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Minor leaguer traded for 10 baseball bats

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First thing that came to mind when I heard about this story was something that happened in the early 1980s. The Seattle Breakers of the WHL (before they were called the Thunderbirds) traded a player to the Victoria (now Prince George) Cougars for a bus.

Here's a link to the story, second one down from the top: http://letsgodu.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_archive.html

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  moose77 said:

First thing that came to mind when I heard about this story was something that happened in the early 1980s. The Seattle Breakers of the WHL (before they were called the Thunderbirds) traded a player to the Victoria (now Prince George) Cougars for a bus.

Here's a link to the story, second one down from the top: http://letsgodu.blogspot.com/2005_12_01_archive.html

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well, at least a bus sounds infinitely better than a small quantity of bats, hah.

a beer league guy i used to play with jumped ship mid-season, and we demanded a case of beer in return. i don't think they came through, unfortunately.

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Isn't that like when a player gets traded for "future considerations"?

"Hey, we're going to let you go, probably for nothing in return, best of luck, get the fuck out"

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  Rustpot said:
Isn't that like when a player gets traded for "future considerations"?

"Hey, we're going to let you go, probably for nothing in return, best of luck, get the fuck out"

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In one case, the guy traded was the "future consideration", I just forget who it was.

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Which one did Detroit buy for a dollar, Maltby or Draper? May have been both but I thought Maltby was actually traded.

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  Chadd said:
  Rustpot said:
Isn't that like when a player gets traded for "future considerations"?

"Hey, we're going to let you go, probably for nothing in return, best of luck, get the fuck out"

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In one case, the guy traded was the "future consideration", I just forget who it was.

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Harry Chiti. Here's a list from another message board that has all the weird trades in the past.


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I've heard of someone in a shitty junior league being traded to a team so long as that player's old team gets to eat hamburgers at the concession stand after every game they play there.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
  Neal said:
  kosydar said:

Pretty sure it was Draper. He gave the dollar back after they won the first Cup.

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Yeah, Draper. $1 to the Jets.

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FROM the Jets.

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Yeah, but the dollar went to the Jets. You say tomato, I say Tomahto, the Red Wings still committed highway robbery on that one.

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  mack said:
Which one did Detroit buy for a dollar, Maltby or Draper? May have been both but I thought Maltby was actually traded.
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Maltby was traded for Dan McGillis or the pick that was used for McGillis, don't recall exactly.

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  barrett said:
Wow that is sad. Imagine being the manager who made the trade which it seems resulted in Odom's drug ussage it seems,
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Bullshit. People make their own choices. The manager didn't put a gun to this guy's head and tell him to do dope.

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  foppa21 said:
  barrett said:
Wow that is sad. Imagine being the manager who made the trade which it seems resulted in Odom's drug ussage it seems,
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Bullshit. People make their own choices. The manager didn't put a gun to this guy's head and tell him to do dope.

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Well it obviously brought him a lot of humiliation and stress if he quit the team only three weeks later. I obviously know to take drugs is his own choice but i don't know about you i would feel bad if i did something to cause a man to start using drugs again and eventually od. Just saying that the manager obviously played a part in the whole situation.

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The manager had nothing to do with it. If you want to find the person responsible, look no farther than the player himself.

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