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pick up hockey (shinny) pet peeves

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Wow, I didn't realize people at pick-up were so sensitive about men's fashion out on the ice...maybe just play the game and don't worry about it?

I think the dusters are the ones who care about how one should look on the ice. Most of the really good guys in my area are beer leaguers who couldn't give a rats ass about there gear.

well, i mean its just a pet peeve of mine. I guess i could have said 'beer league heroes' or the like, but thats been mentioned, and non matching socks just bugs me. Im not gonna go up to someone and tell them what i think about it, or let it affect my game. I just dont understand the point behind it. Like i said maybe i just have an ocd about it, but i like symmetry.

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The chew spit gets to me. I just want to slap um in the back of the head and say have some fucking respect and make it in the bottle you got or be a man and swallow it. There is no need for people to spit on the floor in the locker room, as for the bench I can't take that, again I just want to slap them in the back of the head and say be a man and sallow it

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Even as a chewer, I dont like it when people spit on the floor. I either gut it, or but a 50 cents juice bottle and dump it out. We had one dude on our team that would spit on the floor all the time, he stopped doing it after we used his clean towel to clean it up.

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I think the dusters are the ones who care about how one should look on the ice. Most of the really good guys in my area are beer leaguers who couldn't give a rats ass about there gear.

So with your hatred of what tape people use and your sock "tradition" this puts you...oh, I see. Nevermind.

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marathon shifters - you're not the only guy there, and even if you are better than me, yor time is not worth more than mine, so share the godamned ice.

That's freakin hilarious. My biggest pet peeve as well.

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Im not a big fan of the gym class allstar attitude.

One summer we are playing pick up roller hockey at a rink across town. there was a guy that was hacking the crap out of everybody and playing a 110% stanley cup finals style hockey. We play no check. Well he got hit and still didnt get the message. After a while we are lighting up his team like a christmas tree and offer to switch up teams. He says no and continues to play like he is getting paid. We started playing two passed before you shoot unless it is a breakaway. He is in our behind the net when a blocked shot leads to a breakaway at center ice. The allstar takes of like a bat out of hell. There is noway he is going to catch the guy. The allstar is in full stride up until he hits the bottom of the circle. As he rounds the net he realizes he is going to eat the boards and jumps as high as he can. He hits the chainlink fence about five feet of the ground. At this point his front wheel gets caught and he falls or rather bounces off. He is laying on the ground screaming, people are saying stuff like "quit being a sissy" "that will learn you". He layed there and the only guy he didnt alienate that day took off his shin pad to find his leg was broke clean in two. I dont think anyone felt real bad for him. After he left we repicked teams and had some good pick up. It all comes aroung in the end.

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Im not a big fan of the gym class allstar attitude.

One summer we are playing pick up roller hockey at a rink across town. there was a guy that was hacking the crap out of everybody and playing a 110% stanley cup finals style hockey. We play no check. Well he got hit and still didnt get the message. After a while we are lighting up his team like a christmas tree and offer to switch up teams. He says no and continues to play like he is getting paid. We started playing two passed before you shoot unless it is a breakaway. He is in our behind the net when a blocked shot leads to a breakaway at center ice. The allstar takes of like a bat out of hell. There is noway he is going to catch the guy. The allstar is in full stride up until he hits the bottom of the circle. As he rounds the net he realizes he is going to eat the boards and jumps as high as he can. He hits the chainlink fence about five feet of the ground. At this point his front wheel gets caught and he falls or rather bounces off. He is laying on the ground screaming, people are saying stuff like "quit being a sissy" "that will learn you". He layed there and the only guy he didnt alienate that day took off his shin pad to find his leg was broke clean in two. I dont think anyone felt real bad for him. After he left we repicked teams and had some good pick up. It all comes aroung in the end.

so basicly you don't like good hockey players? I bet your one of those people who complain about people who play D during pickup. Wah wah wah he didn't let me have a clean break away. wah i'm not fast enough to outskate anyone.

pickups are like practice for real games, people rock pickups and then wonder why they're not as good in a real game.

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JJ, unless you're defining "good hockey players" as those who, in jmiro's words, are always "hacking the crap out of everyone" and playing not only at 110% but generally out of control, I don't think you're on the same page here...

Pickups are in no way practices for real games - that would be the role of a PRACTICE or a SCRIMMAGE. Pickup hockey is about two things: having fun on the ice and, a distant second, slow-speed skill development (ie. paced-down runs-through of moves you might try in a game).

