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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Diesel Hockey Shoes-Have you seen these?

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I was flipping through one of my magazines one day and was blown away when I saw these:


I dont care what anyone says, Ill rock these everyday, these are the $hit! If anyone sees these around, let me know. Also, for the record, I do not want to know where to get those jeans lol


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I dont know what they are called,I just know that the clothing brand Diesel makes them and I just think they would make a sweet conversation piece at the rink. I already emailed Diesel about them. Hopefully they find the time to reply:)

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I know they are just pretty sick. They are even cooler than the ones nike put out back in the day when they were just cracking into the hockey market after buying bauer.

I live in Alaska, and I was thinking if they were insulated, and the tongue was felt on the backing, I could kick them in the winter too lol

sorry, but why are they called hockey shoes?

EDIT: Drewhunz beat me to it

Plus, the trademark folded over tongue.

Yes, yes, the foldover is a must. Its like Chuck Taylors meets the ice lol

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They look like old school skates. They even have the grommets on the back "tendon guard".

oh, yeah, you're right! that's sick! now i want 'em too!

fastbrother7, please inform us if these are still available anywhere. i'd love to get a pair!

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why not contact a diesel store or other retailer of diesel in your area?

by the way, they're not called hover-walkers. there's no specific info on the shoe on diesel's website, just a generic footwear section which is futuristic and lame.

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I am going to hunt those down, are they seriously $400? Looks like ebay is the best chance.

Or was it $500?

I'm just kidding. Sorry........... The part about baking was the tip-off.....

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