking helmet but the front where the E is just looks like it's not finished. Just seems big flat and open for some strange reason.

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the day after they posted on the site...

I'm going to pick up a new shield for this beast, not sure what I want to put on it. I'm thinking about a small oakley straight or an itech. I have an itech wave but I want to mix it up a bit, I'm actually thinking about a tinted.

To much?

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I'm pretty sold on the oakleys and the tinted, but just not sure about the style

small straight like sid..., or aviator?

I'd like to see some pics of them on here, we have some great hockey stores around here but not many stored actually carry many shields. They usually have the standard old school itech half shield (think ray bourque). It's really hard to gauge how they'll look on a helmet online.

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I believe a poster on the Easton m.b. posted a pic of his helmet w/ a visor on it.... not 100% sure what model though. I've been sitting on loot for a new lid for over a month, figured I'd let the Toy Drive run it's course first in case I didn't need to buy....

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I sent my stuff on the 24th of November, so I'm thinking I may have been too late for the lid... but the stick itself it amazing enough considering it's in exchange for doing a great deed.

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I'm thinking about the oakley small shield, this helmet is actually pretty small... the pro wave I have now just looks terrible on it.

I'm just worried that the oakley small visor is really just for show, does it provide adequate protection?

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People who took part in the Easton message board toy drive were capable of winning an S9 pro spec helmet..... that's why some users have one already. Not available at retail at the time. I don't think mine bundle shipped in time for a lid, but looking at the specs, the Large wouldn't fit me huge head anyways... so maybe I'll deal with my Intake and hold out for the S17.

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