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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Forsberg on ice with MODO.

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I went to watch him at the MoDo practice today, he skated very well, seemed to have no foot problems at all and seemed to have a good time out there on the ice. He even stayed out there when the practice was over for some extra shootout drill with the backup goalie.

And for the equipment fans I noticed a couple interesting details. For one thing he was wearing different skates, on his right foot he wore a Bauer XXX skate and on the left foot the newer Bauer XXXX. And he was sporting black/red (Ottawa scheme) Fury gloves, never seen him wearing those until now. Whatever the choice of colors mean, if there's even a meaning behind them?

Here's a little clip I made from today's practice, scoring a nice goal.

I actually played against a team from your hometown a while back in a tourney here in New Brunswick. It's good to see Foppa skate, he looks good.

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amaaazing update man, you live in ornskoldsvik? im sooo curious as to why he has thosr color fury's, he just had them made for him according to SRI, why would he get specific colors?

I do think MODO's colors are red and black.

ya thats also what i figured, i mean there is a little green in there but i figured i'd just throw it out there anyway

Maybe because their colors are red/black with a touch of white and green?


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Any updates to this? I'm just trying to figure out the Flyers lines if this would happen. Carter is play so well in the defensive zone that I'm wondering if Richards or Briere would move to wing. ;)

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amaaazing update man, you live in ornskoldsvik? im sooo curious as to why he has thosr color fury's, he just had them made for him according to SRI, why would he get specific colors?

I do think MODO's colors are red and black.

ya thats also what i figured, i mean there is a little green in there but i figured i'd just throw it out there anyway

Maybe because their colors are red/black with a touch of white and green?


yes, hence my stating "i figured i'd just throw it out there anyway", but thank you for repeating exactly what cmvondran said

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what an honest player , i admire that

After stringing everyone along for the last how many months? I don't admire that.

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what an honest player , i admire that

After stringing everyone along for the last how many months? I don't admire that.

He desparately wants to play, and the teams who were interested desparately wanted him to play. I respect that he made his announcement more than a week before the trade deadline. More of the same from Forsberg--class, even when it hurts.

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I'm very happy I didn't pick him off the waiver wire in any of my fantasy leagues. I think if he takes some more time off, he might be able to return in the middle of next year.

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what an honest player , i admire that

After stringing everyone along for the last how many months? I don't admire that.

He desparately wants to play, and the teams who were interested desparately wanted him to play. I respect that he made his announcement more than a week before the trade deadline. More of the same from Forsberg--class, even when it hurts.

You don't get extra credit for doing what you should do in the first place. Not to mention a week's warning isn't that impressive.

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what an honest player , i admire that

After stringing everyone along for the last how many months? I don't admire that.

Chadd, with all do respect, what's he supposed to do? become undercover in hiding and rehab without anyone knowing? he didn't "string" anyone, hes peter forsberg and because of that everyone was interested, he never stringed anyone on because he never faulsely led anyone to believe he was going to return, all he did was stay quiet and rehab, he let baizley tell the teams he forsure wouldn't play for in advance that he wouldn't sign with them, that way they can move on and make other plans, I'm really sorry, I respect your opinion in many ways when it comes to hockey, but anyone who by any means thinks he did anything wrong this year in terms of being honest and doing his best to not screw people over is just so out of line, a dishonest asshole would've took 6 mill a year and did whatever he wanted with it, and mack, this isn't a setback, the problem with his ankle has been solved, the muscles in his foot just aren't up to par yet, i know how weird that sounds but not many of us know what it's like to play with screwed up muscles in your foot, if he had another month to get them back to normal i'm sure he'd sign, because his only issue is his confidence in the foot, not a setback, its a conditioning issue now, hes not ready, but hes now physically capable. end rant.

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what an honest player , i admire that

After stringing everyone along for the last how many months? I don't admire that.

He desparately wants to play, and the teams who were interested desparately wanted him to play. I respect that he made his announcement more than a week before the trade deadline. More of the same from Forsberg--class, even when it hurts.

You don't get extra credit for doing what you should do in the first place. Not to mention a week's warning isn't that impressive.

Or he could have not said anything about his potential comeback or about the teams he would or would not play for until he was positive that he could play.

what an honest player , i admire that

After stringing everyone along for the last how many months? I don't admire that.

