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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 09

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They should get the guy who does 2K's rosters to do the EA ones....

high sticking penalty. oops. i thought there was gonna be delay of game penalty too? (puck over glass in def zone?)

There's supposed to be - it's not in there??

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high sticking penalty. oops. i thought there was gonna be delay of game penalty too? (puck over glass in def zone?)

There's supposed to be - it's not in there??

hadnt happened to me yet on the 'numerous' times ive tried

also why isnt drury pattern available when i create a player? :P

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Love the game so far!!

I only have one issue and its with the rosters.. online. It wont download the roster update for my first online game so in effect im screwed and cant play any online games..

anyone have any ideas? Is there a setting in the ps3 I might have jacked up or something? :(

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Got it this morning, finally got the chance to play it right now. :)

There should be delay of game for shooting over the glass. It happened to me in the demo.

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Love the game so far!!

I only have one issue and its with the rosters.. online. It wont download the roster update for my first online game so in effect im screwed and cant play any online games..

anyone have any ideas? Is there a setting in the ps3 I might have jacked up or something? :(

My friend had this problem eventually it just started working. I'd say try restarting the system log out if it logs you in automatically log in from the PS3 menu not the game menu if that doesn't work try restarting your internet. Just my 2 cents I'm no computer genius.

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I played the demo a ton and realized it has some serious issues that need to be fixed. I won't buy the final version and piss away $60 on a game that has a misunderstanding of physics. If they fix some of the flaws though, it'd be a superb game.

What serious issues?

All the blocked shots ricochet like a pinball, the goalie passing when they try to cover the puck (it only goes 2-4 feet max), poor passing in general, slappers from 50 feet scoring because the goalie is covering the wrong side of the net etc. I got tired of it within 36 hours. Someone let me know if the final release is problem free...

I just bought the game, popped it in to play with a buddy....and look what happens(I'm the ranger's he's the sens and I'm on the PK)

Crazy Puck Physics

the freaking puck bounces so hard off the end boards it's not even funny..physics are pretty messed up!

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has anyone figured out how to do the legendary moves yet? Not just the one handed deke but I was reading that you can do moves such as the Datsyuk fake and the Ovechkin/Crosby Leg kick and Jussi Jokinen's move and stuff

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has anyone figured out how to do the legendary moves yet? Not just the one handed deke but I was reading that you can do moves such as the Datsyuk fake and the Ovechkin/Crosby Leg kick and Jussi Jokinen's move and stuff

datsyuk you just roll the toe drag and move in the direction you wanna go, kinda hard to explain

jokinen's move you just wind up the backhand and he'll pull it to one hand

no idea on the leg kicks

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It's there.

Yep, I got a 2 minute minor when playing my roommate online using the dump puck control on PS3 (R1+right stick shoot) when in my defensive zone the puck flew up and out of play...

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