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Ovechkin hitting 60?

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I love watching the guy play, cause every goal he scores is like his first goal in the league ever and I think the NHL needs more players that have the passion that Ovechkin does

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One thing I started wondering, the way that Ovechkin runs around trying to throw big hits, how come nobody has grabbed him and given him a little what-for?

Trying isn't exactly the right term.

Maybe the guys that would grab him and give him a little what-for respect the way he plays the game... Gotta love seeing a guy with that much skill play with the fire and physicality he does.

I was watching the game last night and thought he was gonna net his 60th last night. :lol:

The way the B's were playing he could have hit 70.

I'm not sure it is a respect factor that has kept people from letting Ovechkin know that running around won't be tolerated. Every other player that runs around going for the big hits is forced to answer at some point. What makes Ovechkin immune?

I like the guy, he's fun to watch but it just doesn't make sense to me that nobody has loosened a couple of his remaining teeth.

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One thing I started wondering, the way that Ovechkin runs around trying to throw big hits, how come nobody has grabbed him and given him a little what-for?

Trying isn't exactly the right term.

Maybe the guys that would grab him and give him a little what-for respect the way he plays the game... Gotta love seeing a guy with that much skill play with the fire and physicality he does.

I was watching the game last night and thought he was gonna net his 60th last night. :lol:

The way the B's were playing he could have hit 70.

I'm not sure it is a respect factor that has kept people from letting Ovechkin know that running around won't be tolerated. Every other player that runs around going for the big hits is forced to answer at some point. What makes Ovechkin immune?

I like the guy, he's fun to watch but it just doesn't make sense to me that nobody has loosened a couple of his remaining teeth.

Chara is generally the one who shadows ovey on the bruins, which is likely why he has had little success to now.

However, last night Brashear took him out of the game for 5 minutes with their hugging match, then I think green drew the bullseye by rattling him at the end boards. He looked up, took greens number, and I think he forgot about ovey.

Usually he is badgered by someone pretty good, and he has been cuffed, hit and slashed a fair bit this season (I see all the games). He just doesn't let it stop him, or alter his style of play.

Take the montreal game for example, where he was boarded and had to get 6 stitches in his lip to go with his broken nose.

He also scored 4 goals and an assist that game.

As he said when he was in vancouver for a game (last year, or the season before) after being speared by Gleason against the canes, when asked if he would play "Russian Machine, never breaks"

Now granted the potential for a shortened career that goes with the reckless play is there, but damned if it isn't fun watching at the minute

EDIT: Also, speared in the nuts by whitney against the pens, speared in the gut by gleason against the canes, boarded against the canadiens, cross checked into the boards by the flyers (forget which one)

He has had to answer plenty, that he doesn't dive or complain about it doesn't mean he isn't being called to task. He just knows it's part of the game the way he plays it

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I've seen AO targeted for crap alot, but he's very good and getting away from it. He takes alot of shots after his goals, but he is too busy celebrating to care. While others would shove back, he skates away. Last night Savard collided with him at center, it looked like an elbow, and was interference, but it wasn't vicious. AO got up and busted his balls to the net, chopped at the puck, then turned away. He's big enough to handle the hits and he's quick enough to move when they come. He doesn't put himself in alot of dangerous spots and doesn't invite trouble. It's a huge reason nobody has been able to grab him. Unless it is blatantly obvious, he is usually good enough to shake it off or avoid it altogether.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

I think you would see the bench empty if that happened. Hell, you might even see people coming out of the stands if a guy jumped Ovechkin and started beating on him.

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its not a crosby situation where people think he complains too much, or dives or acts. Ove plays the game straight up. He hits hard and shoots even harder. Most guys respect that. No reason to start a fight because someones playing better and harder than you. If someone picked him out just for that, we'd have a Senators/Sabers game.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

Because Ovie is pretty darn strong and would probably win the fight. Ovie knows his roll so he doesn't want to sit for 5 mins.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

I think you would see the bench empty if that happened. Hell, you might even see people coming out of the stands if a guy jumped Ovechkin and started beating on him.

I don't think so. I think if someone calls Ovechkin to the carpet for running around the way he does you'll see the possible third man but that's about it. Granted, it can't be a heavyweight but a Shanny type guy would be just what the doctor ordered.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

I think you would see the bench empty if that happened. Hell, you might even see people coming out of the stands if a guy jumped Ovechkin and started beating on him.

