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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your first love... the curve of your choice

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Used the Sakic years back when it was a very straight curve. Almost completely straight. I learned to shoot with that curve. It was then revised and named the Modano, which I've used through its name changes of Forsberg and Zetterberg. Also, its PM9 clones as well.

Been using it for a decade or more now I guess.

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Used the Sakic years back when it was a very straight curve. Almost completely straight. I learned to shoot with that curve. It was then revised and named the Modano, which I've used through its name changes of Forsberg and Zetterberg. Also, its PM9 clones as well.

Been using it for a decade or more now I guess.

Sakic did not become the Modano, they were different and offered at the same time. The Sakic was a longer mid curve, very similar to the Kariya pro. I think I still have one of the original graphite blades laying around somewhere.

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Love Draper/Sakic , only curves ever used. Can do everything with them from forehand , backhand , dangling, etc.

Love to dangle and play with the puck and am tempted to try a Kane curve and see how that fares, as well as trying a Backstrom.

Love the fact that the Sakic/Draper just allows you to rocket pucks top shelf from in tight, and allows for nice snaps from farther out.

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CCM 1052 Groovelite wood stick Dave Andreychuck more recently NBH One95 Dustin Brown

Love Draper/Sakic , only curves ever used. Can do everything with them from forehand , backhand , dangling, etc.

Love to dangle and play with the puck and am tempted to try a Kane curve and see how that fares, as well as trying a Backstrom.

Love the fact that the Sakic/Draper just allows you to rocket pucks top shelf from in tight, and allows for nice snaps from farther out.

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Anyone played a game with the Reebok Crosby curve? I have a wood stick, and its probably the best curve for me, considering the fact i've played with a Sher-Wood Coffey, an Easton Sakic, and a NBH Lindros.

That's all I use now and love it for Ball/Roller hockey. I used to have the Reebok 2K stick with that curve but have since advanced to a Bauer One95 shaft with an ABS 2K blade. I thought the 7 lie would be an issue for me, but it's perfect for me since the wear appears even throughout. I'd like it to be a little more open but it's open enough for me to get lift on a ball/puck. Definitely easier than when I had a NBH Lindros/P88 blade.

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While certainly not my first curve, I think my favorite curve I've used is either the Heatley from Easton or the PM9 from NBH. I used the PM9 for a while and really really liked it, but then the stick broke and haven't used it since. I've been using the Heatley for around 3 years or so I'd guess and I really like the feel of it.

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Current: Drury/Kovalev/Etc...

Previous: Bauer Tverdovsky, Vic "Mick", Koho Ozolinsh. The Tverdovsky was probably my first "regular" curve, where I purposely searched it out.

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Current: Drury/Kovalev/Etc...

Previous: Bauer Tverdovsky, Vic "Mick", Koho Ozolinsh. The Tverdovsky was probably my first "regular" curve, where I purposely searched it out.

1st love KOHO JAGR.

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When I first started getting picky and experimental in the curves I used, back in highschool, I found I really was able to work and play good with a retail standard Gilmour curve Hespeler (almost no curve!). I progressed to a bigger curve (something like a Clark - Lindros? pattern maybe?). The curve that was the homerun for me was either a Koho or maybe Canadien (could have been Hesepler) Verbeek. Not sure what it would be today, as I don't remember for sure, but I think it would be close to a Drury today, as that is what I use now (P91A on my XXXX).

I am thinking of transitioning away from the Drury to a more "curvy", but still keeping the open heel - that make sense? Although - I have thought about going to a closed pattern too. I have a Fischer pattern Easton Synth II that I don't like very much, plus an extra one that will never be used.

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anything close to a sakic or naslund was always good for me.

i usually try to add a bit more toe to the sakics (heat and bend wood only)...

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Dunno why, but I've seemed to change my favorite curves throughout my life. I started using straight curves, then I got really into heel curves. Now I'm into mid/toe curves. My fave is the Backstrom.

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PM9/Zetterberg curve is what I started with and definitely like the curve. Although, I'm open to trying out different curves; thinking about going to a two piece so that I can check out different curves.

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The TPS Response in an Allison curve... just a beauty

Used the Messier for 2 years and switched to the Sakic. Tried the Drury 3 months ago and havent looked back. Great blade/Curve (at least for my shooting style)

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