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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Pro Stock Blades

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why would you want a pro stock blade in a pattern that's available in retail? lots of the MSHers that have posted the pics are of curves that are different of those that are retail, which is why they buy them.

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Again, it may be cheaper for him to get the pro stock deal. It'd be cheaper for me as well when my LHS charges $60 a blade.

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yea, good point, but why buy pro stock from hockey monkey when they crucify you on shipping, when you could buy a retail blade from somewhere like IW, and save money?

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Who said he'd pay a lot in shipping? I would have to and people in Canada would but the $5 ground is a good price. It's almost justified for me to pay the rapefees they have just because it'd still be cheaper than the stores here.

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any thoughts on the maltby rh? cross between the modano and the drury? anyone have any ideas on the lie?

It has always been a YP or Drury, 5.5 lie

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Who said he'd pay a lot in shipping? I would have to and people in Canada would but the $5 ground is a good price. It's almost justified for me to pay the rapefees they have just because it'd still be cheaper than the stores here.

yeah for me, i didn't want to spend another 60 for a retail blade AND they're out of the drapers. luckily hockeymonkey is my LHS and i don't have to pay for shipping.

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Pattern doesn't really show up in pic. It's a mid-heel lidstrom pattern. Curve starts about 2.5" from the heel. Lie is at least 6, maybe higher. Blade is under 150grams.




Which pro stock pattern is this?

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It's a Take, as stated.

P.S. I am NOT selling ANY Kovalchuk blades, so stop asking guys. It would take at LEAST $100 for me to consider letting one blade go... at LEAST.

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It's a Take, as stated.

P.S. I am NOT selling ANY Kovalchuk blades, so stop asking guys. It would take at LEAST $100 for me to consider letting one blade go... at LEAST.

$99. Final offer ;)

If any nabbed Prucha blades, I'd be willing to work out a deal.

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do anybody bought a hossa (toe curve) how is the curve ? i would realy like to see it.

Warrior Hossa

I'll post pics tomorrow but I made a similar curve to this yesterday. I took a CCM 852 OVY Wood blade, heated the toe up and slightly bent it with some loft. Just AWESOME!!!

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I searched the thread and couldn't find much information on the AK27 blades. I am looking for a drury/kovalev/p91a type curve in the AK27 blades that are left handed.

The curves are:










TIA guys.

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What is that pop? Sounds like an air bubble or something? Has it effected the performance of the blade?

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Haven't used it since that first time. It's soft and I assume theres an air buble there, you can see it "pop" up.

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I just got done searching and reading through this whole thread, anyone know what the Sydor is like/comparable to?

Thanks for any info!

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