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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how much did you size down for your skates?

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Size 12 shoe, I am in a size 10D Kor and I used to skate in a 9.5D Bauer but now it looks like I need to go up to a 10D in Bauer.

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Shoe 11 dress shoe, 12 tennis shoe

Vapor xxv's 9EE Toe skims the toe cap on left foot but is not crammed in the locker room. When I get on the ice, left foot will just barely barely skim the cap.

My older 1152's are a 9.5d (retired)

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I'm a size 12 shoe (any brand), and will never fit in an 11.5 if my life depended on it. I wear a 10EE in the NBH Vapor line. My toes touch at first but over time they stretch a little. They feel great on the peds too, even after a few years of abuse.

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