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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Someone jog my memory

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Tell me the last time Chris Rock was funny. I can't even remember the era other than "sometime in the late 90s" as to when I stopped laughing at him and watched him out of habit.

I went to his movie yesterday afternoon with nothing better to do and walked out 30mins into it with no hesitation. I can't remember ever walking out of a movie before but this was pathetic. It was a 15-second joke gone on way too long, but it's not like he's had new material to work with. I mean white people still suck; gangsta rap is prevalent everywhere, etc., etc.

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Back in Black and Bring on the Pain were both late 90's.... so its almost been about 10 years. Its a pitty too. To this date, you can still hear people asking if you want a cookie.

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I liked "Champagne", but I was ten and just liked the Tiger Woods part. The last time Chris Rock was funny was when Michael Scott recited one of his stand ups.

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I think that's the last time I laughed at anything related to him and at that point, due to being watered-down like BK pointed out, it was because of Steve Carell.

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When I was younger I used to get Chris Rock and Michael Tucker mixed-up all the time...Then Michael Tucker disappeared.

For some reason, though, Chris Rock has stuck around. I've stopped paying attention.

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Yeah, that's what I meant. I always watched more baseball than I did movies.

As a Braves fan, I miss that guy. I miss their pitching, too. And the days when Chipper wasn't hurt all the time. Most of all, I miss Leo.

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I miss when they spent money. If Uncle Ted was still running show there'd be no way they'd have all the prospects they do as they'd have packaged them for stars ages ago.

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I don't know, I know he wasn't in it much but I'm one of maybe 3 people on Earth that liked Pootie Tang.

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I don't know, I know he wasn't in it much but I'm one of maybe 3 people on Earth that liked Pootie Tang.

I'll be the second to like Pootie Tang.

I'll at least give them credit. It was amusing.

Oh yea. I remember that I liked Dogma (albeit he was not very funny).

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I still think he's funny. But not soo much in his movies and his show is barely decent.

When I see him on interviews I still find him funny.

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I know plenty of people funny in everyday situations, not far off from an interview but I still wouldn't pay money to see them. As bad as his SNL intro this weekend was, it was infinitely funnier than this movie.

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I think you mean Chris Tucker. Michael Tucker played for the Braves.

Hey... before he was a brave, he was a Royal.

Still watch them lose 100 games a year with no hesitation.

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I know plenty of people funny in everyday situations, not far off from an interview but I still wouldn't pay money to see them. As bad as his SNL intro this weekend was, it was infinitely funnier than this movie.

Agreed. There's very few people I would actually pay to see live. I might watch the movie but only when it comes out on dvd, his movies just aren't that good.

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He was on Bill Maher's show last summer, and I thought he'd be good, given his reputation for scathing social commentary. Early into the show, the topic of gasoline prices came up and his reponse was, "$3 a gallon! $3 a gallon! $3 for a gallon of gasoline!"

Seven minutes passed, then he said, "$3 a gallon!"

Another six minutes, and he said, "$3 a gallon!"

Then ten minutes before, "$3 a gallon!"

That was virtually it. Not only was it not funny, but it was disappointing for someone billed as insightful.

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Sine yo pitty on the runny kine.

AND he's been Leepa sank tone since 1985.

sada tay..

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Wanda Sykes was the one that made that movie. Biggie Shortie was the best. But she was also funny as the maid in the movie that Chris Rock came back to life as the white guy.

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