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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 08

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IMO, with all these stick tricks and all the different controls, they should implement the warmup before the game, you could select a player and do warmup drills and have the potion to skip it...

That could be cool...

From watching the earlier create-a-player video it looks like they'll have some kind of drills you can do when you're testing out your equipment choices.

I wonder if you can make a custom curve... A smaller heel (3/8") with a neutral face would be my pick.

Oh wait, that's the stupidest idea ever. :huh:

Seriously, though, I'd hope that they actually make some good changes in Dynasty mode instead of allowing us to choose a friggin' curve. Change their goalie AI as well.

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Ok I just translated Joker75's notes from NHL Community Day 2007 (held in late July)

-The gameplay is slower (compared to 07)

-The AI is more challenging from All-star level and up

-Garbage goals and deflections are much better, even incidental deflections go in

-It is hard to get by a defenseman 1 on 1, even with the new free puck mechanics as the puck is quite “live’ and will bounce off any obstacle (ie. defenseman,stick etc.)

-Goalie saves are much more realistic, the trickle bug has been fixed for the mostpart. As in 07, a lot of goal variety

- Hitting is improved, smaller players have a harder time knocking down larger ones, many new animations which make hitting look more realistic

-referees are more strict and call more penalties and respond much quicker to infractions

-Skating animations are much better and more precise, you don’t have to always defend by standing next to the puck carrier (positional defense is now possible) and it is easier to block the path of the puck (on passes and shots)

-The new “stick vision” is a great feature that is shown in replays to tell you what you did wrong if a play or shot didn’t work out for you

-The game intros now have the endings of the national anthems and period intermissions now display stats, game notes and replays

-Now you can play defense by laying your stick on the ice or dropping to one knee

-The 360 version runs a smooth 60 FPS, whether the PS3 version will run at 30 or 60 FPS I am not allowed to say at this time

-Better fight system than in 07

-The AI now has a more effective attack style, they will circle in the ffensive zone looking for better plays, if your lazy on defense you will get blown out bad. Hitting isn’t as effective as a defensive strategy as in 07 and laying your stick on the ice and poke checks don’t work every time. This year the game is all about defense. When you are on attack, what was amazing is to see both defensemen work together. You aren’t able to get into the offensive zone as easily as in 07

-Most deflected pucks miss the net

-Defensemen hold the blueline better and generate more offensive pressure

-The problems with line changes in 07 where players would skate into offsides has been improved (ie. I didn’t notice any)

-Defense strategies of different teams was noticeable

-The atmosphere of the crowds and arenas is even better than 07

-The graphics overall look a bit better than 07, faces are improved

-AHL teams have their real on ice logos and jersey’s, but not their arenas

-In game player statistics were not present in the version we saw as the team wanted to have the audio aspect of the game finalized first

-Goalie control is a lot of fun, the camera is behind you and you have a lot of moves at your disposal, the controls are easy to use as well

-We are not allowed to comment on the creation zone, dynasty mode and online functionality at the moment

-The AI shoots from all positions and use different methods to score

-The AI adapts to a repetitive game styles so you have to change up your strategies frequently

-You are now able to block clear attempts in the offensive zone

-About a thousand new cutscenes (including goal celebrations) have been added

-Same commentary as last year, just less repetitive

-Some new goalie animations

-There seemed to be new types of penalties, but since the puck was never shot out of the rink (without being deflected that is) I don’t know if delay of game is in or not

-AI blocks more shots

-2 and 5 minute penalties

-Better equipment textures and arena details

-More than one goalie control camera

-More camera settings than in 07

-More info and game news will be released August 14-16 2007

-Different pre-game animations/cutscenes for all 30 arenas

-Fighting reminds me of a mini-“fight night” round

-Faceoffs are now done with just the stick

-You can aim shots more accurately than in 07

-Overall ratings for 6 players: - Crosby 93, Turco 88, Phaneuf 86, Lindtrom 96, Luongo 92, Vaněk 84

-Full bench animations during play

-new ice physics leave puck trails and snow from skates

-All 30 new uniforms will be in the game on release (but many won’t be shown until release)

-Powerplays and playing shorthanded looks and plays more realistically

-Helmets can come off after hits

-We played the game on the 360 at 1080p

-Board pinning was added to 08

-You can still score between the goalies legs, but not as easily as in 07

-AI uses different shootout styles

-The glass moves after hits

-Scrums in front of the nets happen

-Goalie stats are shown during the game which weren’t in 07

-During intermissions you get positive and negative feedback (regarding controls)

-You can make the opposition lose control of the puck by hitting his stick with yours

-If you start too many fight with a certain player, he will be tossed

-Apparently there will be 3 puck shadow sizes (absent from 07)

-You are able to score with just one hand on the stick

-You can now use the official shootout rules

-The new icing rule has been fixed (wasn’t always accurate in 07)

-The size of the player is important in fights

-Pronger has a 96 overall

- Interference calls are more frequent and stricter

-Fans react to the play more closely, still not real-life accurate but better than ever before

-Real time goal celebrations, each player has a repertoire of 25 celebrations from different cameras

-Unfortunately you can’t change forwards and defensemen separately

-Better and nicer looking score panel (ticker?)

