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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  On 1/6/2011 at 2:55 AM, Chappie said:

Same with the atrix. I love the idea of the dock, not sure about the webtop though.

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Yea, the webtop will probably be very hit or miss. If the top can boost performance with some hardware of its own then id be very interested. Some good outside the box thinking nonetheless.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 1:51 AM, RiSeOnFiRe said:

Understatement of the century.

Tegra-2 duel core processor AND 4G? Forget smartphones, this is a superphone.

Oh, and a 4.3" HD screen, front facing camera and 1 gig of RAM. Boooooommm.

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512MB of RAM - they retracted.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 4:34 PM, JR Boucicaut said:

512MB of RAM - they retracted.

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well that's a let down.

Still just not hearing enough from any device to get me wanting to leave the droid x. My new every 2 wont kick in until april '12 so we'll see what they put out ces 2012.

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After using an iPhone 3GS for 18 months and going to a Droid X, it took a long time to get it dialed in where I like it. I still want to go to an iPhone 4 whenever I can upgrade and they are released for Verizon. Just a much easier to use phone.

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I'm on a 3GS now. Soooo done. It's such a boring and linear device with the operating system. I'm thinking Inspire HD all the way at this point.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 7:44 PM, empirehockey said:

Droid Bionic is my next phone, unless HTC has something up their sleeve for later today... and Xoom looks to be the tablet for me

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The Moto Atrix is looking beast right now, but AT&T.......

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  On 1/6/2011 at 7:32 PM, Chappie said:

I'm on a 3GS now. Soooo done. It's such a boring and linear device with the operating system. I'm thinking Inspire HD all the way at this point.

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That's what I really liked about the iPhone. It worked really well at what you wanted to do. I had to wipe and reload my Droid because it was hanging and freezing constantly. And the actual phone contact list is horrible. Had to replace the stock player with an aftermarket because the stock wouldn't keep track orders or play lossless files. I do like the big screen and ability to play Flash files though.

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Well, I cant wait until tuesday, because whether its a Verizon iPhone or not, Apples releasing something cool!

Although, ill keep my fingers crossed for the iPhone!

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  On 1/8/2011 at 6:09 AM, sharks25 said:

Well, I cant wait until tuesday, because whether its a Verizon iPhone or not, Apples releasing something cool!

Although, ill keep my fingers crossed for the iPhone!

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It's Verizon that's holding an event, not Apple. Now it may be a Verizon iPhone announcement, actually it likely is. Its a Tuesday, Apple always releases stuff on Tuesday! Plus why would Verizon not make the big announcement at the biggest show in the world? Because Apple didn't want them to!

I dont really care about a Verizon iPhone, and im gonna laugh at all the people who buy the CDMA Verizon in January then have to wait 20 months to upgrade with a subsidy!

I'm excited to play with a Bionic, looks great!

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Gizmodo seems pretty convinced it's the Verizon iPhone. They suspect the lack of an invite confirms Apple involvement. Hopefully a legit carrier can finally do this device justice. My wife and I just ditched AT&T and our iPhone 4 for Sprint. I've had every gen iPhone released. Ah well... all good things must come to an end.


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  On 1/8/2011 at 12:56 PM, AnthonyJTa said:

Gizmodo seems pretty convinced it's the Verizon iPhone. They suspect the lack of an invite confirms Apple involvement. Hopefully a legit carrier can finally do this device justice. My wife and I just ditched AT&T and our iPhone 4 for Sprint. I've had every gen iPhone released. Ah well... all good things must come to an end.


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See where I am, the SF bay area, Sprint's coverage is so bad that switching to Sprint from ATT is laughable. Hopefully the coverage where you live is better!

I am pretty convinced its the iPhone also. This is the first actual rumor that has any backing, and the fact that their is an event that coincides with the rumor makes it even more reputable. If this event is something other then an iPhone announcement Verizon's stock is going to plummet!

What do you guys think? Will it just be an iPhone 4 with a CDMA radio? Any new features?

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  On 1/8/2011 at 9:18 PM, goaliemanshark said:

See where I am, the SF bay area, Sprint's coverage is so bad that switching to Sprint from ATT is laughable. Hopefully the coverage where you live is better!

I am pretty convinced its the iPhone also. This is the first actual rumor that has any backing, and the fact that their is an event that coincides with the rumor makes it even more reputable. If this event is something other then an iPhone announcement Verizon's stock is going to plummet!

What do you guys think? Will it just be an iPhone 4 with a CDMA radio? Any new features?

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I forgot to mention the backstory... Gizmodo is infamous for their discovery of the "lost" iPhone 4 prototype that was found out at a bar. That followed all sorts of legal issues with Apple, etc. Gizmodo has always been present at Verizon events... seeing they're not on Apple's good side at all, they seem pretty convinced. As does the Wall Street Journal (who have been dead on with Apple predictions). Only downside is, Verizon folks will jump on board in February.... the iPhone 4 is already about halfway through it's lifecycle, and a new one will roll out this summer- possibly a 4G network phone. So for all your Verizon folks, don't jump on it so quick!

I've had no issues with Sprint so far (granted it's been only 3 days..) and I can't wait to see how well the 4G signal works in Downtown Boston.

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I doubt it will be an iPhone 4G. iPhone makes more sense. If it was 4G, it would be an Apple announcement, as they like to introduce their own "cutting edge" technology. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't the iPhone though either, and people got really pissed.

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It will most likely be the Iphone 4 cdma that has been speculated, the difference being in the attenna placement and othe minor changes. Not a big deal for those who already have the phone on AT&T but a big deal for the folks on VZW who really want an Iphone. think of it as a Ihpone4 1.5. I beleive that this will mark the start of the VZW Iphone lifecycle, with an Iphone4G being released this time next year

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No way! Apple will launch both new phones at the same time, on the same day. On both carriers in late june/early july. That's how they roll! I'm just curious how badly Android is gonna lose market-share... I guess we will find out some of these answers tomorrow around this time!

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  On 1/10/2011 at 7:40 PM, goaliemanshark said:

No way! Apple will launch both new phones at the same time, on the same day. On both carriers in late june/early july. That's how they roll! I'm just curious how badly Android is gonna lose market-share... I guess we will find out some of these answers tomorrow around this time!

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probably not all too much. Many android users went with android because they felt Apple was too plain and closed. None of which will change on Verizon.

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  On 1/10/2011 at 7:54 PM, RiSeOnFiRe said:

probably not all too much. Many android users went with android because they felt Apple was too plain and closed. None of which will change on Verizon.

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I tend to disagree.

Just like MSH, power users are a small percentage of the pie. Most Verizon users who switched from ATT didn't switch because they have more Android phones; they are there because of a crippled AT&T network.

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