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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I got the ESPN scorecentre app which is pretty good. However, I still want to find a way to listen to nhl radio since it can't be done in the browser because of flash limitations. Anyone have any suggestions?

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  jonow3 said:
I got the ESPN scorecentre app which is pretty good. However, I still want to find a way to listen to nhl radio since it can't be done in the browser because of flash limitations. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Yeah, the XM/Sirius app is nice, but costs $3/Mo for the subscription. But you get most of the channel lineup too, so it's worth it. I'm actually considering dropping my regular subscription for this.

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  wex12 said:
Yeah, the XM/Sirius app is nice, but costs $3/Mo for the subscription. But you get most of the channel lineup too, so it's worth it. I'm actually considering dropping my regular subscription for this.
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That's one of the things that would make me consider an iphone.

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  TBLfan said:
I just downloaded this app, pretty badass. I guess it just got launched. It's a speech-to-text app that works well, it gives you three options; clipboard, email or text... and it's free.

Dragon Dictation

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TBL, that app is excellent -- thanks for alerting us.

But, back to the story at hand. I'm thinking about taking years off by becoming JB literate, but have a few questions.

1) Will I find the initial JBing software at Cydia?

2) Will I still be able to plug into iTunes, or will it automatically overwrite the changes made to the OS?

3) What do people perceive to be the downside?

Based on your screenshot, I like the changes you were able to make. (This might sound silly, but I like having the temperature show without having to press into the Weather icon.) Plus there's an app that allows people to have random ringtones. I've made all these cool ringtones, but nobody ever calls me -- especially since I've told them to call me on the home phone.... -- so it would be cool to have the ringtones play randomly.

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  Jason Harris said:
  TBLfan said:
I just downloaded this app, pretty badass. I guess it just got launched. It's a speech-to-text app that works well, it gives you three options; clipboard, email or text... and it's free.

Dragon Dictation

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TBL, that app is excellent -- thanks for alerting us.

But, back to the story at hand. I'm thinking about taking years off by becoming JB literate, but have a few questions.

1) Will I find the initial JBing software at Cydia?

2) Will I still be able to plug into iTunes, or will it automatically overwrite the changes made to the OS?

3) What do people perceive to be the downside?

Based on your screenshot, I like the changes you were able to make. (This might sound silly, but I like having the temperature show without having to press into the Weather icon.) Plus there's an app that allows people to have random ringtones. I've made all these cool ringtones, but nobody ever calls me -- especially since I've told them to call me on the home phone.... -- so it would be cool to have the ringtones play randomly.

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i could see where having a random ringtone might be a little confusing - every time you hear a cell phone ring you would have to check and make sure that it isn't yours

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  Jason Harris said:
But, back to the story at hand. I'm thinking about taking years off by becoming JB literate, but have a few questions.

1) Will I find the initial JBing software at Cydia?

2) Will I still be able to plug into iTunes, or will it automatically overwrite the changes made to the OS?

3) What do people perceive to be the downside?

Based on your screenshot, I like the changes you were able to make. (This might sound silly, but I like having the temperature show without having to press into the Weather icon.) Plus there's an app that allows people to have random ringtones. I've made all these cool ringtones, but nobody ever calls me -- especially since I've told them to call me on the home phone.... -- so it would be cool to have the ringtones play randomly.

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1) It depends on what generation iPhone you have as well as what firmware is currently on your phone. I really only know my device's needs so howardforums or another phone forum would be better than I would at helping you here.

2) Yes, iTunes can't "see" what you've done.

3) With basic jailbreaking, not much is a downside. You can open your phone up to damage or "Brick-ing" but as long as you research what you're planning on doing, you're safe. It's just like operating a PC, if you don't just download whatever from whomever, you won't have issues until the hardware gives up on you.

I love the weather icons, both the one in the header as well as the icon. There are also apps that put the weather on the lock screen but I'm pretty anal about keeping things looking less cluttered and clean.



