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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike looking to sell Bauer

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Ever hear of Mission/Itech or Easton. I think Easton has pushed the envelope on skates more than any manufacturer. And Mission keeps coming up with innovative ideas in both their skates and their protctive equipment as well. Believe me there will be lots of companies who will keep on coming up with newer and better ideas for hockey equipment.

Easton didn't push the envelope with skates at all. Kor was developing the shift1 before Easton started on their comp boot and none of the synergys were formable to the degree of the Kor or One90.

Agreed. The last "innovative" thing they have made IMO was the original synergy. Even then, I don't think they were the first to make a full composite stick.

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Yup, Busch was the first. Easton's like those old BASF adverts; they don't make anything new, they just make it better.

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Jack Daniels buys it, becomes, JACK BAUER..

Cricket.. cricket... anyone?

Dang you figured it out. Here's the first product and the test marketers. They're refocusing on the beer league market. Pro players are just too demanding.


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I'm sure the word will be out in due time, but, I have heard from a good source on who the buyer is. They are NOT in hockey and it will certainly turn heads.

Come on...spill the beans. Who is it?

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I'm sure the word will be out in due time, but, I have heard from a good source on who the buyer is. They are NOT in hockey and it will certainly turn heads.

You are quite the tease aren't you?

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I'm sure the word will be out in due time, but, I have heard from a good source on who the buyer is. They are NOT in hockey and it will certainly turn heads.

Any of the people we discussed or did another party emerge?

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are people really going to keep guessing retardedly? what do one have e indugle in to make you think that a independant grocery chain might be buying them. pass that stuff my way.

I don't even know who it is, but if i'm reading the post properly its says "not in hockey".

I doesn't say "not in sporting goods".

I'm sure the word will be out in due time, but, I have heard from a good source on who the buyer is. They are NOT in hockey and it will certainly turn heads.

Any of the people we discussed or did another party emerge?

is someone keeping secrets? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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I can see it now if a company like Puma picks up Bauer... Pink, yellow, and green sticks.

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he's probably just like me; tired of reading the same post with lame joke over and over. I only read this thread hoping that some more ACTUAL discussion might happen. It looks bleak at the moment.

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Spalding? I've heard they've done wonderful things with composites.

at any rate, it's all rather curious to me... I'm trying like hell to think of sporting good companies with enough purchasing power that arent already part of a huge conglomerate

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Spalding? I've heard they've done wonderful things with composites.

at any rate, it's all rather curious to me... I'm trying like hell to think of sporting good companies with enough purchasing power that arent already part of a huge conglomerate

try downhill sports :ph34r:

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