Chadd, with all do respect, what's he supposed to do? become undercover in hiding and rehab without anyone knowing? he didn't "string" anyone, hes peter forsberg and because of that everyone was interested, he never stringed anyone on because he never faulsely led anyone to believe he was going to return, all he did was stay quiet and rehab, he let baizley tell the teams he forsure wouldn't play for in advance that he wouldn't sign with them, that way they can move on and make other plans, I'm really sorry, I respect your opinion in many ways when it comes to hockey, but anyone who by any means thinks he did anything wrong this year in terms of being honest and doing his best to not screw people over is just so out of line, a dishonest asshole would've took 6 mill a year and did whatever he wanted with it, and mack, this isn't a setback, the problem with his ankle has been solved, the muscles in his foot just aren't up to par yet, i know how weird that sounds but not many of us know what it's like to play with screwed up muscles in your foot, if he had another month to get them back to normal i'm sure he'd sign, because his only issue is his confidence in the foot, not a setback, its a conditioning issue now, hes not ready, but hes now physically capable. end rant.

He specifically told SOME teams they were not in the running but didn't tell others the same thing. Had he simply said that he would not comment or make any decisions about teams until he was able to play at a high level, it would have been different. As it is, his comments were that he was planning to play in the NHL this year. Now, he suddenly can't do it. In the meantime he was in the news at least once a week for the last six months providing updates to the media. I never said he was a "dishonest asshole", just that I don't feel he handled it well. Cut back on the hyperbole and read what was actually written.

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I didn't say you said he was an asshole, I was just stating that's what one would do and he was the complete opposite, no need to be insulting, he did a couple small things that he could've done differently, yes he couldve just not commented at all, but when 30 GM's want to know, theres a little bit of pressure, again, hes peter forsberg and there will be stories on him every week, just like there would be any other player like him, its not like he asked for it, people who know him (which isn't to say i do, but ive read enough about him from people who do) know hes a very private person, he doesnt want all this attention he just wants to play in the NHL, but its different when GMs are hounding you down all the time and pressuring you to talk to them, he couldve not commented at all on the teams hed play for, but that would leave 24 teams he knew he wouldnt play for FORSURE maybe holding onto their plans based on what he ends up doing, it was either that or leave 30 teams hanging, he had no other option, he was highly wanted by many and they wouldn't turn from him until he told them to, you can make the argument that he mildly and unintentionally strung 6 teams on for ONE WEEK, but other then that it was him rehabbing and wanting to get better on his own, other then that i dont think you have much of an argument, im sorry i cant really sum up what i like to say shorter

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what an honest player , i admire that

After stringing everyone along for the last how many months? I don't admire that.

He desparately wants to play, and the teams who were interested desparately wanted him to play. I respect that he made his announcement more than a week before the trade deadline. More of the same from Forsberg--class, even when it hurts.

You don't get extra credit for doing what you should do in the first place. Not to mention a week's warning isn't that impressive.

Well, here's what representatives from two of the teams that were supposedly strung along had to say:

''I'm disappointed for Peter more than anything. I know how bad he wanted to come back and play with somebody in the NHL,'' said Holmgren. ''It's unfortunate. He's been trying real hard to get himself back in position to come back and help somebody. It's also disappointing for the league because I think he's still an impact player and brings the league a lot of notoriety.''

Anaheim Ducks GM Brian Burke echoed Holmgren's sentiment.

''To his credit, he could have come over and passed the physical and gotten someone for pretty good dough,'' Burke said. ''He's been a warrior in our league and it was an honest way to deal with this in my opinion. It confirms my feeling that Peter Forsberg is a quality guy.''

I guess that settles the question of Forsberg's class.

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I agree with Mack. Time he hangs 'em up. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten fed up with this enough to retire at this point.

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I guess that settles the question of Forsberg's class.

Uh, not really. What are they going to do? Say how they really feel and risk him never coming to thier team if he decides he got rid of the 'not so fresh' feeling and can play again?

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I guess that settles the question of Forsberg's class.

Uh, not really. What are they going to do? Say how they really feel and risk him never coming to thier team if he decides he got rid of the 'not so fresh' feeling and can play again?

was that english?

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