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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Post Your Team's Jersey(s) Thread

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In our normal leagues we just go with Team CoorsLite as our name. In some tournaments we've gone as "Silver Bullets". Usually gets a good laugh from people.



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Two different teams I play for. The top is full time summer (fighter pilots) and the bottom is part time summer, part time winter (cougar bait)


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Wow! I agree that the "Rosie the riveter" type jersey is awesome! Wish I would have thought of that...

Here are the jerseys I bought off a guy on ebay for the team that I havent put together yet...any clever name suggestions??

I was thinking about calling the team "Eat Moose" ...but that seems pretty lame..LOL


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  On 6/13/2012 at 7:59 PM, pittu said:

I was thinking about calling the team "Eat Moose" ...but that seems pretty lame..LOL


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- Howlers

- Werewolves

- Tail Chasers

- Cougar Hunters (Do wolves hunt cougars? I have no idea but its a funny thought)

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Iron Wolves...I like the sound of that...I grew up playing HS hockey for the Iron Kings so that kind of fits for me...

Some good ones there too, hunt3. I like Tailchasers, too bad we're all old married guys, LOL, we dont have cougars in alaska, but Im sure that would be an epic battle, wolf vs cougar...

In the category of long and stupid, I was thinking "Legs feed the wolf"...but that's way to serious for a beer league intermediate team...trouble is that there is already a "wolves" team in the league and I dont want to copy them...

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Maybe go with Iron Dogs or Iron K-9. Or just go with The K-9s? Or Lucky Dogs cause of the green? haha. I'm horrible with names. Good luck...I do like the wolf logo on the jersey.

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The Iron Dogs would be a great name....if you are familiar with the snowmachine race here in alaska. The Iron Dog starts in the town that I play hockey in...Wasilla (of Palin "fame" or "shame" depending on your outlook, lol)

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  On 6/12/2012 at 6:35 PM, hunt3rsean said:

In our normal leagues we just go with Team CoorsLite as our name. In some tournaments we've gone as "Silver Bullets". Usually gets a good laugh from people.



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Was the top one taken in Vegas?

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  On 6/16/2012 at 1:53 AM, splitbtw said:

Was the top one taken in Vegas?

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No, home rink here in Oregon. We haven't been to any Vegas tournaments as a team. The only one we've done so far was in Phoenix.

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  On 6/13/2012 at 7:59 PM, pittu said:

Wow! I agree that the "Rosie the riveter" type jersey is awesome! Wish I would have thought of that...

Here are the jerseys I bought off a guy on ebay for the team that I havent put together yet...any clever name suggestions??

I was thinking about calling the team "Eat Moose" ...but that seems pretty lame..LOL


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The Direwolves, The Starks, or "Winter is Coming".

Game of Thrones reference, yes I went there.

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Direwolves!!! I friggin' love it. Thanks mhkehoe.

Not too many youngsters will get that reference, I'd have to tie dye them with black dye....and douse them in patchouli... :tongue:

Edit: LOL, I didnt know there was such a thing as a real Direwolf....I just thought it was a Grateful Dead song...dohhhh...

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Last 3 years from left to right

The boys in Montreal will know Mckibbins, they sponsored our team...Flatliners...The Gentlemen


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Jerseys for our spring/summer team! Penguins Winter classic jerseys from 2011. Was helping my dad test out his new lighting setup hence the pic first picture haha.



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