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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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3rd Jerseys for 2008-2009

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yeah the leafs jersey is ok, but IMO the logo is way to large

Leafs jersey looks great. Glad that they didn't screw that one up. Logo is fine, keep in mind those are replicas

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... Also, great job by the Oilers. I was really worried they wouldn't bother with pant shells, gloves, and helmets for the throwbacks a-la pre-lockout St. Louis Blues, so I'm happy to learn that they aren't cheaping out on that stuff.

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The new Trashers one isn't so bad (the jersey design), but I'm still now a big fan of the front numbers.

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Terrible. Front numbers, bad sleeves, the colors seem way off with a touch of blue in the collar and a single gold pipe along with the logo. The should have done up the logo a bit better and left off the numbers for sure. Shoulder patchs could be smaller. Why didn't they just use that logo?

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Terrible. Front numbers, bad sleeves, the colors seem way off with a touch of blue in the collar and a single gold pipe along with the logo. The should have done up the logo a bit better and left off the numbers for sure. Elbow patchs could be smaller. Why didn't they just use that logo?

Horrendous. I actually like the font they used for "thrashers" and the dark red, the rest should be thrown out.

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I personally really like the Dallas Stars home jersey. I think it looks clean and classic in its own unique way. However, I don't want wordscript logos and front numbers to become a trend (which it seems like is happening). Dallas' home jersey shows how it should be done, the Atlanta jersey shows how to get it wrong.

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I personally really like the Dallas Stars home jersey. I think it looks clean and classic in its own unique way. However, I don't want wordscript logos and front numbers to become a trend (which it seems like is happening). Dallas' home jersey shows how it should be done, the Atlanta jersey shows how to get it wrong.

+1, right there.

From what I've seen and heard, Dallas' 3rd jersey will be another colour variation (likely, white) of their current black home jersey. That team definitely got things right.

Atlanta... not so much.

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Atlanta isn't terrible, but like others have said, it's worrysome that this could become a trend. I think that jersey would look awesome with the bird on the front and maybe something like ATL on the shoulders, similar to TML like the Leafs.

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Wow, that is absolutly the ugliest jersey in the NHL. I don't know who I feel worse for, the players for having to wear it or the all the poor hockey fans that have to look at that.

Really, if anyone buys that jersey, they are out of their minds.

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Tampa Bay



The "Tampa Bay" on the back of the jersey is a little out of place :blink:

(And they spelled Lecavalier's name wrong)



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The fact that Vinny's name is wrong and the Tampa Bay writing is straight makes me think that's still a photoshop/concept image. The front looks legit, but the back must still be fake, the white is too bright and crisp. The BOLTS isn't quite so bad, but it's still not a good idea. Why not a variation of a bolt, or even "LIGHTNING" to have a longer script without huge letters? Other than that, the colors look good, not a bad design for a modern look.

Philly is ok. Better than they current jerseys that look like wife beaters and long sleeve shirts, but the sleeves look so weird with the way the black area tapers so much.

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wow, mr. theiceman, I must say you suck. I read the article, and then decided that the great folks of MSH should read it. I open up this very forum about to put up a link. What do I see...I see you have already stole my thunder and linked the very same article. But either way, I really like what the blackhawks and the Redwings will wear for the Winter Classic.

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