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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  Xi Retlah iX said:

If you plan on playing the Xbox on it, dont go for a Plama. Your going to see burn-ins from the health bar or scoreboard or whatever is up on the screen for a long time. Plasmas are great for TV, DVDs n such, but not for videogames. Get an LCD.

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I play 360 on a plasma. After i play for a while, you'll see some burn ins, but they go away in minutes or so after watching something else. it also happens when you watch sports games, the scoreboard get's burnt in the screen. Also, my dad has left dvd's on its menu screen for 4-5 hours and once again, things will get burnt in but are gone soon after watching something else.

moral of the story, yes things on plasma get burnt in, but not for long.

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  kovalchuk71 said:

I thought you were a Mac guy?

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I am, but the wife's not and I've been testing it out on there. Plus it's the depot where I put TV shows and movies on for the most part.

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If it goes away you are not seeing burn in you are seeing image retention. They are different. Most of the new Plasmas are much harder to actually burn in a permanent image. You may get some image retention especially when the TV's are new and the Phosphors are still the hottest, but the temp image retetion will go away usually pretty quickly if you just watch some full screen stuff without logos or use the TV's white wash feature.

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Well that just came in and I will, but I did use some of the ol' refund on it. I figure getting my loan to Uncle Sam back warranted something.

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I've got a 42" 1080p Samsung LCD and it's beautiful for HD movies and 360. If you don't have HD cable yet, Samsung's have one of the better pictures when it comes to displaying regular cable on an HD TV. Best bet is to go to BestBuy or somewhere and look around though. They normally have sweet financing deals if you use their credit card, I got 3 years no interest

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Have the Sharp Aquos 50" and really love it!!

Fast action has minimal digitization noticable. I think a lot of the issues with fast action are due to Direct-TV issues, not the tv itself though.

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Sharp Aquos 37" 720P. Unless your sitting very close to the screen, you will not see a diff between the 720 and 1080. Got it for $850

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gonna bump this back. Ill be lookin to get a new tv here in the next month or two. What are the most important things in tv's? Hz, contrast, size? just curious. my plan is to get this next month Vizio TV , as my tv right now has only 1 hdmi port. I recently upgraded to hd cable, and need more out of my tv for that and my ps3/xbox.

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i can suggest what i did - sold my winter classic tickets and bought a 50" samsung plasma to watch the game on

i can tell you one of the best places online to order tv's from is crutchfield - their customer service is outstanding

if you want to read about tv's (which you should) go watch a few reviews on http://reviews.cnet.com/televisions/?tag=TOCleftColumn.0

i ended up getting the Samsung PN50C8000 with a free samsung blue ray player and 2 free pairs of 3d glasses and the 4 shrek movies as a package through crutchfield and they got it to me over the christmas break and before the winter classic which other shipping places said wasn't going to be possible.

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Get a Panasonic Plasma, I work in the electronics business and there is nothing better than a plasma picture especially for sports. I really like Panasonic's G10 series, their 3D Plasma is also nice, but I'd stay away from 3D.

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As far as samsung tvs go, I purchased a 46" lcd in 07 or 08. Im not sure of the model number but it was fine for 2 years (mfg warranty time) then it started to click on and off repeatedly before it starts up. It has gotten progressively worse and it now takes about 5 to 20 minutes to turn the tv on. According to what I've read online, this is because they cheaped out on the transistors/capacitors and its not getting enough power. I did purchase it at best buy with their 4 year warranty. I will be having them fix it but just some food for thought.

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Did some online reading and a month or so ago we got a 46" KDL-46EX400 Sony LCD. It's 1080p with a 60Hz refresh rate. Side by side we saw NO difference in it with the 120Hz Sony... except the price, lol. Picture quality is superb to say the least. Did calibrate the settings though. We got the new TV and a new Aspenhome entertainment center (took the tape measure along to ensure it would fit the Klipsch center channel speaker and the Denon AVR and DVD units too) for around $1200 total including tax. Sure beats the old 32" LCD which now resides in the family room for the little one to watch!


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  On 1/17/2011 at 12:38 AM, Too Old said:

Did some online reading and a month or so ago we got a 47" KDL-46EX400 Sony LCD. It's 1080p with a 60Hz refresh rate. Side by side we saw NO difference in it with the 120Hz Sony... except the price, lol. Picture quality is superb to say the least. Did calibrate the settings though. We got the new TV and a new Aspenhome entertainment center (took the tape measure along to ensure it would fit the Klipsch center channel speaker and the Denon AVR and DVD units too) for around $1200 total including tax. Sure beats the old 32" LCD which now resides in the family room for the little one to watch!


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Are you a cowboys fan? Might be playing the LIONS in the pic tho... and seeing as you have all these redwings gloves you might be a Lions fan. I am a huge cowboys fan. They were horrible the first of this year but I will still admit to being a fan.

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Oh my... NO I am not a Cowboys or Lions fan, lol! Although we do know Jared DeVries who played for the Lions; he's from just west of where we live and we're good friends with his inlaws. On the other hand yes, I'm a Wings fan. There's only one NFL team you'll see me wanting to win!


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  On 1/17/2011 at 3:14 PM, Too Old said:

Oh my... NO I am not a Cowboys or Lions fan, lol! Although we do know Jared DeVries who played for the Lions; he's from just west of where we live and we're good friends with his inlaws. On the other hand yes, I'm a Wings fan. There's only one NFL team you'll see me wanting to win!


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Its not clear who you want to win? Is that the vikings or the Bears? :tongue:

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