If you want to play pickup with your teammates and friends, and run it like a full-speed scrimmage, you're welcome to. Just don't show up at drop-ins and play like your coach will dock you shifts if you don't draw pressure cuts on everyone's forearms.

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Where I grew up, guys wore 2 different socks because they were poor. Sometimes they were thye best players at the outdoor rink but they had ratty old gear. If a guy is using old hand me down crap and he dances around 3 guys who are all decked out in brand new gear, he looks pretty cool. I think some people see that and then start copying the look.

As for this guy saying his friend's dad invented the two different socks......That is the same as Al Gore inventing the internet.

a big pet peeve of mine (maybe i'm just ocd) but it's a player wearing 2 different color socks. I just can't comprehend it for some reason, oh well.

You would love me and my buddy, I allways wear a navy blue sock on my left leg and my teams sock on my right. My buddy wears a solid black on his left and team color on the right. His dad started it, you may know him thomas steen.

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JJ, unless you're defining "good hockey players" as those who, in jmiro's words, are always "hacking the crap out of everyone" and playing not only at 110% but generally out of control, I don't think you're on the same page here...

Pickups are in no way practices for real games - that would be the role of a PRACTICE or a SCRIMMAGE. Pickup hockey is about two things: having fun on the ice and, a distant second, slow-speed skill development (ie. paced-down runs-through of moves you might try in a game).

If you want to play pickup with your teammates and friends, and run it like a full-speed scrimmage, you're welcome to. Just don't show up at drop-ins and play like your coach will dock you shifts if you don't draw pressure cuts on everyone's forearms.

I'm kinda talking about open hockey, but no I understand that in pick up with friends it's a different story. Plus in open 100% is different than game 100%. I hate going to open where four people are hanging on the red line expecting that break out pass. Or even worse that one guy, who seems to ALWAYS be hanging. You get the puck, skate through 4 players about to get one on one with the final d-man and this moron is banging his stick off to the side, demanding the puck, just because he wants to score 5 goals in open. I feel like these people go home and brag to all their friends and tell them they are the next gretzky, but when in a real game they don't even have enough time to get one shot off.

I know you know these people and when you ask them, why are you hanging they say "oh it's just open hockey" "I'm just having fun" well if they played it like a real game, they'd get better and maybe score a goal in a real game. Ice time is expensive and real hard to come by. Every second of ice time for me is practice time and I'm going full speed, because if you master something at half speed and can't pull that at full speed, it will never work in a game.

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[i know you know these people and when you ask them, why are you hanging they say "oh it's just open hockey" "I'm just having fun" well if they played it like a real game, they'd get better and maybe score a goal in a real game. Ice time is expensive and real hard to come by. Every second of ice time for me is practice time and I'm going full speed, because if you master something at half speed and can't pull that at full speed, it will never work in a game.

I think that's funny, because the guys I know who give it all at shinny and try to rack up as my goals as they can are usually pretty awful game players (not all guys). Two years back, my bro was trying to find guys to form a team, so he went to a couple shinny games, picked up guys who were giving 110, end to end, top shelf. He created an all star shinny team and finished 2nd last in the div. Usually a Big dif between good shinny players and good game players, in my experiance anyways.

On the peeves, played with a guy on Sunday, who may be my all time Shinny Superhero, dude was up and down the ice, yelling at guys who weren't finishing or skating hard enough, then he turned into Messier on the bench "WE GOT TO GIVE IT NOW, WE GOT THEM, STEP ON THE PEDDLE GUYS". My response was "Dude you take you shinny a little to seriously". The guy lost it, told me to shut the f up, and said he would switch teams if we didn't want to win, everyone laughed. Classic.

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Im not a big fan of the gym class allstar attitude.

One summer we are playing pick up roller hockey at a rink across town. there was a guy that was hacking the crap out of everybody and playing a 110% stanley cup finals style hockey. We play no check. Well he got hit and still didnt get the message. After a while we are lighting up his team like a christmas tree and offer to switch up teams. He says no and continues to play like he is getting paid. We started playing two passed before you shoot unless it is a breakaway. He is in our behind the net when a blocked shot leads to a breakaway at center ice. The allstar takes of like a bat out of hell. There is noway he is going to catch the guy. The allstar is in full stride up until he hits the bottom of the circle. As he rounds the net he realizes he is going to eat the boards and jumps as high as he can. He hits the chainlink fence about five feet of the ground. At this point his front wheel gets caught and he falls or rather bounces off. He is laying on the ground screaming, people are saying stuff like "quit being a sissy" "that will learn you". He layed there and the only guy he didnt alienate that day took off his shin pad to find his leg was broke clean in two. I dont think anyone felt real bad for him. After he left we repicked teams and had some good pick up. It all comes aroung in the end.

so basicly you don't like good hockey players? I bet your one of those people who complain about people who play D during pickup. Wah wah wah he didn't let me have a clean break away. wah i'm not fast enough to outskate anyone.

pickups are like practice for real games, people rock pickups and then wonder why they're not as good in a real game.

actual it was me on the break way it was another kid. And yea the kid got a clean break. I give all the respect to even the player with no skill, if they dont act like a jerk the whole time.

