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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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first pic was Weight in his One90's with spraypainted LS2Powers (he's been on this set up since about the Conference finals in 06).

Second pic that k-ody.m posted is One95's with spray painted holders. he's been on this setup since this month.

ASFAIK the holder are just spray painted black...

one95's http://uspresswire.com/image/2649516

one90's http://uspresswire.com/image/2306766

your pics are correct but both pics poster from getty are from the same game so there both one95's but yes ur pics are deffinatly different skates

Look at the two links that were originally posted... the first were claimed to have been One95's... they arent. They're One90's Blue badge on the skate. Furthermore, they are clearly not from the same game, unless some black hawks and some islanders played against the ducks at the same time.

The post that started it was regarding the chicago game, which you did indeed provide the correct image, but both pics posted were NOT from the same game, regardless of how you slice it.

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On today's frozen moment on NHL.com, Sedin's RBK 7K looks like it has a rounded shaft in the tapered part? S17 sprayed up perhaps?

Anyone else see it ... or am I just seeing things?

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On today's frozen moment on NHL.com, Sedin's RBK 7K looks like it has a rounded shaft in the tapered part? S17 sprayed up perhaps?

Anyone else see it ... or am I just seeing things?

Nope, thats def an S17 re-sprayed.

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I wouldn't say for def .... it may be a trick on the eye with the light on the white. I looked on getty and other shots from recent Daniel's stick looks square like I would expect a 7K.

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Looks to be rounded from that shot, but it's likely because of the lighting. The last Sedin 7k prostock I had was definitely a 7k.

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It is just the sick kick wording that looks rounded ... but I know SRI knows the score when it comes to manufacturing sticks.

SRI - does that mean is it just a trick of the light if it is ACM (?) or is it maybe something RBK would be testing on a flag ship poster player to keep up with the Jones' i.e. S17 shaft technology

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If I am soley responsible for a law suit that withdraws RBK from the hockey world and gets "Jofa" back on my elbow pads ... Well I will die a happy man!

Don't fear RBK fans ... it will turn out to be a different "rounded" shape and therefore save their skins. "Thats not oval you Easton fools .. it's egg shaped so thinner at the top, and not symetrical" (Mr Rbk).

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The blade has an ACM pattern on it.

If the shaft is rounded, I cannot wait to see the response from Easton...

It is just the sick kick wording that looks rounded ... but I know SRI knows the score when it comes to manufacturing sticks.

SRI - does that mean is it just a trick of the light if it is ACM (?) or is it maybe something RBK would be testing on a flag ship poster player to keep up with the Jones' i.e. S17 shaft technology

Sorry to backtrack, but what is the ACM pattern?

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i know eagle makes gloves for other companies, but is it the same way with sticks? why would easton allow rbk to paint over their stick? that makes zero sense..

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can you get in trouble for doing that?

i.e. sponsored by RBK and use an s17 with sickkick graphics ?

I believe, SRI was more referencing the fact that Rbk would be violating an Easton trade mark with the rounded shaft design (rather than painting over another stick)

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For what it's worth, on one of the radio stations here in Vancouver, the hosts mentioned that the Sedins broke more sticks than usual on the recent road trip and that they were looking into using something else. Whether they are using a 'painted' stick or not, I have no idea.

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The blade has an ACM pattern on it.

If the shaft is rounded, I cannot wait to see the response from Easton...

It is just the sick kick wording that looks rounded ... but I know SRI knows the score when it comes to manufacturing sticks.

SRI - does that mean is it just a trick of the light if it is ACM (?) or is it maybe something RBK would be testing on a flag ship poster player to keep up with the Jones' i.e. S17 shaft technology

Sorry to backtrack, but what is the ACM pattern?

ACM is a composites manufacturer. They have OEMd a lot of sticks.

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SRI, I believe you said that Modano would be going into Warrior gloves... These look like brand new Easton's to me. Or did warrior label them Easton? Either way, they are definitely new. Comments?


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