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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1998 Easton Catalog BS- Before Synergy!

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The Easton 1998 catalog is before OPS. Z-Bubble shafts are new and mack, here are all the A/G shafts! The T-Flex graphite shaft is here, too. I posted the woodies to show more blade patterns.In Repalcement blades, the Ultra Lite Kevlar is new for 98. The Leetch pattern looks very Lidstromish!! Yes, Zhamnov did have a blade pattern but so did Zubrus! Enjoy!

Front Cover


Shafts- Z-Bubble, T-Flex, and Ultra A/G 7100 CX Gold Tip


Shafts- Ultra A/Gs and Ultra Lite




More Woodies


Blades- Big selection of T-Flex blades: 3 patterns! Whoopee!


More blades


Stevie Y is showcasing the Easton Z-Air Pro skates with the Razor Bladz with Kevlar Graphite Holder. Its too ugly to show!

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How close do you think those T-flex shafts where to the listed weight? 275g is impressive for a graphite shaft.

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You'd think that during 9 years, they'd find a way to make the Z-Bubble lighter. I think I have one of those in my basement, too.

He has so many catalogs because that's when DarkStar was just barely past his prime. His heyday was a little before that '91 Cooper catalog came out. What else is a retired guy supposed to do other than to collect catalogs? :P

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Retired? Not until I hit the mega-millions!!

"Mega Millions"

Sounds like an old model skate lol.

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I loved me the hell out of the A/G 7000 but wow was that thing skinny. Slick too, but at that point was when I started spray painting shafts and it at least added some grip feeling to it.

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Damn everything looks so... not old but strange, I remember thinking all this stuff was the great when it came out and thinking hockey gear was coming to a peak in innovation.

Thanks DS50

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HATED the UL Kevlar blade. Ugh.

I have one floating around in a closet.. lol.. its there for a reason :)

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I want to see a catalog from about 1993. I got an Easton Aluminum shaft that I still keep as a backup and use pretty regularly. The thing is a tank, good luck getting 15 years out of a composite =)

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was there any aluminum left in the catalog (besides the A/Gs) or was it all graphite/kevlar already?

I had Cyclone silver tip around '98 that I loved, but it could have been old stock in a shop.

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I think the all-aluminum shafts ended that year or the year before. The Classic, Gretzky, Cyclone and Convex were the last that I remembered.

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Stevie Y is showcasing the Easton Z-Air Pro skates with the Razor Bladz with Kevlar Graphite Holder. Its too ugly to show!

No, you gotta do it, post it up, please! :D

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I think the all-aluminum shafts ended that year or the year before. The Classic, Gretzky, Cyclone and Convex were the last that I remembered.

To think that Shanny somehow was able to stockpile enough of those shafts to last him until at least '05-06 when he switched to the Dolo is pretty insane.

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have that brown ultra lite in the basement brand new 110 flex...man i should try it

According to a lot of people, thats the nicest shaft ever made.

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have that brown ultra lite in the basement brand new 110 flex...man i should try it

According to a lot of people, thats the nicest shaft ever made.

It may not be the best performance-wise, but it's durable as hell. I think me and my brother have serviced three of them and there's nary a scratch on them, all of them those brown ULs.

Gee, between those, the green bubble, and that old aluminum classic in my basement, I think I have a bunch of old sticks. I'm using a younger UL (can't remember what year, the first year they came in 85, I made a typo in the equipment thread) right now, as my backup.

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