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How stupid is Chris Simon?

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If the NHL were to do the "correct" thing, Simon's career would be over after this for good.

BUT, knowing the NHL, Colin Campbell, and the disciplinary guidelines, who knows. Maybe max of 5 games, more than likely 1 or 2 games.

BTW, what the hell is wrong with Simon and why didn't anyone do anything? I mean it's not really that hard to see your teammate get stomped on/at.

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quite a few announces said they think he might get 25-30 games for that - and they weren't the announcers of the penguins game - they were the announcers of the vancouver vs. edmonton game

but i've learned that if they say 25 games - it will end up being something like 2 games even with his past history...

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Lucky for Ruutu it didn't seem to do much damage. But kicking a guy? It looked more like a stomp to me. And as we all know, stomping with a skate on is the same as taking a knife to someone.

He's a disciplinary liability. Has been for years. I'm tired about hearing how he has to "fight his inner demons" and how he's a Native American dealing with negativity and diversity. He's a scumbag and I want him out of the game. Let him go drink whiskey or brandy and sleep in a germ blanket.

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"I was the first guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody" - Happy Gilmore

I guess Simon runs a close second as long as you overlook the fact his skates on his foot.....

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wow I think Ruutu got luck that Simon ended up stomping on his skate because if that had been a little higher it could have hit him between his skate boot and his shin guard, which probably would have done some major damage.

Simon really does need to get kicked out of the league that move right there was more than bush league especially after his last outburst. If you can't play the game even remotely properly, get the hell out.

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I didn't watch the post game on FSN so I didn't get to see that other angle. I thought maybe Ruutu was acting a bit. Wow though, pretty much nothing but foot/ankle.

I had enough with Simon way back when he used to whine about how tough it was him 'cause he's native american and all, then he starts throwing racial slurs around.

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after seeing Simon's move last night he should be suspended indefenitely from the NHL, he had a 25 game last season for two handing a guy in the neck with a stick, plus other previous multiple game suspensions for other stupid things. A player like him has no regard for his fellow players or respect for the game. He didn't learn from any past experiences so he shouldn't be playing. Thugs like him do nothing for the sport.

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The quick anser to "How stupid is Chris Simon?" is...


It's not like this is the first stupid thing he has done to try to injure someon...I doubt they ban him permanently, but he'll get more than he got last time.

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I would suspend him for life, he is just a ticking time bomb. Just make him go play in the North American Hockey League in Quebec where those kind of plays are part of the game.

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I am a die hard islander fan and there is no excuse for what he did. Last year when he two handed chopped Hollweg at least people knew why. I mean I don't think he should have swung his stick maybe a punch to the face a push so I'm not saying I agree with his actions last season either, but these were completely unprovoked. Maybe he had another concussion? <_<

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IMO opinion this is almost worse than the hollweg incident...

At that ocasion you can argue that he lost his head for a split second.

But on this one it's so deliberate it makes me want to puke... psycho move on Simons part.

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I hate to admit that I was pulling for this guy to turn himself around. But, after this, he just can't be let back into the league. Can you think of anything more dangerous, and more obviously intended to injure, and less honorable than what he just did? I mean, other than stepping on a guy's neck? What he did is an abomination.

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