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I'm all for a fun relaxed pickup, but I won't let a man just camp in front of a net unscathed. Granted I wouldn't muscle him as hard as I would in a beer league game, but one always has to earn crease. I expect the same treatment whenever I shift out to forward as well. It's all in fun, but it's still hockey.

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I'm all for a fun relaxed pickup, but I won't let a man just camp in front of a net unscathed. Granted I wouldn't muscle him as hard as I would in a beer league game, but one always has to earn crease. I expect the same treatment whenever I shift out to forward as well. It's all in fun, but it's still hockey.

Exactly. My group of people is so familiar with each other that sometimes tha body is used more than usual. I'm not going to full on line someone up on the boards, but if they are in front of my net, I let them know that they need to fight for their position.

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I love when I play posts with people and they are idiots. Slapshots and onetimers on a 4 on 4 game of posts when there all people out there that can't skate well and may get hurt.

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those post-highschool guys from prep schools who try to shoot through 4-5 people even though there's no open spot, race around everybody, dont pass, and try to shoot top-shelf every time even when there's an unprotected player right in front of them.

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I typically play at 65-75% hustle at open hockey... I go to have a good time and get a little excersize. These " open hockey heroes" as we call them who go 110% get all my respect for doing so however I dont see the reason to barrel over guys along the boards or hook,slash and trip people.. As a pretty good and experienced Ice hockey player I also get tired of the roller hockey players who show up and just cant grasp how to play the game without the puck... and the goalhanging gets annoying... some of these guys who do it are so talented that they shouldnt need to goal hang....

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I love when I play posts with people and they are idiots. Slapshots and onetimers on a 4 on 4 game of posts when there all people out there that can't skate well and may get hurt.

I saw the best example of instant karma about 7 years ago. We were playing on the shooter tutor - top corners only. One idiot was blazing high slap shots into crowds and just generally being a dick. He got a full breakaway from the blue line, skated nearly into the top of the crease and fired a slapshot. Somehow he got enough elevation that it hit the shooter tutor just below the crossbar. The rebound came out just as fast as it went in and hit him right in the forehead. Cleaned his clock and left him stretched out on the ice in the crease.

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I love when I play posts with people and they are idiots. Slapshots and onetimers on a 4 on 4 game of posts when there all people out there that can't skate well and may get hurt.

I saw the best example of instant karma about 7 years ago. We were playing on the shooter tutor - top corners only. One idiot was blazing high slap shots into crowds and just generally being a dick. He got a full breakaway from the blue line, skated nearly into the top of the crease and fired a slapshot. Somehow he got enough elevation that it hit the shooter tutor just below the crossbar. The rebound came out just as fast as it went in and hit him right in the forehead. Cleaned his clock and left him stretched out on the ice in the crease.

That's awesome. Thou shalt not f--- with the Tutor!

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Whenever I play pick up i go pretty hard, unless im dead tired.

I'd rather have guys on my team going hard than just being lazy.

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players who complain they never get passes, but they are the ones who go end to end every chance they get

I used to skate with a couple of guys and I'd be sitting on the bench with one and he would be bitching about the other guy not passing. Then a little later it would be the opposite the other guy is on the bench with me and starts yapping about how that guy never passes. I almost couldn't keep my self from laughing.

Whenever I play pick up i go pretty hard, unless im dead tired.

I'd rather have guys on my team going hard than just being lazy.

I can't stand it when you have 10 minutes left and there are guys who can barely skate because there so tired and won't change.

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I'll take a slapper when playing posts sometimes but never ever through someone. (and I wouldn't take it from the top of the crease, hahaha. maybe on a 2 on 0 when everyones being lazy and not chasing) Just for a little fun really, but if I ever hit someone with a slapshot in pickup I'd feel so bad. I don't like shooting through people generally unless it's an actual game. Passing it around is much more fun, especially if there's no goalie.

I hate however, when playing posts, the defencemen who doesn't challenge you and gives you the only option of shooting through him. The guy who if he was playing in a real game would simply be screening his goalie.

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