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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Torhs Team

Black eyes

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This happened over the weekend to a good friend of mine. She didnt get a hit in, because it was sort of a sucker punch. Basically two hits, her getting hit and her hitting the ground. Emergency room was visited, blood was everywhere and a battery charge is on that other girl. (the other girl wasnt like strong or anything either)




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Trip to the emergency room - 200$

Medications, etc. - 100$

Getting a nasty-ass punch to the eye and having the balls to smile for a camera afterwards? Absolutely priceless.

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nah, she got hit for messsin around with some chicks boyfriend. i guess the two chicks didnt like each other from the start, whatever, thats girl stuff. that punch was the worst i have ever seen.

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Trip to the emergency room - 200$

Medications, etc. - 100$

Getting a nasty-ass punch to the eye and having the balls to smile for a camera afterwards? Absolutely priceless.

$200? Heh, maybe 10 years ago!

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i got tagged like that once, had my eye swell shut for a couple days, it was pretty nasty. It turned out to be kind of cool though, I must have broke a blood vessel in my eye when i got hit, cuz once my eye opened, my entire eyeball was red. It was nasty looking.

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Cool story, Hansel.


fuck i watched that movie last night

I caught a good part of it too..

You can dara-lick my balls!

great movie.

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One gets street-cred by getting his/her ass kicked nowadays? Wow - high school has really changed in the four months since I've been there.

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