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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pet Peeves

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Anyone ever notice that at almost all professional hockey games, you miss at least one goal because someone couldn't get to their seat before the game starts, or just doesn't care if they are obstructing anyone's view. Last nite I was at the Joe for the wings and wild, 4-4 with just over a minute remaining, people are leaving, so its obvious they don't care about the game anyways...Cleary scores a goal to take the lead, and all I could see of the play was the puck being moved in from the point. This makes things all the worse, now people are really heading for the exit's thinking the game is over, and the Wild score down at the other end, and there was no way in hell you could see that one either. Does this seem to bother anyone else when they pay upwards of 50 for a ticket and you can't see the key parts of the game, just because some asshole who doesn't give a shit about the game would rather beat traffic then see the ending of the game?

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my biggest pet peeve is people leaning forward in front of you and not sitting back in their chairs, blocks absolutely everything. And the funny thing is that they announcer comes on and reminds everyone to sit back, but they only do this once and its BEFORE pre game warmup when theres 1/890090th the attendance.

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People who yell out obscenities all game long. 1 They can't hear you on the ice. 2 There are children at the game. 3 You aren't that witty/funny/intimidating/etc...

People who can't appreciate a good play made by the other team.

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People who can't appreciate a good play made by the other team.

I'm with you on that. Me and my buddy I was there with were clapping for some of the saves made by Harding last nite, and all the people behind us were cursing the wings and how they couldn't shoot, and I even heard "The griffins are so much better".

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Nothing worse than having a drunk guy behind you who gives you the play by play. Thanks buddy, if I wanted play by play I would watch it on tv

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Say what you want about the french, Montreal is the best place to watch a game. The game is important, ushers don't have to stop people from going to their seats when period starts. Toronto is a joke, half the good seats are empty when the game starts. In Mtl nobody stands to leave their seat unless stoppage in play allows time, nobody leaves early if the games close....and I have no prob with someone swearing publically in french in front of my kids.

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I know you loved Adam Oates please stop comparing the GLORY days when he was here...How many fricking autographs you have on that jersey...and oh those Caps pins rule

Took a bath before the game don't need a beer bath buddy.

Oh and get off the damm phone, she IS cheating on you...yeah cager where? Hell yeah I saw her at Front Page...she was so drunk......ahole

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I totally agree with Penguinsfanatic I hate when people start saying stuff when they don't know what is going on.

I also agree with pisani34 when the team gets booed for not shooting on a pp and then when they take the shot on the pp thats a bad shot they get booed.

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I've been known to yell at people that are standing. It starts with "Sit down" until it progresses to "Sit the fuck down." It's never gotten past them looking back at me and them seeing how serious I am.

Little do they know that I'm not planning on fighting anyone, I just want to watch the damn game.

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It's nice to take a date to a hockey game, Hey if it's her first game I'm sure she appreciates the fact your explaining the game to her, but she sure as hell is gunna be pissed when she finds out everything you've told her is incorrect. That one happened at the last game I went to. I wanted to inform the gentleman offsides is at the blue line not the "midline" of the rink. :rolleyes:

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I just hate the "hockey chixx" that wear player jerseys, and go ga-ga the whole game over how "dreamy" someone is. "How could a team NOT want Mark Mowers, he's soooooo cuuuuuuute?!"

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have only been to a minor league game while on a biz trip to the US last year. There was a group sitting next to me and my work buddy, and they kept asking each other what the hell was going on the whole game. Obviously first timers like myself, but they didnt know anything about the game and kept yapping the whole time.

Overall the game was pretty good, 1 fight, 3-3 tie, and the visiting team won in the shootout 1-0. the 5 guys that missed, didnt even get their shots off... spent too much time trying to deke the goalie and the goalies either poked checked, or the guys lost it. the guy who DID score did a simple shift to backhand and lifted the puck above the goalie.

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my biggest pet peeve...hmm

the charlotte checkers (local ECHL) used to

have the audience do the chicken dance once a game, sponsored by Bojangles (local fast food chain).. well now there are TWO chicken dances per game, one for Bojangles and the other one for Chick-fil-A. and theres this dumbass motorized "cow" blimp/balloon that flys around during games dropping chick-fil-a coupons on everyone.

oh and theres the "bojangles chuck a puck contest", where they drive a mercedes SUV around on the ice, and the audience throws foam pucks at it, trying to get one to go through the sunroof, whoever does it wins a few bucks.

but my biggest pet peeve would be: the silliest intermission activity ever: four guys racing around the rink on foot in giant eyeball costumes (local eye doctor, go figure)...

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At a Flyers game with my 11 year old son, with the loud/obnoxious/intoxicated group behind us yelling instructions to the players. My son turns to them and says "Ya know, it's not that easy." I just about cracked up.

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The arena in my local is pretty good about not letting people down the aisles when play is on. Leaving their seats is a different story, but it's not as bad as it used to be before the ushers at least held people up on the way in and educated the masses.

My pet peeve is getting stuck in the beer line.

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- The Wave; 'nuff said.

- Assholes yelling "SHOOOOOOOOOT!" every time the puck comes off the boards on the PP.

- Tools in the front row that bang on the glass whenever the play comes near them.

- Jackasses that piss and moan for a call, ALL NIGHT, each and every time one of the players on his team is knocked off the puck/his feet, legally or otherwise.

- The douchebags who have obviously never played a game in their lives, yet insist on making blatantly idiotic statements all night long.

- 98% of Buffalo Sabres "fans."

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Other than the term "pet peeve" most of mine have been listed. I'll also add house bands and "celebrities" at the games. Oh wow, Vince Gill's at the game! Who the hell is that?

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