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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Smartphone Thread

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  Jason Harris said:
Wait, are you saying it's going to have time travel capabilities?!?!?
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Woops... fixed, thanks!

But yes, time travel and cure cancer. Also promote peace in the middle east. Gizmodo must of found that in the new model somewhere

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  goaliemanshark said:
Woops... fixed, thanks!

But yes, time travel and cure cancer. Also promote peace in the middle east. Gizmodo must of found that in the new model somewhere

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There's an app for that, but they couldn't turn it on.

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I stopped reading Giz earlier this year and stuck only to Engadget. I've always felt Engadget was the better site and it's probably partly to due with Gizmodo's infatuation with themselves and the Gawker network.

With the power Apple has over the media they are the only one's who probably could control a leak like this. They'd only have to control three people, then bring in the lawyers once Gizmodo had their hands on it. Engadget already posted that they were trying to get the phone as well, and to think that some random bar goer would know to reach out to those two sites is crazy. I mean, they're popular but that is just too much of a risk to take, and this happened all too well for Apple.

EDIT: This article actually details how Apple could have got the phone back but "weren't" able to. This only makes me think even more that this was controlled. They knew it was missing on March 19th! It took a month to find it and they didn't jump on Gizmodo right away? Something just isn't right there. Remember the fat ipod nano? When pictures of that were suggested Apple had them removed from all websites. That's what they do. If this wasn't intentional why hasn't Apple had Giz take down all the articles they're writing about it? Also, they went through a product launch and a software unveiling all without a hitch while this phone was in the wild? I just don't know about that, knowing how Steve Jobs reacts over little things I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't have gotten this phone back within a week if he wanted it back.

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I read this last night and am still not sure if Apple has anything to do with this. I can't understand why the police would raid his house over this incident without some sort of outside pressure, but I can't see what Apple has to gain with this. The case was closed, they got the phone back. Everyone knows the story and knows it wasn't an inside job to steal the phone from apple, and if it was Giz had nothing to do with it.

Either way it'll be interesting to see what comes of this.

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It's not a civil suit so Apple didn't do it but I also thought Apple would have to want to press charges for the cops to do anything. I guess this is better than having someone killed over losing it.

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It stems from it being a felony for buying stolen goods in CA. By their definition, it being stolen as it wasn't returned to its rightful owner, and the person selling it knowing it wasn't his to sell.

Regardless, very interesting.

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  furlanitalia said:
I read this last night and am still not sure if Apple has anything to do with this. I can't understand why the police would raid his house over this incident without some sort of outside pressure, but I can't see what Apple has to gain with this. The case was closed, they got the phone back. Everyone knows the story and knows it wasn't an inside job to steal the phone from apple, and if it was Giz had nothing to do with it.

Either way it'll be interesting to see what comes of this.

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Apple and Gizmodo get continued media coverage and free publicity. That what they have to gain! How cool would it be to own the iPhone that was so advanced they raided some dudes house over it!

I still think it was an inside job, a very well planned and executed inside job. This latest police thing could be the DA making a name for himself, a misunderstanding or allllll part of the plan.

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  goaliemanshark said:
Apple and Gizmodo get continued media coverage and free publicity. That what they have to gain! How cool would it be to own the iPhone that was so advanced they raided some dudes house over it!

I still think it was an inside job, a very well planned and executed inside job. This latest police thing could be the DA making a name for himself, a misunderstanding or allllll part of the plan.

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Free publicity yes. But negative publicity is not a good thing. I know publicity is publicity, but I can't see how apple would risk a negative image after how great they look in the eyes of their fans (over this whole ordeal). As for Giz, this definitely works well for them barring the DA doesn't find any incriminating evidence.

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does apple really need this kind of publicity? people are going to buy it regardless. all they need to do to create hype is post a text based article on their site listing possible features.

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  mack said:
I can't believe HP bought Palm. I guess the WebOS is saved. Wonder if they'll make a tablet now.
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Yeah, I'm stoked - it sure is sounding like HP will have WebOS in tablet and netbook form. Looks like they're looking to maintain the status quo as far as Palm is concerned.

I went to BB and messed with the iPad. Beautiful piece of hardware, but the rest was just ugh. I could totally see myself using WebOS on something like that and have the deck of cards and real multi-tasking going on it.

It really is an awesome OS. Marketing, subpar hardware and instability as for its future is what kept devs away from making apps, but it is by and far the openest open-source OS out there.

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They'll have a phone out before Dell's comes out.

HP/Palm cannot release a phone until they have allowed their latest relationship (AT&T) market and sell Palm Pre Pluses. You'll see a new phone/WebOS 2.0 in the fall, which was Palm's schedule pre-HP.

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Little off topic but this story has to do with the iphone and hockey.

On Friday the first game between Habs(my team) and Pit I was accompanying my wife to an appointment she had.

While she was in the appointment I went to use the #2 potty. I was sitting there and realized that the first period was just about over. I reach into my jacket pocket hanging on the door and like in slow motion it starts to tumble out of my pocket, out of my hands and between my legs and into the crapper. Never did find out the score till i got home and iphones and water do not mix. i have to get another.


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Anybody know of a good NHL app for Verizon Eris (Droid)? The app on NHL.com is for Blackberry only. I've looked and haven't found anything all that great.

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So, who's excited about / getting an iPhone 4? Lots of upgrades and new features. But I'm deciding between that and a move to verizon for the droid incredible. Watched the keynote earlier. I do like the iPhone 4, but I'm just not wowed by the interface. Looks pretty much the same. Multitasking is nice, as is the larger battery. With the addition of a better camera and better processor, is that it? Is it just gonna be like running my 3gs but a lil faster and with multitasking?

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Dont know what Capsfan is doing asking about a Droid App in the iPhone thread, try searching for NHL in your wimpy driod app store... Whatever moving on!

The iPhone 4 is amazing IMHO, but not because of any new features exclusive to the iPhone 4. The iPhone OS and UI is simply the best on the market and I would never imagine using anything else. The Incredible is a nice phone, and has some features that the iPhone doesn't, but whenever I use a non iPhone phone I simply wish it worked like my iPhone does.

I've been on iOS 4 beta (hate that name) for a while and its amazing, the multitasking isn't "real" until you download a multitasking app though and those will be available for the 3GS as well. But im still going to buy an iPhone 4 because of the new form factor, bigger battery, ridiculous screen and new camera. The processor is nice too, but the 3GS is already fast. Although some of the new apps that will come out (iMovie, which looks AWESOME) might take advantage of the faster A4 processor.

So to answer your question Race. No, its going to be faster, with a better screen, smaller form factor, bigger battery, better camera, and the same software as the 3GS, and that's why im getting one.

Sometimes I sound like a fanboy, but trust me, I HATE a lot of Apple products, I just like the iPhone. Let me change my damn SMS noise, and ill like it even more! :)

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  Race4LastPlace said:
So, who's excited about / getting an iPhone 4? Lots of upgrades and new features. But I'm deciding between that and a move to verizon for the droid incredible. Watched the keynote earlier. I do like the iPhone 4, but I'm just not wowed by the interface. Looks pretty much the same. Multitasking is nice, as is the larger battery. With the addition of a better camera and better processor, is that it? Is it just gonna be like running my 3gs but a lil faster and with multitasking?
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Don't forget Netflix

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