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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eagle composite sticks

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Not to get on your case more than I usually do, but honestly why do you want to buy a stick that you know nothing about?

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Not to get on your case more than I usually do, but honestly why do you want to buy a stick that you know nothing about?

She doesn't "want to buy it" she's "considering it" and asking for others opinions. If you can't use the board for that purpose then what the hell good is it?

(Although I make no excuses for her horrible grammar and spelling)

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Not to get on your case more than I usually do, but honestly why do you want to buy a stick that you know nothing about?

She doesn't "want to buy it" she's "considering it" and asking for others opinions. If you can't use the board for that purpose then what the hell good is it?

(Although I make no excuses for her horrible grammar and spelling)

I just asked a simple question Geraldo.

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Guess that I am too old fashioned. I like my stick in my hands when the creditcard leaves the wallet. I scratched my head with the one90 skate hype. People pre-ordering a skate blows my mind, especially when its a new skate and the fit wont be the same as the old models.

Sorry LC, I don't mean to sound like I am getting on your case.

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it made the rounds with some pros over the summer..but I don't believe Eagle is really set up to do any pro level stuff.. it did get good reviews ...

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interesting stick, I wouldn't pay $160 to try it out though. I want to at least touch a stick before I buy it, the exception would be the flyweights I bought... which JR basically talked me into from his numerous posts about how great they are.

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Sorry to split from the topic, but I don't think my question deserves its own thread. Today I picked up a Foresberg SL that said it's lie was 5. I always thought the foresberg was 5.5. Is this a change or is it actually 5.5?

Thank you


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that looks sweet!

is 417 good for weight?

i use an intermediate synthesis, uncut with hybrid blade, does anyone know what that weighs?

im gettng a new stick for christmas and i cant decide wich one to get,but this one is in the running.

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that looks sweet!

is 417 good for weight?

i use an intermediate synthesis, uncut with hybrid blade, does anyone know what that weighs?

im gettng a new stick for christmas and i cant decide wich one to get,but this one is in the running.

toss it on a scale like the guy in the pics did..

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The stick looks great - got some better pics last night...


Hmmmmm- blade looks exactly like a Vapor XXXLite and is within 3 grams as well. Coincidence, or a special run made for Eagle?

EDIT: Just read the first page and saw that it is of their own design. Sorry.

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Hmmmmm- blade looks exactly like a Vapor XXXLite and is within 3 grams as well. Coincidence, or a special run made for Eagle?

I think the XXX Lite's shaft shape resembles the Eagle's, and that's about it for similarities. But, I don't have a pic of the XXX Lite in front of me right now, so that can be taken with a grain of salt.

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Within 0.5% of the advertised weight - that must be some sort of record. If that's consistent, that should speak volumes about the link between their marketing departments and manufacturing processes.

Even more impressive is that it's awfully close and we're talking about sticks with blades of various sizes (well, one so far) instead of just shafts. (I believe shafts should be bang on for size/weight since one doesn't have blades of different lengths and patterns) Of course, with only 3 patterns of medium length and all rounded toes, it does make it easier to be closer.

The closest one-piece I've had (Stealth grip) was 3.9% off advertised weight, without the end plug (12.2% off with the end plug) and closest shaft (RL XN10) was 7.2% off advertised weight without the end plug. (26.6% with end plug)

JR, is there any sort of grip coating of the stick?

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that looks sweet!

is 417  good for weight?

i use an intermediate synthesis, uncut with hybrid blade, does anyone know what that weighs?

im gettng  a new stick for christmas and i cant decide wich one to get,but this one is in the running.

toss it on a scale like the guy in the pics did..

i dont have a scale like that

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