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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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Adrian Aucoin's gloves tonight - Warriors with what appeared to be red palms. What's the story (aside from the obvious "the palms are red")?

EDIT: You can just BARELY see Aucoin's palm here. You could distinctly see them on TV, though.

He has been wearing them since after new years, i think he just got them custom to fit the team, just like gary roberts has yellow palms.

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there have been numerous videos posted of players curving their sticks.. its not out of the realm of possiblites that oveckin heats the blades and curves it himself.. i mean if he wants to try a new curve, do you think he wants to wait the week or how ever long it takes to get the sticks made?

I don't see him doing that as the blade will just break, and I'm certain that CCM has many patterns in stock for him, it's not like he adds another variation to his curve every game. They just ship him a stick with a different curve if he wants it but he likely just uses the same curve for a while.

CCM sends him his stock curve, think of sakic, less open and more in the heel, and from that he heats it and adds toe curve to it, why should he care if they break? its not like hes paying retail for them, in fact its not like hes paying for them at all, being ccms cover boy ccm probably just hand them over to him, if you watch wsh games you can tell that hes changed sticks by graphics tape etc, he changes it almost every game.

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On a side note, looks like MIA's site is down

Acquired by Warrior, thus the nonexistence of the site.

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Adrian Aucoin's gloves tonight - Warriors with what appeared to be red palms. What's the story (aside from the obvious "the palms are red")?

EDIT: You can just BARELY see Aucoin's palm here. You could distinctly see them on TV, though.

He has been wearing them since after new years, i think he just got them custom to fit the team, just like gary roberts has yellow palms.

I saw Roberts' gloves too actually, but they just looked like the mustang palms to me.

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Is Peter Schaefer the only NHLer still wearing Pro-Lites 3s?



Smyth too.

Noticed Gomez is back to the Vector 10.0. Not sure for how long though I remember him being in U+ for a while.

Smyth's skate look to me like white 9k's ...

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Smyth's skate look to me like white 9k's ...

look closer.. they're pro lite 3s.

on another note..

his stick, i swear that's a repainted Easton ZCore or Ultra A/G 7000..look at it closely.. there's a silver/gold tip on the end.. much like the older Easton shafts used to have.. its made to look like a Warrior AK27.

closer look at his stick.


...i swear its a painted AK27.. and it says "moo lay" (his nickname)

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I think that suggestion has come up before. If I recall correctly, it is in fact an AK-27, but with some kind of a decal on the end of it to make it look like a silvertip. Part of him having a crush on Gretzky.

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i don´t get it... so i understand where the sense of repainting a stick is, but does it make sense to ad a silver tip decal to a shaft?? has it been discussed before here, can´t find anything? but i just can´t imagine that those are repainted silver tip eastons, since they are gone a long time ago...

anyways, i like his long cuff mia/warrior gloves and the prolites on his rbk skates!

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Maybe I just completely made that up, but I thought I remembered someone saying that here. It makes as much sense as them being repainted Eastons, though -- if they were just repainting them, why wouldn't they paint that part too?

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because the paint could chip off easier of that silver tip when you heat it? i dont´t know but as lomg as i think about, the gretzky thing is getting to make more and more sense... :)

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Maybe I just completely made that up, but I thought I remembered someone saying that here. It makes as much sense as them being repainted Eastons, though -- if they were just repainting them, why wouldn't they paint that part too?

There has to be a reason, probably has been stated either here or Corebeam ages ago, as to why his sticks get the silvertip. Yes, Gretzky's last signature shaft had that but Smyth used A/Cs and A/Gs and never a straight aluminum shaft, let alone Gretzky's.

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Dont remember seeing these; New white 9Ks:


Wow, a coach who plays rookies and lets his players wear white skates. If only Guy knew he was doing it the wrong way,

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The funny part is that when the rep came through here, he told us that the new '08 whites were only available in the 7k version. I asked about Antropov and Kostyitsin and got the run-around. Hard to figure.

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