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Ovechkin hitting 60?

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yeah I don't get the reason for fighting someone for playing hard aggressive hockey? He doesn't cheap shot at least from all the games I've watched and he plays a relatively clean game

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I still don't see why someone would hammer him into a fist fight in the first place. The only real dirty incident is the awkward hit from behind on Briere last year. The only person that would go out of their way to take a star out of a game in a fight would be some bum from the minors trying to make a name for himself. If there's no crime, should there be a sentence? It just doesn't make sense to feed it to someone for playing hard and clean. He takes runs at people, yes. But he takes those runs at everyone, regardless of size or stature on the team. I just don't see the point in this argument. It's kinda like saying for someone to drop them with Phaneuf and giving it to him for hitting someone too hard. It makes no sense.

Happens all the time.

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I still don't see why someone would hammer him into a fist fight in the first place. The only real dirty incident is the awkward hit from behind on Briere last year. The only person that would go out of their way to take a star out of a game in a fight would be some bum from the minors trying to make a name for himself. If there's no crime, should there be a sentence? It just doesn't make sense to feed it to someone for playing hard and clean. He takes runs at people, yes. But he takes those runs at everyone, regardless of size or stature on the team. I just don't see the point in this argument. It's kinda like saying for someone to drop them with Phaneuf and giving it to him for hitting someone too hard. It makes no sense.

Happens all the time.

I still don't see why anyone would want to fight ovechkin.

1) He hardly does much damage, he hits hard, but he hits clean.

2) He's an equal opportunity offender, it's not like he seeks out stars on the other team to hit hard.

3) From the past, they've already shown, the referees and linesmen protect the skilled players.

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I still don't see why someone would hammer him into a fist fight in the first place. The only real dirty incident is the awkward hit from behind on Briere last year. The only person that would go out of their way to take a star out of a game in a fight would be some bum from the minors trying to make a name for himself. If there's no crime, should there be a sentence? It just doesn't make sense to feed it to someone for playing hard and clean. He takes runs at people, yes. But he takes those runs at everyone, regardless of size or stature on the team. I just don't see the point in this argument. It's kinda like saying for someone to drop them with Phaneuf and giving it to him for hitting someone too hard. It makes no sense.

Happens all the time.

I still don't see why anyone would want to fight ovechkin.

1) He hardly does much damage, he hits hard, but he hits clean.

2) He's an equal opportunity offender, it's not like he seeks out stars on the other team to hit hard.

3) From the past, they've already shown, the referees and linesmen protect the skilled players.

If you don't get the point yet then I believe you are beyond my help.

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If you don't get the point yet then I believe you are beyond my help.

Your point is you don't understand why ovey is not called to the mat to answer for his style of play more often.

To which many responded, he plays hard, he doesn't play dirty, whats to answer to?

To which you said, he doesn't fight, he gets away with too much.

To which I posted some clips, and listed some examples where people had taken liberties with him, and where he had stood up for himself.

Then you said it's not the same

People generally don't target star players to fight with, because there is usually someone on the team who will take exception to it. Ruutu and Laraque do that in Pittsburgh, Brashear and Bradley do it in Washington, Boogard did it in Minny before getting hurt, so now they have Simon to do it.

Are you going to keep whining about a non issue because ovey hung 5 points on your beloved bruins forever, or will you let it go? The bruins have had the caps number for a while now, it's not like the caps have dominated.

Time to move on, let it go, read some enid blyton or something

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If you don't get the point yet then I believe you are beyond my help.

Your point is you don't understand why ovey is not called to the mat to answer for his style of play more often.

To which many responded, he plays hard, he doesn't play dirty, whats to answer to?

To which you said, he doesn't fight, he gets away with too much.

To which I posted some clips, and listed some examples where people had taken liberties with him, and where he had stood up for himself.

Then you said it's not the same

People generally don't target star players to fight with, because there is usually someone on the team who will take exception to it. Ruutu and Laraque do that in Pittsburgh, Brashear and Bradley do it in Washington, Boogard did it in Minny before getting hurt, so now they have Simon to do it.

Are you going to keep whining about a non issue because ovey hung 5 points on your beloved bruins forever, or will you let it go? The bruins have had the caps number for a while now, it's not like the caps have dominated.

