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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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another ebay dummy?

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hmm not so much an idiot but.."Most of you know what these are and what a nice pattern they are" well i know i dont know what a zubov curve looks like and with no pic i can only imagine..and i know im not the only one who doesnt know what that looks like.


Pretty good price though!

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There was a Wade Redden Mission L-2 on ebay earlier today, ended i think, total price was like $20, but shipping was like $60 to the US and $90 to Canada.

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"*Stick may not actually improve your on-ice game. Chances of improvement depend on player’s actual skill and not the stick the player carries. Carrying a Slick Synergy Brand stick may, however, improve your chances of scoring off the ice with a member of the opposite sex."

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"*Stick may not actually improve your on-ice game. Chances of improvement depend on player’s actual skill and not the stick the player carries. Carrying a Slick Synergy Brand stick may, however, improve your chances of scoring off the ice with a member of the opposite sex."

hey, with 12 bids i guess people are going for it haha

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