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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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07/08 NHL gear sightings

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I wasn't exactly calling you out SRI, merely pointing out an observation of his new gloves. I wanted your thoughts on it, seeing as how your knowledge on this subject is much, much larger than mine.

But they are genuine Easton's, yeah?

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Doesnt Trilage have a somewhat rounded stick too? Or is it more "oval?" Intellectual property law is tricky I suppose.

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the only thing that ever changes with modano is his sticks..

he's used the same bucket, gloves and skates forever.

butback during the Winter Olympics (Italy).. he used a RBK bucket and CCM gloves.. and RBK ops (not sure what one)


and even used RBK marked easton gx9500s with a RBK bucket back in 06.


only two times i've ever seen him use diff. equipment.

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It looks like it; will find out on their trip out to SoCal next week.

But they are genuine Easton's, yeah?

Awesome, love to hear the verdict on that one.

the only thing that ever changes with modano is his sticks..

he's used the same bucket, gloves and skates forever.

butback during the Winter Olympics (Italy).. he used a RBK bucket and CCM gloves.. and RBK ops (not sure what one)


and even used RBK marked easton gx9500s with a RBK bucket back in 06.


only two times i've ever seen him use diff. equipment.

He has tried different skates before. Back during his MAJOR slump a few years back, he tried Easton Airs, as well as a pair of other CCM skates. When nothings working, you try new things. However, he went back to his old stuff, and I'd say he's doing fine. Definitely not the player he used to be though.

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Obviously he broke the blade, cut it off and flipped it because he only could find a standard blade at his LHS.

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It looks like it; will find out on their trip out to SoCal next week.

But they are genuine Easton's, yeah?

Give them a close eye. Those seem a little fishy to me. Easton tag is wrong for the era, no Air or Donzis logo, the backrolls seem slightly different, and that gawdawful Modano on the cuff is just a crime.

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Yeah, I had no expectation that that's just a deadstock old glove that Easton just dug out of a closet in the factory for him. I'm sure it's a new glove that either Easton or someone else has made for him.

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Obviously he broke the blade, cut it off and flipped it because he only could find a standard blade at his LHS.

haha that one made me chuckle, kind of a rare thing come to think about it

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I win. Confirmed. :D

I would bet that the glove is a re-make by Easton for him.

I know we confirmed Easton made Modano's gloves but I found an interesting ebay auction for Eagle gloves made for Jason Arnott that closely resemble Z-Airs, HERE

Maybe SRI could shed some light on what these are.

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If those were more resonable I would have bought them without a second thought. If they were slightly smaller I would have already bought them.

Siiick gloves!

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If those were more resonable I would have bought them without a second thought. If they were slightly smaller I would have already bought them.

Siiick gloves!

They have some really nice pro return Eagles. I think 2 bills is a little salty plus I know for a fact they charge $30 shipping. However, they did inspire me to start the custom process with Eagle today based on the jovo glove they are selling. :)

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What stick is Hossa using...granted it is half blacked out, but I didn't see a white Mission stick in the catalog.


last year's fuel or vhex non grip?

I don't think its either of those (in a retail model anyway)since the mission logo is just black and white and if it were a fuel there would be red outline around Mission text and if it were there V-Hex, there would be green or the V-Hex2 since that would have neon blue outlines. Recently he had been using a blue stick that had the text graphics of the new Fuel Ti Grip, just without the flames. If you look at the blackout, its not spry paint, its just the black that would be on that stick anyway but without the flame decals. I'm wondering if this white version is maybe a new non grip version?

Here is a pic of his older stick for reference.



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Arnott seem pretty picky with his gloves. There have been some of his old Cooper/Bauer Air Roll (4-roll) on ebay a couple weeks ago that were painted to look like Nike´s.

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Those Arnott Eagles really do resemble the older Z-Air's. He has worn them since they came out so Eagle must have made them custom for him.

Nice looking gloves too!

- Mike

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Not trying to get too far off topic here, but these Eagle Ohlunds are probably some of the nicest looking 'throwbacks' I've ever laid eyes on. Absolutely beautiful.


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I had a pair just like them, said Hespeler though

I love that look of older, or traditional, gloves. Granted, some of the functionality is lost, but the aesthetic is amazing.

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