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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Smartphone Thread

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I'm becoming bored with my phone so I'm wondering if any of you tech guys in here can give me some idea if I should check out the Motorola Atrix. I had an iPhone and have a Blackberry now so pretty much the only thing left is Android for me to try and I'm just wondering if anyone has the Atrix. My friend works in Best Buy mobile but I'm not sure if he's just looking to make a sale haha.

The Atrix has it all. Best phone on the market IMO. Sucks its not on Verizon (for me at least).

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The Atrix has it all. Best phone on the market IMO. Sucks its not on Verizon (for me at least).

Couldn't agree more. If you're going to go with a 4G phone, then I think this is the phone to get. I mean, come on, the phone has an accessory to turn it into a powerful laptop. That's a major selling point right there if you're a businessman.

I really wish the Nexus S was available on Verizon. It's a hell of a phone, and the perks that come with it are great too (being pre-loaded with Gingerbread). Plus the fact that the Nexus S is a developer phone, means they get all the updates before the rest of the phone world does, which makes me extremely jealous of my friend who has the Nexus One now.

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Thanks guys, I graduate in May from college so right now I'm not looking at the serious business functions of the phone. They are a huge selling point though, especially since I will be with the phone for a year and a half maybe that business part will come in handy. I just feel the need to try a droid and fufill my boredom with Blackberry. I've also heard rumor of a 4g Blackberry but I'm not sure I want to wait haha.

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I'm going to be in the market for a new smart phone, I have a Curve right now, that isn't running on the newest software, can anybody comment on making the switch to the iphone? I went with a blackberry originally because i thought in the long run the touch screen was going to bother me. I've been reading this thread, but i'm not very tech savvy when it comes to cell phones. browser and texting are key, I'm a big fan of BBM which is why I'm leaning towards a new blackberry, but any other options, i'm all ears!

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Have any of you guys ever ROOTed your android? I have had the MyTouch 3G for a lil over a year and I've know about this rooting(similar to jailbreaking Apple products) and I read you could partition your cache to your SD card. I was wondering how easy this is because looking at it in the past it seemed more of a hassle. I would love to do this considering this thing lags horribly.

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Have any of you guys ever ROOTed your android? I have had the MyTouch 3G for a lil over a year and I've know about this rooting(similar to jailbreaking Apple products) and I read you could partition your cache to your SD card. I was wondering how easy this is because looking at it in the past it seemed more of a hassle. I would love to do this considering this thing lags horribly.

it's pretty easy once you find a good program to root with. Can't remember what I used for the life of me though

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I love my iPhone 4, I'm not big on hacking my phone and such. It works for what I need it for.

Trust me I wish I had an iPhone! I'm stuck with T-Mo til October then I'm off to get the Verizon iPhone!

it's pretty easy once you find a good program to root with. Can't remember what I used for the life of me though

Damn I wish you knew lol, I'm running Mac though and knowing my luck you probably use Windows. :/

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Trust me I wish I had an iPhone! I'm stuck with T-Mo til October then I'm off to get the Verizon iPhone!

Damn I wish you knew lol, I'm running Mac though and knowing my luck you probably use Windows. :/

Luckily I have both. Try googing some stuff. Droid life has some good suggestions too

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There's plenty of EasyRoot and One Click Root applications out there. Some even available on the marketplace. A quick google search of Easy Root mytouch 3g will yield a ton of results, and quite a few forums with helpful information. Im at work right now otherwise id provide a few links.

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I have a Mac, I used z4root for my Droid X. I'm not sure if it'll work on the MT3G, do some searches for the capabilities. I did something wrong in the process of downloading a ROM and messed my phone up though, so I had to unroot.

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I have a Mac, I used z4root for my Droid X. I'm not sure if it'll work on the MT3G, do some searches for the capabilities. I did something wrong in the process of downloading a ROM and messed my phone up though, so I had to unroot.

You using clockwork rom manager? Very simple to use.

And the Droid Bionic and iPhone5 will launch June 9th. Bionic will have 4g, iPhone upgradeable to support a 4g mifi.

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Should be only a matter of time before Verizon pushes out the Gingerbread update OTA for the Droid X. I'm opting to wait for that vs the TBH version out now which seems to have a few issues it appears. Probably the last update the trusty old X will get. IMO still a great phone.

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You using clockwork rom manager? Very simple to use.

And the Droid Bionic and iPhone5 will launch June 9th. Bionic will have 4g, iPhone upgradeable to support a 4g mifi.

I just screwed something up with downloading the ROM. Not sure what, but I haven't tried again.

And RE: iPhone5, not true. I guess you're referring to the DL posting on April Fool's Day. If you actually read the specs on the phones, there is no way it's a legit release date. Just someone playing a prank.

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I just screwed something up with downloading the ROM. Not sure what, but I haven't tried again.

And RE: iPhone5, not true. I guess you're referring to the DL posting on April Fool's Day. If you actually read the specs on the phones, there is no way it's a legit release date. Just someone playing a prank.

Blah, I didn't look at the date of the post. Oh well.

And I would go to Mydroidworld.com and checkout the specific directions for each ROM. some require you to wipe data/catch among other things.

PS. I have the OG Droid with CyanogenMod 7.0

I believe you have an X? LibertyRom I hear is awesome.

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Yah make sure you make a back up and wipe the data when you switch to new rom. I'd check out BB for something stable, or like Rise said Liberty Rom seems to be the one of choice for the guys at droidlife. Also Rise where did you hear iphone5 and Bionic were being released on June 9th? I thought that was an April fools joke.

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I was running Apex or Tranquility. I forget which one off the top of my head, but yeah I have an X. I'm going to try rooting again after the OTA Gingerbread drops.

And Joshison, yeah, it was an April Fool's joke. I said something in my last post about it, lol.

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Looks like a VERY select few were pushed a gingerbread release on Droid X's today. Looks to be an early OTA, all the big droid forums should have walk throughs to install it. You MUST be on stock froyo to download it, ONLY available for the droid X. Trying to decide whether or not i wanna try and mess with it tonight, or hope I can just pull the official OTA whenev that gets released.

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A little update. I went ahead and downloaded and installed this version of gingerbread OTA on my X. Went flawlessly, took about 10 minutes total. VERY easy and smooth. First impression: beautiful. very quick! a few minor bugs (a couple widgets needed altering, nothing major) as expected. I can always sbf to stock when they officially release it. But i am impressed so far. This currently DOES NOT support root. there should be one soon as they are working on it now, but its a stock, locked gingerbread. Here's a link for instructions anyone wanting to give it a go:

GB OTA 4.5.588 via droidXforums.com

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