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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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another ebay dummy?

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Awesome Original Mission Helmet Blk Size Medium Collectors Carry Bag inluded Retail for $399.95

LOL...I believe the original retail was around $149 US and most sites were clearing them out for between $20-$40 a few months ago. Now they're a bit hard to come by, but they were never $399.95 at least not in North America where this seller is from (I know prices in places like England ect can get pretty crazy for hockey equipment). $399.95 Retail is just a ridiculous suggestion. I hope we never see a helmet that retails for that price in my lifetime.

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Last week there was a guy in the UK trying to sell cross-country ski boots as hockey skates - "THEESE SKATES ARE BRAND NEW AND JUST NEED BLADES AND YOUR AWAY! YOU CAN GET BLADES REALLY CHEAP FROM MOST SKATING SHOPS"

Um, ok

In the UK.. there are 2 types of cross country skis...Traditional and Skating skis... so to say he has skates , he is referring to teh type of Skis...its like you referring to Hockey skates as skates.

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I dont keep up with this thread to often, but my friend recently purchases a wooden synergy like stick at a lhs. Its orange and looks exactly like the si-core, and he got it for $14. he says hes gonna sell it on ebay for $100 like a si core. Is that cheap or is it just me? its super easy money too. (if you see a funny si core dont get it)

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I dont keep up with this thread to often, but my friend recently purchases a wooden synergy like stick at a lhs. Its orange and looks exactly like the si-core, and he got it for $14. he says hes gonna sell it on ebay for $100 like a si core. Is that cheap or is it just me? its super easy money too. (if you see a funny si core dont get it)

If he's says it's a Sicore then it's called fraud. If he says it's wood stick ands someone is stupid enough to pay $100, then he should consider himself lucky.

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The Classic ABS and the Ultra Extreme? (or something like that) both look similar to Si-Cores. The Classic ABS looks kind of like a Si-Core grip, and the Ultra Extreme looks close to a regular Si-core. I think the Ultra Extreme is Europe only though.

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I dont keep up with this thread to often, but my friend recently purchases a wooden synergy like stick at a lhs. Its orange and looks exactly like the si-core, and he got it for $14. he says hes gonna sell it on ebay for $100 like a si core. Is that cheap or is it just me? its super easy money too. (if you see a funny si core dont get it)

If he's says it's a Sicore then it's called fraud. If he says it's wood stick ands someone is stupid enough to pay $100, then he should consider himself lucky.

+1, i'd be f*cking angry if your dirty friend make money with me. :D

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It's a woodie. Fibreglass reinforced shaft with an ABS blade from memory. I think these had a thinner shaft than normal - about the size of the tapered end of a tapered shaft.

Yup, I have 4 of them in my basement that I bought for a roller hockey league years ago. I think I play like 16.99 a piece for them, maybe less.

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I hate to stick up for this guy, because I agree with you all, the guy is most likely full of shit. However, Sid does have a huge endorsement deal with RBK, I suppose it's possible he was trying out their sticks in practice.

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