I don't think so. I think if someone calls Ovechkin to the carpet for running around the way he does you'll see the possible third man but that's about it. Granted, it can't be a heavyweight but a Shanny type guy would be just what the doctor ordered.

haha Ovie would destroy Shanny if they went. Ovie gets good clean hits on people, just let it be.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

Because Ovie is pretty darn strong and would probably win the fight. Ovie knows his roll so he doesn't want to sit for 5 mins.

Would that be a sub roll or a dinner roll? Trust me, the reason it hasn't happened yet is not because someone is afraid of losing.

You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

I think you would see the bench empty if that happened. Hell, you might even see people coming out of the stands if a guy jumped Ovechkin and started beating on him.

I don't think so. I think if someone calls Ovechkin to the carpet for running around the way he does you'll see the possible third man but that's about it. Granted, it can't be a heavyweight but a Shanny type guy would be just what the doctor ordered.

haha Ovie would destroy Shanny if they went. Ovie gets good clean hits on people, just let it be.

Not so sure that either of those statements are true. I've said before, I like the guy, he's fun to watch but you don't get a free pass to take runs just because you can score goals.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

Ovechkin runs into (if you look, mccabe actually turns him so it was not intentional) gets mugged by Belfour and McCabe, does not back down

Ovechkin v Mike Richards (ovechkin clearly beat here, but still drops them)

Ovechkin v Oleg Teverdovsky

Or do none of those count because it doesn't meet your criteria?

He has stood up for himself, he has given hits, he has taken hits.

Just because he doesn't cry about it and picks himself up after and keeps playing doesn't mean he can't take it.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

Ovechkin runs into (if you look, mccabe actually turns him so it was not intentional) gets mugged by Belfour and McCabe, does not back down

Ovechkin v Mike Richards (ovechkin clearly beat here, but still drops them)

Ovechkin v Oleg Teverdovsky

Or do none of those count because it doesn't meet your criteria?

He has stood up for himself, he has given hits, he has taken hits.

Just because he doesn't cry about it and picks himself up after and keeps playing doesn't mean he can't take it.

I'll give you Richards. The Belfour/McCabe thing was more of a mugging by Ovechkin and ...............Tverdovsky? Seriously?

You'll notice something about all of those instances, Ovechkin starts each one. He has still not answered a call. Hence, no, they don't fit.

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I'll give you Richards. The Belfour/McCabe thing was more of a mugging by Ovechkin and ...............Tverdovsky? Seriously?

You'll notice something about all of those instances, Ovechkin starts each one. He has still not answered a call. Hence, no, they don't fit.

Why does he need to "answer the call"? He dishes it out, but takes what he's given and doesn't whine about it. Hell, he's even willing to drop the gloves on occasion.

Do you really think taking a beating in a fight would stop OV from playing his physical game? I don't.

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I'll give you Richards. The Belfour/McCabe thing was more of a mugging by Ovechkin and ...............Tverdovsky? Seriously?

You'll notice something about all of those instances, Ovechkin starts each one. He has still not answered a call. Hence, no, they don't fit.

Why does he need to "answer the call"? He dishes it out, but takes what he's given and doesn't whine about it. Hell, he's even willing to drop the gloves on occasion.

Do you really think taking a beating in a fight would stop OV from playing his physical game? I don't.

Kids just don't get it.

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I'll give you Richards. The Belfour/McCabe thing was more of a mugging by Ovechkin and ...............Tverdovsky? Seriously?

You'll notice something about all of those instances, Ovechkin starts each one. He has still not answered a call. Hence, no, they don't fit.

Why does he need to "answer the call"? He dishes it out, but takes what he's given and doesn't whine about it. Hell, he's even willing to drop the gloves on occasion.

Do you really think taking a beating in a fight would stop OV from playing his physical game? I don't.

Kids just don't get it.

Good chance I am just as old as you. ;)

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

I get your point, but I think you missed mine. How do you fight him? He doesn't invite trouble and usually gets out of it quickly. He'd need to be grabbedd/jumped to do so and then it creates a whole other issue. If that happens, all hell breaks loose. Guys like Lecavalier and Iggy, who fight and get grabbed at times, are into the scrums and do so. It's not often a player is grabbed and simply beat on, let alone the best player in the league. When he gets into scrums, like the ones above, the officials are quick to come in and he isn't really dropping the gloves and squaring off.

