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Video Game Console Question

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It's true, the PS3 does have a good game or two. Forza is still a better racing game, GT is pretty though.

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Gameplay is xbox>ps3. Get over it, they lost this round. You can't win them all, I still love my ps2.

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You can't generalize "gameplay" as its completely dependent on the game that is spinning in your console, and this is coming from a 360 Elite owner. People will play the games they want to play. Can we lock this topic now since it seems every participating member is living vicariously through some 12 year old kid who argues about video game consoles at a middle school lunch table? :rolleyes:

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I dont even remember typing that one last night, thank god I didn't write anything bad or retarded. Guess I had a few to many.

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I took the plunge and bought a 360 when NHL07 came out. I'm a fairly regular gamer, not psycho about it, but own more than a couple of games. So the jump from Xbox to 360 was pretty sweet. I would suggest the 360 over the PS3 for all the same reasons everyone else has posted about (price, lack of games, etc.)

I just had my first red ring of death downloading the Microsoft approved spring update. It took about two weeks to get it back.

Now I'm just waiting for NHL08. :)

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  Bleeding Blue Note said:

I took the plunge and bought a 360 when NHL07 came out. I'm a fairly regular gamer, not psycho about it, but own more than a couple of games. So the jump from Xbox to 360 was pretty sweet. I would suggest the 360 over the PS3 for all the same reasons everyone else has posted about (price, lack of games, etc.)

I just had my first red ring of death downloading the Microsoft approved spring update. It took about two weeks to get it back.

Now I'm just waiting for NHL08. :)

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Something to play while your waiting is Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Vegas. I got it yesterday and it is awesome.

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  Cheesehead said:
  Bleeding Blue Note said:

I took the plunge and bought a 360 when NHL07 came out. I'm a fairly regular gamer, not psycho about it, but own more than a couple of games. So the jump from Xbox to 360 was pretty sweet. I would suggest the 360 over the PS3 for all the same reasons everyone else has posted about (price, lack of games, etc.)

I just had my first red ring of death downloading the Microsoft approved spring update. It took about two weeks to get it back.

Now I'm just waiting for NHL08. :)

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Something to play while your waiting is Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Vegas. I got it yesterday and it is awesome.

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x2. That game is insane online... So addictive. The single player campaign is pretty intense also, especially on Realistic. Beating it on Realistic is the hardest thing I've done since tackling Halo 2 on Legendary.

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  sabre09923 said:
  Cheesehead said:
  Bleeding Blue Note said:

I took the plunge and bought a 360 when NHL07 came out. I'm a fairly regular gamer, not psycho about it, but own more than a couple of games. So the jump from Xbox to 360 was pretty sweet. I would suggest the 360 over the PS3 for all the same reasons everyone else has posted about (price, lack of games, etc.)

I just had my first red ring of death downloading the Microsoft approved spring update. It took about two weeks to get it back.

Now I'm just waiting for NHL08. :)

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Something to play while your waiting is Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Vegas. I got it yesterday and it is awesome.

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x2. That game is insane online... So addictive. The single player campaign is pretty intense also, especially on Realistic. Beating it on Realistic is the hardest thing I've done since tackling Halo 2 on Legendary.

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R6 is one of the only games I've ever had the desire to play through more than once (aside from sports games of course). Try Ghost Recon 2 if you liked R6. It's similar. R6 is a lot better imo, but GRAW 2 was pretty good too.

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Resistance is a good game, no doubt about that. The other games I like on PS3 are Fight Night (fun online) and MLB 2007 The Show has a pretty sweet career mode where you move up from A Ball all the way to the Bigs, and you only control your player, so if you are a pitcher you just pitch and hit when necessary, you don't play the whole game. You build up ratings and stuff, I thought it was pretty neat..

Im playing NCAA Football now...eh I think it is alright, the gameplay isn't amazing but it is growing on me, and I still hate the stupid menu system which is similar to Madden. I mean is it so hard to have SMOOTH friggin menus? Jesus.

I want to try Rainbow 6, from what I hear it is probably the best game on the system besides maybe Resistance...Ninja Gaiden is supposed to be good too but I hated the demo so I havent' rented it yet.