This one is sweet but I don't like the slider and it messes up the look of my quick launch icons. :(

"iToneFX" is the app you're referring to. It's a paid app(I think $3) that allows you to change your sms/email tones as well as select random or particular ringtones.

I used SSH to go into the internal files to change my sms/email tones but there are plenty of people that use iToneFX, so I'd consider it worth the price.

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  Jason Harris said:
  TBLfan said:
I just downloaded this app, pretty badass. I guess it just got launched. It's a speech-to-text app that works well, it gives you three options; clipboard, email or text... and it's free.

Dragon Dictation

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TBL, that app is excellent -- thanks for alerting us.

But, back to the story at hand. I'm thinking about taking years off by becoming JB literate, but have a few questions.

1) Will I find the initial JBing software at Cydia?

2) Will I still be able to plug into iTunes, or will it automatically overwrite the changes made to the OS?

3) What do people perceive to be the downside?

Based on your screenshot, I like the changes you were able to make. (This might sound silly, but I like having the temperature show without having to press into the Weather icon.) Plus there's an app that allows people to have random ringtones. I've made all these cool ringtones, but nobody ever calls me -- especially since I've told them to call me on the home phone.... -- so it would be cool to have the ringtones play randomly.

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blackra1n is by far the easiest way to go. You just DL it, plug the iphone in, and it does the rest.

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  fedorov#91 said:
Jason, if you post you phones firmware, gen etc, ill help you out. and as to bricking, its NEARLY impossible :)
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I'm using the 3GS, Version 3.1.2 (7D11). I gave my previous 3G to the Big D, so she presumably is also on 3.1.2 (7D11), but probably couldn't care less what apps are on her phone.

TBL, I forgot about Howard Forums. I'll have to check them out.

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You're going to be using blackra1n.. and it's a tethered jailbreak. It's easy but you'll need to be by a computer to restart your phone.

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Got bored and tried jailbreaking my iPod Touch last night...and managed to delete everything from it - which wouldn't suck so much if my computer hadn't crashed a few weeks ago and required me to wipe everything clean and reinstall Windows (thus deleting all of my files). I had nothing in my iTunes. I need to rebuild my library - which will take me longer than it will a normal person because I'm ridiculously anal about the organization.

I put about 10 albums back in my library/onto my iPod before I lost interest last night. I know how I'm going to be spending any free-time I get at home for a little while.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
Maybe up in AK?

I had a 20 min convo with someone on an iPhone yesterday, from the DC area. 4 dropped calls. Every time, she said she had full bars.

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We don't even get Sprint here. AT&T is the only national carrier even tho Verizon and Sprint own/work with some of the other carriers here. Sprint was brutal down south as well tho. My favourite carrier so far has been Verizon but it's a shame their phones aren't great and they aren't offered here.

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  camhockey16 said:
there is a rumor that verizon will get the iphone sometime in mid 2010 - im still holding out for that even though i actually hate verizon (but they do have the best signal out of anybody)


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seems like the newest iphone will be out by then...

its probably just a rumor though

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There are many signs pointing to them landing on Verizon. A few reasons why they wouldn't as well, but it leans towards them moving to another carrier. Hopefully they don't become exclusive again and AT&T still sells them, but if they do they should have the new BBs by the time my contract's up.

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I don't see them making a CDMA phone for VZ - VZ had first crack at iPhone but did not want to give Apple the control they wanted - probably won't change now, especially with VZ having their own app store.

Not only that, but VZ has gone hard after Apple with the Droid commercials.

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It depends when you got your iphone if its gonna be tethered or not, the 3g will be fine to jailbreak, just plug it in and run blackra1n. The 3gs is the hard one, when did you get it? if the 4th number in your serial numbers is 4 and the 5th is anything higher than a 0, its more than likely tethered, basically the 4th and 5th number is the week when the new bootroom was introduced, ideally, below 40 and your fine! again just run blackra1n, but some people have said that weeks 40 and 41 have worked without being tethered, i have 47 so im out :(, but give it a go! Jailbreaking enhances the phone so much.

btw TBL, could you share that ONE90 wallpaper?

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