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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for players

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any hockey players who eligible to get Hong Kong passport, and willing to play for the Hong Kong team, please send me your contact info! We would like to recruit you to play in the Hong Kong team playing in future international tournaments like the Asian Winter Games, and the Chinese National winter games, and if you are between 15 to 19, there is a chance to play in the Div III world Championship too!!

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give me two years, and I might be able to do it :D half of my family is from HK. I was also t hinking about the China nat team, cuz, you know, asians dont play hockey. neither to black people.

uh-oh, someone call me when the smoke clears.

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:lol: :angry: Just kidding.

I liked your movie, too, Tigger. Especially when you asked what the chances of going out with that girl were, she said "One in a million," and you said "So you're sayin' there's a chance." Knee-slappin' good time. :lol:

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Yeah, it was tough to keep a straight face. Personally, though, my favorite line was when I blurted "I want to make love to a school boy!" only a few seconds before that. I can't begin to tell you how many takes it took before I could say it without laughing.

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Yeah, it was tough to keep a straight face. Personally, though, my favorite line was when I blurted "I want to make love to a school boy!" only a few seconds before that. I can't begin to tell you how many takes it took before I could say it without laughing.


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I hope the the compensation is better than what China gives. You make more working at Mcdonalds here PART-TIME than their $. They have terrible equipment supplies too.

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give me two years, and I might be able to do it :D half of my family is from HK. I was also t hinking about the China nat team, cuz, you know, asians dont play hockey. neither to black people.

wow... all I'm saying is wow. It's 2007 man.

Anyways, I'm half Vietnamese.... not Chinese, or I'd be down! haha... I wonder if the Sicilian nat'l team needs a guy.

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give me two years, and I might be able to do it :D half of my family is from HK. I was also t hinking about the China nat team, cuz, you know, asians dont play hockey. neither to black people.

wow... all I'm saying is wow. It's 2007 man.

Anyways, I'm half Vietnamese.... not Chinese, or I'd be down! haha... I wonder if the Sicilian nat'l team needs a guy.

A lot of Canadian-Italians go to italy to play, most of italy's national team is Canadian

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cuz, you know, asians dont play hockey. neither to black people.

Yeah, black people don't play hockey, and they don't know anything about hockey equipment either.

I mean, really, could you be *that* dumb?

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give me two years, and I might be able to do it :D half of my family is from HK. I was also t hinking about the China nat team, cuz, you know, asians dont play hockey. neither to black people.

Man, then what the hell have I been doing all these years? Damn coaches told me this was basketball.

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like I said.. it's the year 2007..... you'd hope you wouldn't hear stuff like that anymore. So much for my wishful thinking.

*shakes his head*

I might add that my 51 year old father came to the US from Vietnam in 1976, and taught himself how to skate in 1988, and has been playing hockey since.

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Well I have a black friend. :unsure:

Come on Driscoe, you can do better than that. You know a black guy that plays hockey? Congrats. Here's your "Man of the Year" award. You guys just don't get it. AJTa seems to be a rarity here, actually hitting the nail on the head. You'd hope that you wouldn't hear that crap.

Ignorance is bliss, JR. There's always one of 'em...

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this seems like becoming racial here!! :( Please keep those remarks to yourself.

I just want people to know that Hong Kong needs some hockey players, but they have to be able to get Hong Kong passports! Meaning you were born in Hong Kong or your parents were born in Hong Kong and willing to get a Hong Kong passport is the issue! IIHF requires player playing for their country needs to have their own country passport! This is the no. one priority.

There is no need to stay for a month, only if we know your skill level and your are training aboard, you may come only at the time of the tournament, but everyone play needs to be the member of HongKong Ice Hockey Association!

We all are amateurs, therefore no salary will be paid and no subsides, only the subsides will pay for your partial travel expense.

We all do this for the love of the game, and to represent our country or region.

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Too bad Ireland doesn't have a policy like that. At that point my lack of talent would probably be the deal-breaker though.

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give me two years, and I might be able to do it :D half of my family is from HK. I was also t hinking about the China nat team, cuz, you know, asians dont play hockey. neither to black people.

Man, then what the hell have I been doing all these years? Damn coaches told me this was basketball.

Looks like my coaches tricked me to....

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It's just funny to see someone make a comment about that when one of the admins on this board is black.

And he's damn lucky I hadn't read this yet.

So has Ku Klux Klam run away from the board yet?

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