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yes, it is very similar to Madden (which I hated), but I've only played about 1.5 games so far and haven't touched the dynasty mode so I'm not ready to give a full opinion on it. Madden was brutal last year, I couldn't even finish a game it was so bad. The last NCAA on PS2 on the other hand was one of my favourite sports games in a long time in terms of gameplay, so I figured I'd give this one a bit of a chance.

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  mrusse01 said:

Im playing NCAA Football now...eh I think it is alright, the gameplay isn't amazing but it is growing on me, and I still hate the stupid menu system which is similar to Madden. I mean is it so hard to have SMOOTH friggin menus? Jesus.

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I'm thinking of a getting a PS3 but was wondering how NCAA 08 is with the 30fps does it bother you? or is it fine.

Also anyone know for sure or have any proof if NHL 08 and 2k8 will run at 30 fps or 60 fps on the PS3.

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  sfael said:
  mrusse01 said:

Im playing NCAA Football now...eh I think it is alright, the gameplay isn't amazing but it is growing on me, and I still hate the stupid menu system which is similar to Madden. I mean is it so hard to have SMOOTH friggin menus? Jesus.

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I'm thinking of a getting a PS3 but was wondering how NCAA 08 is with the 30fps does it bother you? or is it fine.

Also anyone know for sure or have any proof if NHL 08 and 2k8 will run at 30 fps or 60 fps on the PS3.

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I think it's fine. I have been very happy with NCAA 08

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I don't think its the 30 FPS that bothers me, although I haven't seen it on the 360 at 60, so I don't really have a frame of reference. Either way I don't think I'd be saying 'oh my god this game is amazing' if it was 60 fps instead of 30, there are still a lot of gameplay/presentation issues I have with the game.

It's an ok game, I'd rate it like a 7-7.5 out of 10...maybe a bit higher once I get into a dynasty mode, we'll see.

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My brother's 360 went tits-up and he had to call in to have it repaired. Painless process; they sent a box and in it were the instructions, label and foam to pack it back in. We take out the HD and pack it up and go to drop it off at UPS today. The box is plain and the label makes no reference to Microsoft, yet when he's walking it up to the counter the lady knows what it is. "Another one of these?"

"You know what's in here?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, we send back about 10 of those a week. This is about the third one today I've gotten."

Absolutely brutal and it's not like we're a booming metropolis.

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Even with the recent price drop, I went with a PS2...cheap and all the games I am looking for. I can't justify dropping $500 on a system when I just play on the weekends.

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  mack said:

My brother's 360 went tits-up and he had to call in to have it repaired. Painless process; they sent a box and in it were the instructions, label and foam to pack it back in. We take out the HD and pack it up and go to drop it off at UPS today. The box is plain and the label makes no reference to Microsoft, yet when he's walking it up to the counter the lady knows what it is. "Another one of these?"

"You know what's in here?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, we send back about 10 of those a week. This is about the third one today I've gotten."

Absolutely brutal and it's not like we're a booming metropolis.

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Luckily for me, the only time I've gotten the red rings is when the some idiot stepped on the power brick. I freaked out, but it turned out that everything was alright.

A friend of mine's Wii broke though. Don't know how, but they sent it back a week ago. Damned thing just wouldn't turn on.

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  mack said:

My brother's 360 went tits-up and he had to call in to have it repaired. Painless process; they sent a box and in it were the instructions, label and foam to pack it back in. We take out the HD and pack it up and go to drop it off at UPS today. The box is plain and the label makes no reference to Microsoft, yet when he's walking it up to the counter the lady knows what it is. "Another one of these?"

"You know what's in here?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, we send back about 10 of those a week. This is about the third one today I've gotten."

Absolutely brutal and it's not like we're a booming metropolis.

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Microsoft won't comment on the actual numbers, but retailers have reported the failure rate of 360's to be somewhere between 25-33%, and Microsoft has had to write down $1 billion (!) in earnings as a result of the problems. Maybe they should stick to software :lol:

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I don't doubt any seemingly high/exaggerated numbers after hearing that lady talk about the number they ship back. Not to mention no one gave him an ETA on the return date, Microsoft is just horrible. If he gets a new one I hope it at least has the new chip.

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