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You guys are missing my point, I'm not talking about hitting him, I'm talking about someone dropping the mitts and feeding him rights.

I get your point, but I think you missed mine. How do you fight him? He doesn't invite trouble and usually gets out of it quickly. He'd need to be grabbedd/jumped to do so and then it creates a whole other issue. If that happens, all hell breaks loose. Guys like Lecavalier and Iggy, who fight and get grabbed at times, are into the scrums and do so. It's not often a player is grabbed and simply beat on, let alone the best player in the league.

The last statement is debatable. As for the rest, he invites trouble simply by the way he runs around trying to make the big hit. By not sticking around to see if it leads to something, I can tell you what will happen sooner or later. Someone will have enough and catch him and it won't be pretty.

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By not sticking around to see if it leads to something.

I don't really get what your saying is he suppose to stay and wait for the other guy to get up after he cleanly checks him instead of going a place on the ice where the play is happening? Should he stick around and may be help the other guy up, ask him is he OK, would he like a lollypop for his bubu?

If the other guy doesn't like getting hit hard by Ovy he can try and check Ovy back but usually that guy is not good enough to catch him for a clean check (if that guy is good enough Ovy takes his hits and keeps on playing). And going for a dirty hit results in a penalty that Ovy may turn in to a power play goal.

edit ps: And if you just grab him its also not a good move because if your its a heavyweight then Brash will go after him and if its someone else he's got a problem, he just grabbed a 200+ lb of Russian he will not be happy and soon every one on the ice will be around him and Ovy wrestling and shoving. The ending is the same Ovy will keep on playing they way he plays.

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The last statement is debatable. As for the rest, he invites trouble simply by the way he runs around trying to make the big hit. By not sticking around to see if it leads to something, I can tell you what will happen sooner or later. Someone will have enough and catch him and it won't be pretty.

seriously. It's hockey. It's supposed to be physical. True, he doesnt go and pick fights, why should he? He scores almost 30% of his team's goals, he's no use to them in the penalty box. Some players play more physical than others, not a big deal.

The reason no one grabs him and tries to beat him senseless is because NHL players understand hitting is part of hockey. He takes hits too. It's not like he spends all of his time on the ice head hunting like your making it sound.

Anyway, this thread is about Ovechkin hitting 60 goals anyhow. I think he will :)

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The last statement is debatable. As for the rest, he invites trouble simply by the way he runs around trying to make the big hit. By not sticking around to see if it leads to something, I can tell you what will happen sooner or later. Someone will have enough and catch him and it won't be pretty.

Like Dale Hunter on Turgeon? Everyone gets theirs, its the nature of the sport. Whether it will be a fight is debatable, he's been hammered with hits a few times, but it's not easy to just grab a star who doesn't want to fight and hammer on him. Especially one that doesn't usually stick around for the crap or instigate it.

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The last statement is debatable. As for the rest, he invites trouble simply by the way he runs around trying to make the big hit. By not sticking around to see if it leads to something, I can tell you what will happen sooner or later. Someone will have enough and catch him and it won't be pretty.

seriously. It's hockey. It's supposed to be physical. True, he doesnt go and pick fights, why should he? He scores almost 30% of his team's goals, he's no use to them in the penalty box. Some players play more physical than others, not a big deal.

The reason no one grabs him and tries to beat him senseless is because NHL players understand hitting is part of hockey. He takes hits too. It's not like he spends all of his time on the ice head hunting like your making it sound.

Anyway, this thread is about Ovechkin hitting 60 goals anyhow. I think he will :)

I think you're dead on the money. He's by far the best player on his team and possibly the best player in the whole league, why would he want to hurt the team by spending 5 minutes in the box? And what if he got ejected? That'd be horrible, could you see Michael Jordan getting 3 fouls in the first quarter? The Bulls probably had trouble winning whenever that happened...

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I still don't see why someone would hammer him into a fist fight in the first place. The only real dirty incident is the awkward hit from behind on Briere last year. The only person that would go out of their way to take a star out of a game in a fight would be some bum from the minors trying to make a name for himself. If there's no crime, should there be a sentence? It just doesn't make sense to feed it to someone for playing hard and clean. He takes runs at people, yes. But he takes those runs at everyone, regardless of size or stature on the team. I just don't see the point in this argument. It's kinda like saying for someone to drop them with Phaneuf and giving it to him for hitting someone too hard. It makes no sense.

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