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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood Woodies - RIP

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The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. It shouldn't be such a shock. Some of their sticks have the "Made in Russia" stamp already so perhaps sticks will be avail from there.

Actually Ukraine. :)

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I think I'm actually going to buy a few "Made in Canada" so I can hang them on my wall. IMO, they were the best looking woodies out there and the tradition is definitely something that should be remembered.

That reminds me, I need to hang up my Titan woodie.

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This just in: Sher-Wood will be manufacturing foam core goalie sticks and custom sticks(Thank God! I'm sending in a pattern this week before they change their mind). They will be outsourcing the 5030 and 7000 and 9950(I don't know to whom but that is like buying Lowenbrau Beer brewed in Baltimore). Finally, all low end sticks from Russia/Ukraine will continue.

If any more news, I'll post it.

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Well I'll only miss them for the fact that you can find 5030 Coffeys practically at the grocery store. Still glad I can find Montreal woodies.

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RIP 5030 Coffey. Best curve ever.

I concur, I have two of them in my closet and I'm still looking for that composite stick identical to a Coffey curve.

RIP 5030 Coffey. Best curve ever.

They still offer it in composites. I loved that pattern. One of my all time favorites for sure. Kind of bummer about the plant closing. Sher-wood always made a great wood stick.

They do? I guess I havent been up to date or looking hard enough. Having two kids will do that.

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I have a Coffey 9950 as well. I've had it a long time. Has the worn out tape and candy cane pattern tape wrap around it..The stick is in great shape, tape is getting a bit ratty. This thread inspired me to go dinking around my closets for my old sticks. I found an old Easton UltraKevlar that I loved too along with an unused Sherwood 7000 95 flex Bondra pattern without tape or anything.

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The writing has been on the wall for quite some time. It shouldn't be such a shock. Some of their sticks have the "Made in Russia" stamp already so perhaps sticks will be avail from there.

Actually Ukraine. :)

My son's Momentum (junior) is "Dessiné / Designed in Canada by Drolet, Fabriqué / Made in Ukraine".

I read in Bruce Dowbiggin's book "The Stick" that Leo Drolet thought that people would eventually leave composites and return to wood, which was why he wasn't going to go into the composite stick product.

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Well, the market's still there for woodies, Easton and Bauer have much more retail distribution, probably might bump up their custom orders a bit.

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From The Hockey News:

17 of 650 players(no goalies included)are still using wood sticks. 14 NHL teams are using composite sticks only.

Forwards- Jason Spezza, Paul Stastny, Pavol Demitra, Georges Laroque, Bobby Holik, Yanic Perrault, David Vyborny, Jozel Stumpel, Ladislav Nagy, Josef Valicek, Sami Kapanen, Martin Rucinsky, and Markus Naslund.

Defencemen- Patrice Brisebois, Joe DiPenta, Adrian Aucoin, and Roman Hamrlik.

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QUOTE(Tyler B @ Oct 19 2007, 10:59 PM)

i love sher woods, id use them more often if i could make a wood stick last more than 3 ice times. But yeah sher wood makes the best woodies ive ever used, why would they do such a thing and discontinue them :(

Simple, because guys like you and me aren't buying them.

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From The Hockey News:

17 of 650 players(no goalies included)are still using wood sticks. 14 NHL teams are using composite sticks only.

Forwards- Jason Spezza, Paul Stastny, Pavol Demitra, Georges Laroque, Bobby Holik, Yanic Perrault, David Vyborny, Jozel Stumpel, Ladislav Nagy, Josef Valicek, Sami Kapanen, Martin Rucinsky, and Markus Naslund.

Defencemen- Patrice Brisebois, Joe DiPenta, Adrian Aucoin, and Roman Hamrlik.

Thats not including guys that use wood blades, but yeah, its not a huge part of the NHL using wood in any form.

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and out of those names, those are some of the top players in the game, isnt spezza/stastny 1 and 2 in the points?? just shows the stick doesnt make the player.

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wood sticks give so much better feel than composite, I hope they don't die out. Have always been a wood bat guy in baseball as well. Used to use wood golf clubs too but I finally gave up that fight :)

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Can someone please clarify something quickly?

From what I've read above in the post, goal sticks and custom blades and sticks will still be made by drolet in Cananda. All other sticks(5030's 7000's 9950's)will be made by some company in asia but will still be labeled Sher-wood. Do I have this correct or am I missing something?

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wood sticks give so much better feel than composite, I hope they don't die out. Have always been a wood bat guy in baseball as well. Used to use wood golf clubs too but I finally gave up that fight :)

lol....i've tried a wood blade and it just felt 'dead' to me...it was a XN10 too...so im almost positive it wasnt the shaft

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Can someone please clarify something quickly?

From what I've read above in the post, goal sticks and custom blades and sticks will still be made by drolet in Cananda. All other sticks(5030's 7000's 9950's)will be made by some company in asia but will still be labeled Sher-wood. Do I have this correct or am I missing something?

I dont think their being made in asia. I'm pretty sure those sticks are contracted out to another company in quebec which makes woodies for easton, bauer etc...

All 3 stick companies 1 roof sound surprising?

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I wonder how this will affect Christian, if at all?

It should not affect Christian at all. The Christian/Harrow business model is completely different than Sher-Wood.

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