Time to move on, let it go, read some enid blyton or something

:D looks I dont have to reply to him, you did it for me :)

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Apparently the code of the league has changed or folks just forget. There was a time that if a player entered the league and was taking runs all over the ice then opposing veterans would be grabbing him by the collar and introducing him to knuckles. It didn't matter if you were a scorer or a grinder. If you ran around the way Ovechkin does now then you had plenty of "welcome to the league" moments.

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Apparently the code of the league has changed or folks just forget. There was a time that if a player entered the league and was taking runs all over the ice then opposing veterans would be grabbing him by the collar and introducing him to knuckles. It didn't matter if you were a scorer or a grinder. If you ran around the way Ovechkin does now then you had plenty of "welcome to the league" moments.

And therein lies the problem.

Ovechkin plays the game, if a player is in his way, he hits him, or goes round him.

Can you give me one example (briere incident aside, which was a tit for tat retaliation) where ovechkin went out of his way to run someone?

He doesn't do it.

Hitting is part of the game, he does not hit dirty, or late, or off the puck. He hits because it's part of the flow of the game.

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Apparently the code of the league has changed or folks just forget. There was a time that if a player entered the league and was taking runs all over the ice then opposing veterans would be grabbing him by the collar and introducing him to knuckles. It didn't matter if you were a scorer or a grinder. If you ran around the way Ovechkin does now then you had plenty of "welcome to the league" moments.

Well seeing how Ovechkin hasn't had many of these "welcome to the league" moments maybe its your perception of him that is wrong. Ever thought of that? I think it's a possibility. It seems as if you have something against him cause your really reaching for some of these things your coming up with in your arguements. My .02

Edit: you make it sound like all he does is headhunts. He leads the league in in points and goals, how can that be if he is always going out of his way to check people?

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I have nothing against him. He is fun to watch. But when he runs around he's trying to kill guys with hits and that is something that veterans used to make new guys answer for.

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I think Allsmokenopancake takes shall we say the cake and wins this Ovechkin argument about him going way out of his way to hit someone and usually if they do that they look like a chicken running around with it's head cut off

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Apparently the code of the league has changed or folks just forget. There was a time that if a player entered the league and was taking runs all over the ice then opposing veterans would be grabbing him by the collar and introducing him to knuckles. It didn't matter if you were a scorer or a grinder. If you ran around the way Ovechkin does now then you had plenty of "welcome to the league" moments.

And therein lies the problem.

Ovechkin plays the game, if a player is in his way, he hits him, or goes round him.

Can you give me one example (briere incident aside, which was a tit for tat retaliation) where ovechkin went out of his way to run someone?

He doesn't do it.

Hitting is part of the game, he does not hit dirty, or late, or off the puck. He hits because it's part of the flow of the game.

Watch Monday's game again and you'll see at least 3-4 instances where he's running at a guy already locked up with a Cap in a battle for the puck.

Now, show me where I said he was hitting dirty, late, or off the puck. I've said the same thing, at this point, ad nauseum, but you guys choose to not comprehend.

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Top of my head, Mark Stuart behind the B's net in the second.

Jesus christ, you are calling that a run?

Stuart and another cap were tying the puck up, and he went in a hit stuart, got the puck, and threw it out to in front of the net.

Or was it a different incident I'm thinking of?

I'm going to bow out of this now, because if you think thats the defination of running someone then this will go nowhere fast

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Top of my head, Mark Stuart behind the B's net in the second.

Jesus christ, you are calling that a run?

Stuart and another cap were tying the puck up, and he went in a hit stuart, got the puck, and threw it out to in front of the net.

Or was it a different incident I'm thinking of?

I'm going to bow out of this now, because if you think thats the defination of running someone then this will go nowhere fast

Different play. Stuart moved the puck up to a B's winger since Ovie didn't catch him square.

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Yeah I watched the whole game and didn't see these great instances you are claiming. Remove your ovie hatred and watch the game for what it is.

Ovie use to leave his feet to hit someone in his rookie year and has stopped that. I don't think you will find a more passionate player that cares about everyone on his team and the game in general.

Ovie doesn't run players he is too busy leading the league in goals.

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Yeah I watched the whole game and didn't see these great instances you are claiming. Remove your ovie hatred and watch the game for what it is.

Ovie use to leave his feet to hit someone in his rookie year and has stopped that. I don't think you will find a more passionate player that cares about everyone on his team and the game in general.

Ovie doesn't run players he is too busy leading the league in goals.

What part of "he is fun to watch" don't you get????

As for the bolded, since when does one automatically exclude the other?

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