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Batman: The Dark Knight

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There are pics of one of the suits that will be used in the Iron Man movie (towards the bottom on the left). I'm assuming this will be the first suit, while I read there will be at least two others in the movie, including the traditional gold and red.

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I saw them a couple days ago and will try to get them up when I get home, but there are a crapload of pics from the leaked trailer where that Joker shot came from. Still not a fan of the batsuit, but the Batcycle thing is growing on me much like the Tumbler did.

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Ahh that'd be them. Really hoping that Ledger has a sadistic Joker, and he should given that he was told to use "Killing Joke" as his reference, but I also hope he stops trying to sound like Nicholson's.

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i think he'll make a swell joker, but i can't stand the hair. i know it's minor, and it might be from the cartoons and old movies, but i'd much rather it a bit shorter, and slicked back...not some curly surfer mop, plus, more green. seems it's a cheap washout green hair dye. minor things in the end, but it still annoys me. can't wait to see the flick though.

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True, but bear in mind that pic posted on this page appears to be before his face gets butchered because I can't seen any scarring by his mouth. As long as he isn't doing the gay shenanigans that Nicholson did I'll be all right. This series seems to be aimed to being dark, so I'll have faith in that.

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Some spoilers:

* Casting has just been completed for 400 extras to play police officers in a major scene to be shot next week. The scene is most likely a funeral scene.

* Why a funeral scene? Well, it turns out that in his quest to turn the city of Gotham upside down, The Joker (Heath Ledger) knocks off both the Mayor and the Police Commissioner. He goes after DA Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) by dropping in on a party for Dent being held by Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale). You may already know about the party, especially if you saw those pics. This is where The Joker grabs a hold of Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and ultimately where he first battles Batman.

* My good friend Peter over at /Film reported a few weeks ago that The Joker does in fact kidnap Rachel Dawes from the party (as seen in the first Joker pic that was released; the one where he is holding a knife to her throat). According to my source, that is only partly true. It turns out that The Joker shows up to the party looking for Harvey Dent, as he is next in line to die. Bruce Wayne slips out of the party and puts dons the Batsuit (which seems to be getting mixed reactions from the fans). When he re-enters, he throws Dent out of the way, leaving Dawes (who was Dent’s date) unattended. The Joker then takes her as his hostage and ultimately ends up throwing her out of the window. He also jumps out of the window, followed by Batman.

* Also showing up at the party is Senator Patrick Leahy, who also has words with The Joker.

* In describing Heath Ledger as The Joker, our source said, “Heath Ledger is good. Very Dark. He looked sort of like a bum clown, as if haphazardly done. His hair was nappy — he looked kinda weasely. But he is a twisted, scary guy.”

* Our source also revealed that the entire party sequence was shot with a steadicam, with some shots being conducted with an IMAX camera.

* Our source also tried to help clear up the “multiple Batmans” rumor that has been running rampant around the interwebs. We obviously know that there are multiple guys in Batsuits running around the city, as evidence from the pictures that were leaked. Our source said that based on the dialogue he has heard in some of the scenes, this is all a ploy by The Joker to damage Batman’s image. It all plays into a sick and twisted mind game that The Joker uses to create chaos. It certainly makes more sense than the “Batman impostor” theory that has been going around.

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Video clips from Superman/Doomsday, which is essential The Death Of Superman and is coming out on DVD in September.

Given Bruce Timm is involved, I don't understand why they didn't carry over some of the voices from JLU. Clancy Brown had such a deep, gravelly, ominous voice for Luthor, whereas this guy's voice isn't as strong.

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I like how he's playing it because I think that's the only way to make him work. Obvious choice with Iron Man as the song but they played it off well.

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A 10-minute video on DC's upcoming, direct-to-home DVD The New Frontier.

For those who haven't read it, it's essentially a Silver Age look at the JLA juxtaposed against seminal events of the Cold War. I can't remember whether the book presented the characters as having met for the first time, but it became an interesting story, even though I'm not a fan of Silver Age drawings.

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Looks like a legit trailer. The joker laugh is very creepy and psychotic, and the shot of the joker they show looks very sweet.

A lot of the shots of Batman look like Begins clips though... hard to tell how real this one is.

Not sure if the guy freaking out right after the Joker laugh is Wayne (going nuts from the Joker's pranks) Dent (two-facing out) or Joker (being nuts)

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yeah pretty sure the Aaron Eckhart (H. Dent) shot is from Thank You for Smoking.

i haven't looked at this much yet, but i didn't realize Maggie Gyllenhaal was in this. I was going to see it anyway, but w/ her in it's an added bonus.

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