-Season stats are now displayed for players and goalies

-Apparently out of town scores will be displayed prior to your game starting

-You can’t put in your own soundtrack

-Replays are now shown from a variety of different camera angles, more cool

-better stick to player body collision detection, you can now have your stick hit off of skates and sticks

-The faceoff mechanic isn’t as good as in 2K8


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"PS3 version will run at 30 or 60 FPS I am not allowed to say at this time"

This makes me believe that it will be 30...

This is a no way situation, 360 keeps breaking and PS3 is not being programmed for... i guess i'm sitting out another year....

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ive just seen a video about the reebok edge jerseys are they part of the 08 game? and is that build a player or team and gear editor going to be on the ps2 format?

Yes, they're just not allowed to show them until every team officially releases them.

And I don't know about Ps2.

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just got a bit confused because in some clips ovechkin is wearing an old caps jersey and others hes wearing the new red and white edge one. if anyone knows where there are details of the ps2 game please let me know

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I read on gamespot that the game will ship with the old jerseys and you'll have to download the new jerseys patch from EA.

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I read on gamespot that the game will ship with the old jerseys and you'll have to download the new jerseys patch from EA.

Ships with the old jerseys because they don't want teams that haven't unveiled their jerseys yet to have it first happen in the game. Once every team has unveiled their jerseys then easports.com will have a code released to unlock them since they're already in the game.

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I read on gamespot that the game will ship with the old jerseys and you'll have to download the new jerseys patch from EA.

Ships with the old jerseys because they don't want teams that haven't unveiled their jerseys yet to have it first happen in the game. Once every team has unveiled their jerseys then easports.com will have a code released to unlock them since they're already in the game.

I remember reading this too. I just can't remember where it was.

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I read on gamespot that the game will ship with the old jerseys and you'll have to download the new jerseys patch from EA.



It was also attached to this thread

I read on gamespot that the game will ship with the old jerseys and you'll have to download the new jerseys patch from EA.



Second to last paragraph

It was also attached to this thread. Your post.

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", once all of the NHL teams have introduced their new-look uniforms, a code will be provided on the EA Sports web site that, once entered into the game, will unlock the new uniforms for use in your matches."

from that article,

you don't have to download them, it's a code that you get from ea.

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it's not much but it kills me wen the gome does stuff thats imposible, like take this video, the point man, odonnel takes a one time point shot cross body, i mean please...


game looks fun tho... I still don't like the ea puck physics

i don't know if it was my own eyes seeing this or if anyone else has noticed, but odonnel shoots the one-timer left handed, and after the celebrations when they close up on him he is holding his stick righty....

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EA is looking to get feedback on home arenas for their game. They clarified this is for NHL 09, not 08.

Forum Link

Alright guys. The dev team has asked me to put up these questions because you guys (the hardcore) know what you're talking about. This is VERY important, and the more specific you can get, the better! Show your true colors and answer these questions as they would pertain to your team!

1 - Does your home arena have a goalie chant? What is it? What does it sound like? Do you have any examples?

2 - Who is the crowd favorite and what is the crowd chant that is used to address him? Can be more than one!

3 - What is/are the team chants used in arena during a game?

4 - Are there any playoff specific chants used in your arena?

5 - What, if any, opposing teams does your arena have chants for? What are these chants?

6 - What song or music is played after a goal is scored?

7 - What song or music is played after an opposing team receives a penalty?

8 - What is the intro that your team uses at the beginning of the game? What song plays? Are the lights on/off? Does the crowd chant anything?

9 - Are there any other crowd chants that are unique to your arena? What are they and how are they used?

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1. Better to have the fans chant the opposing goalie's name when play starts up after a goal against. It's more common.

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Chants would be an all right touch, but if they're able to put actual goal songs in then I'm definitely using Anaheim.

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I just really hope that they dont shaft the pc version like they did with last year's version. For those of you who don't know, the xbox 360 version got a complete makeover, where the pc version got a few minor tweeks. Hopefully they make 1 version across the boards.

and for fucks sake... make put in widescreen resolutions.. we aren't in 2001 anymore.

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Everyone but 360 owners got the same game as 06 essentially. I thought 2k7 was a brutal game on XBox until I played NHL 2007. That may be the worst hockey game I've ever played besides NHL 96. I don't count Mario Lemieux/Brett Hull Hockey or any Gretzky versions.

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