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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The next hockey Dinosaur?

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I bought a cheap TPS stick, and boy I couldn't get rid of that thing fast enough. I hear great things about Easton's lower end, but they've only got ~5 OPS so the steps down aren't too far.

I don't see CCM's new Rocket Runners staying for too long. The gram counters might jump on them, but I see a lot of problems arising.

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Next fad eh? hmmm aside from energy drinks I would say....

What about for those that drink energy drinks for the taste alone? Monster is the only drink in the world I can't get enough of, I'd be devastated lol

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I don't see CCM's new Rocket Runners staying for too long. The gram counters might jump on them, but I see a lot of problems arising.

Count expense being amongst them ^^^

I don't see many follow-up sales of rocket runners but I do see them, or something similar, sticking around. A lot of parents don't get thier kids skates sharpened as often as they should already. I believe you're going to see those parents try to skimp on sharpenings to make sure the skates last all season when they will trade them in or sell them off as junior will be in a larger size next year.

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Next fad eh? hmmm aside from energy drinks I would say....

What about for those that drink energy drinks for the taste alone? Monster is the only drink in the world I can't get enough of, I'd be devastated lol

I hope you don't drink too much of that monster. . . .Stuff can be pretty bad for you. . .

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Although I happily use 9k skates, I see the pump going bye bye. It was here before, left, came back, but I think it will go again as newer materials will mold better making the pump benefits unnecessary.

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Although I happily use 9k skates, I see the pump going bye bye. It was here before, left, came back, but I think it will go again as newer materials will mold better making the pump benefits unnecessary.

The reason the pump disappeared from the CCM skate was business related, not product related. It may go away eventually but no matter how well a skate molds "Pump" means RBK and that's valuable.

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I definatly agree with those who have mentioned therma-blades and the O stick. Also throw Trilage shafts and sticks in there.

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I don't see CCM's new Rocket Runners staying for too long. The gram counters might jump on them, but I see a lot of problems arising.

Count expense being amongst them ^^^

I don't see many follow-up sales of rocket runners but I do see them, or something similar, sticking around. A lot of parents don't get thier kids skates sharpened as often as they should already. I believe you're going to see those parents try to skimp on sharpenings to make sure the skates last all season when they will trade them in or sell them off as junior will be in a larger size next year.

How much does new steel cost right now? $25? How much are rocket-runners? $25 (and they likely don't come sharpened)? Seems like you'd just buy back up steel.

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Doesn't seem worth it then to me - what's your estimate as to which will hold an edge longer? I'd guess the stainless, right?

Seems that it is a LOT more cost effective. If worried about losing your edge, buy an extra pair of steel so as to make fewer sharpening trips.

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Actually, it's the same price. $39.99 for a set of stainless, $39.99 for a set of RRs.

That pricing dosen't make the RR an atractive alternative at all. I'd like to add the RR to my vote for the Thermablade.

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Slagging those ccm runners before anyone has had a chance to see what they are about is just stupid. I'm up for anything that will save weight as long as it is functional.

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As I recall, the weight is nominal. If it saves 5 grams is it worth the extra expense?

By the same token, let's say the Titanium cage costs $120 but is 33% less in weight and reasonably stronger than standard steel... is it worth it? What about if the 33% less is only 15 grams less? That's 1/2 an ounce.... worth it? (this is strictly hypothetical mind you - I have no idea what the specifics are))

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totally agree... I think CCM liked the idea of a disposible blade market but kinda missed the whole point of why there should be one in the first place. Lightweight is only a portion of the equation and the price hit certainly offsets any (very) minor performance increases.

If they created a E-Pro compatible T-Blade-esque system for folks without local pro shops or tourney players AND created a reasonably priced product, then they would have a good product.

The RR is destined to go the way of the LS2 Power Holder

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I doubt they are going to cost that much for much longer... but the huuuge benefit of these over the LS2P is that the steel is reverse compatable. This also allows current skates to be able to use the new runners.

Remember the LS2P might be gone but the steel idea isn't. The lexan holders were the downfall. Good idea on paper but it just didn't pan out as they had hoped, smartly they didn't try to beat the dead horse and fight to keep them on the shelves.

The boldest prediction I have is Easton skates. They need to address their durability issues because as a lesser popular skate with negative reviews on durability you're looking at an endangered species with poachers running rampant. It's not worth all the R & D if they can't sell skates or they have to replace 3 skates per 1 skate purchase(exaggerating of course).

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I need to get up to "speed" on the status of the LS2's. (is there a link??) Last week I just bought a second pair of holders and three sets of steel. I did have my doubts about the plastic they were? using. The less ductile or stiffer it is, the more prone to fracture, or cracking.

We used the supposedly unbreakable (salesman bs) clear polycarbonate lexan for some ski boot prototypes and we snapped it left right and center. Add some fiber to the resin mix, then it would be good, but not clear. Fiber strands = more $$ and looks too industrial.

I did a bit of a thermablade experiment. I warmed and lubed my LEFT blade, kept the right untouched. Hopped onto the ice. The left did glide smoother for a short period.

If I had to give up my LS2 Powers for heating? Forget it.

If I could have both my blade and lube or heating - Possibly.

Lubing is more important than heat, because that is what you are trying to accomplish - reduced friction.

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Thermablades might be great for hockey guys in the show, but what happens when casual players use them and the battery dies or there's a malfunction of some kind? The thing you've gotten used to is gone, or even worse both feet aren't the same and you don't notice until you go onto the cold blade, loose your balance and go head first into the boards.

A stretch, I know, but I'm for leaving electricity out of the equipment.

I'm surprised more hasn't been done in holder construction innovation. Switching to Lexan was one step that didn't work too well, but I'm sure there are tons of plastics that are strong and lighter than Zytel. Even a mix of Ti mesh woven into the goop or an Al bar here or there for strength.

I know FM has some carbon holders, but I'm not too sold on their concept and with CF being so expensive it might prove too costly.

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As I recall, the weight is nominal. If it saves 5 grams is it worth the extra expense?

By the same token, let's say the Titanium cage costs $120 but is 33% less in weight and reasonably stronger than standard steel... is it worth it? What about if the 33% less is only 15 grams less? That's 1/2 an ounce.... worth it? (this is strictly hypothetical mind you - I have no idea what the specifics are))

It's 50 grams lighter than the scalloped runer.

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I bought a cheap TPS stick, and boy I couldn't get rid of that thing fast enough. I hear great things about Easton's lower end, but they've only got ~5 OPS so the steps down aren't too far.

I don't see CCM's new Rocket Runners staying for too long. The gram counters might jump on them, but I see a lot of problems arising.

mission low end OPSs are nice IMO. feel wise it's just as good as any top of the line models and i find i get almost as much zip on wristers as on a sickick or a V130. of course it doesnt kick as much but it's a lot of stick for the money.

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The RR's look awefully similar to hotblades, which were 33-40% lighter than standard runners. They look like they have the same kind of plastic filler where the blade is "lightened". www.hotblades.net

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The RR's look awefully similar to hotblades, which were 33-40% lighter than standard runners. They look like they have the same kind of plastic filler where the blade is "lightened". www.hotblades.net

Funny, that was my first thought.

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