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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping the Blade

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I know it is mostly personal preference, but more and more lately ive noticed people just taping the middle to the toe of their blade. . just out of curisoty those of you who tape your blades that way, what advantage to do you find it gives you. personally i tape the entire blade with white tape. i like tape on the heel because it lets me pick the puck up (michigan, crossby) which makes it more fun to mess around

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I tape from the back of the heel to the very very end of the toe and cut off the excess tape after with scissors. It's a lot of work but I just do it cause it looks cool. not sure if it makes a difference. Anyway do you find it easier if you tape from the toe to the heel because I have always taped the other way?

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I tape it Robert Lang style, I start about an inch over the blade on the shaft, and go all the way over the toe. I find that taping the whole toe for roller helps with toe drags a little more, as the puck will stick to the toe better. Its take while, but its worth it.

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I've been putting a strip of electrical tape along the bottom of my composite blades, it seems to slow the wear along the bottom. On blades that chip I also cover the toe to prevent premature chipping.

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Usually heel to over the toe and cut off the extra.

But from time to time I go with the tape ripped in half and overlaping, from the middle to the toe.

To answer your question Nick, the reason is because I shoot primarliy off the toe. I find it snaps the puck just a bit more, keeps it higher up the blade. Tough to get used to picking up the puck as far as the slick part.

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I've been putting a strip of electrical tape along the bottom of my composite blades, it seems to slow the wear along the bottom. On blades that chip I also cover the toe to prevent premature chipping.

two kids on my team do that, they say it also helps the feel for the puck and deadens passes

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it depends what kind of blade i am using. because if i have a madano type blade i tape about an 1 and a half from the ends because if i tape the heel it wears away after 2 shots

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jrwarrior16 Posted on Mar 1 2005, 02:27 PM

  i tape from the middle of composite blades ad all the way to the tip of the toe where it is completely covered 

How do you go about getting the toe covered?? i will usally take pieces of tape and cover the toe one by one.....is there an easier way? Perhaps in one motion?

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jrwarrior16 Posted on Mar 1 2005, 02:27 PM

  i tape from the middle of composite blades ad all the way to the tip of the toe where it is completely covered 

How do you go about getting the toe covered?? i will usally take pieces of tape and cover the toe one by one.....is there an easier way? Perhaps in one motion?

Take a piece and put it on the bottom, along the toe and on to the top. Don't put it on the forehand or backhand side, put it on the edge. Then when you tape normally, you should be able to tape right up to the edge of the piece you put over the toe.

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I put a piece of tape along the bottom of the entire blade and then do a simple heel to toe tape job, nothing fancy.

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Accord Posted on Mar 1 2005, 03:20 PM

  I put a piece of tape along the bottom of the entire blade and then do a simple heel to toe tape job, nothing fancy. 

what he said

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i use whatever color tape i can get my hands on.put a strip of sock tape along the bottom. tape heal to toe and covering the toe. then i load it up with wax from a tea light and melt it in. put more wax on and melt it in. put one more coat of wax and melt it in. then one more this time without melting it in. it keeps it dry. i dont know why i do that it is just the way i like it. i have tried other types of tape jobs and they all feel the same to me.

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I'm not sure if its the fastest but the way I have found best is just taping it regularely right down to the toe and your blade should look like a square from the tape. And then cut off the tape not on the blade with scissors so it matches up with the blade.

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I'm not sure if its the fastest but the way I have found best is just taping it regularely right down to the toe and your blade should look like a square from the tape. And then cut off the tape not on the blade with scissors so it matches up with the blade.

Thats exactly wat I do. Protects the blade and it looks more natural

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Using composites, I use one legnth of tape along the bottom of the blade, then another horizontal piece of tape just above that on forehand and backhand sides. Then I hit up the 3/4 inch in heel to the toe. Sometimes I'll stop before the rounded toe, other times I tape over it. I'm starting to tape the whole toe more now, because I find that I am using it more often with my new si-core.

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