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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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another ebay dummy?

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Now correct me if im wrong, but if you don't have permission to post pictures of your so called "girlfriend" is that not sexual assault? Just a thought.

Sexual assault?

She's not even exposed and you think it should be sexual assault if he posted the picture without permission?

Holy overboard, Batman.

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what an iddddddiot thats halarious i wonder why noone has bid yet <_<

well, that "idiot" is one of our members "CobrAA", just to let you guys know.

Oh well, i was waiting for this kind of reply anyways. I just don't care.

Internet is full of moron, so sometimes you can do stupid thing and people will still believe in this story.

P.S: Just look at some other link in this thread and tell me if i'm the worst lolll, selling ''a rusted bath'' that the rust look like jesus or something like this at 1000$... :rolleyes:

still, i have 365 people that hit my link within 24 hours. i think that like 5x more than anybody else.

i think if you'd want anyone to buy it you'd need more pictures of the actual shaft.. :P

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Anybody here ever try to sell used wheels?

Not like "Used once in my grandma's house" wheels.

Crappy one dollar wheels that looking like they have been through a wood chipper.

Well apparently, someone did.


Props to him for selling them, but the real idiot is the one who bought them. He payed 15.95 for USPS Priority Mail when they have the Flat Rate Box for 8 or 9 bucks.

$1.04 was the winning bid. Thats a whole Crispy Chicken Sandwich at Wendy's. Touchee, I'd rather have the sandwich shipped to my house.

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:P Thats not as bad as this!

Some fool bought these crappy wheels for $53.44 + $9 Shipping

They arent even Hockey wheels!


roller hockey used to be played on quads with these candycane looking things for sticks, that would explain those wheels.

Hell, when I started playing street hockey as a kid we played on quads. Roller blades weren't around then and this is only going back about 15 or so years. I still have a pair of Tour hockey boots with quads somewhere in my basement.

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