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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Swift Olympic Hockey Socks

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yeah, they certaintly didn't get very specific with their shipping methods

I would have paid more to have them here quicker, shipping to US who knows when they'll get to my house

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apparently 2-6 weeks. Very unprofessional site. Not a fan, wouldn't have ordered if I didn't want those swift socks soo bad.

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hmm, thats sucks... actually, a lot!

I looked everywhere before ordering them trying to find another site but they are the only ones

I want those socks!

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apparently 2-6 weeks. Very unprofessional site. Not a fan, wouldn't have ordered if I didn't want those swift socks soo bad.

2-6 weeks? What the hell? Remind them you are buying them.. not turning in your koolaid points.

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apparently 2-6 weeks. Very unprofessional site. Not a fan, wouldn't have ordered if I didn't want those swift socks soo bad.

Other than the broad shipping range...what makes them unprofessional? I also though RCS was fairly well thought of.

When I was a kid...I remember ordering stuff from Hasbro (GI Joes) that came from Longuiel, Que...and I'm pretty sure they had 6-8 weeks on most things. That's when I was an impatient kid...I'd start checking the mailbox after day 5...*sigh*

If they said 2 days...but it cost double...I'm sure that would be a bone of contention too.

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they seemed to have a great stock... lots of pretty hard to find items. I like how they stock up a lot of jerseys from the Q and other canadian markets.

I'm curious why they dont offer shipping options? is it because I'm having product shipped to us, ground only?

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sorry to hear that bro... I graduated from college in may and now only playing once a week, its killing me...

I missed the sign up date for a big league we have here, can't wait to get back and play some serious hockey

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Just look at the order form, no shipping time quote, no confirmation email. Nothing that says I will get confirmation when the order ships.

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they actually sent me an email to my gmail account, it was pretty generic but said the item was in stock, would be processed quickly and should arrive 1-2 weeks

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Just look at the order form, no shipping time quote, no confirmation email. Nothing that says I will get confirmation when the order ships.

I got an order confirmation e-mail.

Dear RCS Customer,

We thank you for your order and will have it processed promptly.

The items listed below are in stock. For orders containing customized items, please allow 3-6 weeks for delivery. All other orders can be expected to arrive in 1-2 weeks.

Should you have any questions or comments, please call us at 1-800-950-8201 or E-mail us at customerservice@rivercitysports.com

Remember to visit the site regularly to discover our ever changing list of new products and specials.

Thank you for shopping with River City Sports!

After that was breakdown of my order...with the shipping prices, taxes and total.

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wtf? I didnt get an email.

When you finished ordering did it jump to a "Thank You" page...? Basically the same message as the e-mail without the specifics.

Thank you for your order. An Order #, and a note about a pending e-mail.

If not, maybe you didn't finish the transaction properly.

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I ordered some tshirts from them in December and it took about 10 days from Winnipeg to SoCal. It has to pass through customs plus no sales tax=I don't care. I'm on my way out of working for FedEx and I can tell you almost everything you pay for shipping on you're getting ripped off.

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Will see how long it takes to ship, but over the phone they were great. I originally oredered white czech, then called & changed my order to two canada and then called back and changed the order again to 1white, 1 red czech, no problems no hassel, said it would ship out today.

How are they the only ones to have the swift sock?

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