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got hit by a car today ouch

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hey guys, i think im able to play hockey still, but not for another month?

you guys know what I can do to train or something? both of my legs are both numb, went to the hospital for 4 hours told me i was clear to go.

my story

I was in summer school for french, since i had glasses and on a rainy day, it fogs up.

so when i was getting off from the bus stop, I'm like hey its only 10 am, so might as well go get Subways across the street.

when I was coming back, I was running due to the rain. So since I live in Pierrefond. The limit is 50 and that's pretty slow. As I was running to go across the street, I stopped, let this bus pass and as soon as the bus passed I tried sprinting to the other side. Thats when I hear a women on the other street say watch out, I moved and got hit on my legs and hips. I got back up in like a second looking at my food and my clothes ripped everything, I said the **** word than, lean on the card in pain, I wasn't crying but the driver was. So I went to her shoulder and said don't cry I'm not dead.

She looks at another person and said I DIDN'T HIT HIM AND started to cry even more. I'm like shocked because she was like worried for getting sued or something while I got hit by her. I walked to the sidewalk than like 50 people rushed to me, good thing there was a ex-fire fighter right there. He had like a huge box of first aid. He helped my neck, and defected the 20 cuts on my leg. and had some FOIL to cover me from the hard rain. So in about 1minute 5 cop cars showed up, 3 firefighter tracks and 1 ambulance truck. My glasses broke in half.

at the McGill hospital, i stayed there for 4 hours, and was good to go. But woah, I could not move my legs for like 5 minutes.

( bad side )

1. can't play hockey for 2 weeks

2. can't goto for 2 days

3. broke my glasses

4. the women lied.

5. did not care about me and didn't say apologize

( good side )

1. she has to pay for my glasses ( double the price ) because of her lying at she didn't break my glasses to the police.

2. the people who helped me was really funny and were huge hockey fans.

3. they said i was a tough little 14 year old who got hit right on with an car

Guys, I just want to know, have you guys ever you hit by an car? and played hockey soon?

I am scared right now because my legs are both partly numb and my upper body is okay.

I can move my legs a lot better now.

do you know any ways where I can get in shape for next year? and not sit on the couch and watch tv and drink cola?

thanks :)

kevin vu

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Is this guy for real?...Are you sure you didnt slam your head on the street?....I'm glad your ok and cant say I have ever been hit by a car...Look online there are plenty of work-outs you can do to keep yourself in shape...

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hope you have a quick healthy recovery man

But I have to say I got a kick out of the title "got hit by a car today ouch". Hahah, no shit :)

Girl sounds like a bitch.

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Kevin, this is another Kevin ...

You are super lucky... no matter how bad the injuries are, at least you are ok. Dont worry too bad about hockey for the moment, am sure that would be the last thing you want to think about now. Make sure you get the green light from the doctor before you go back to playing.

Did anyone ask you abuot the accident yet? From a hockey point of view, you should say that you body checked the car... if your injuries are bad, you should see the state the car is in.

Anyway, the lady should have at least checked to make sure you are ok. The worst kind of accidents would be when the drivers just drive off, leaving the injured behind. Get well soon buddy...

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Lol, you got hit by a car that was going around 50 and didn't break anything?
50 kilometer per hour, about 35 miles an hour.

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I've been hit by a car going about 20mph, dented all the bonnet and I didn't even have a bruise to show for it, some say that isn't fast at all and I admit that but it's plenty fast the way they scoop you up by your legs.

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I got hit in 8th grade by a car. Its natural reaction for the driver to be in such disbelief that they say omg I didn't do it etc. Not that its truthful but it happened with me.

If you are really concerned with training for only being out 2 weeks then you need to readjust your priorities. You should focus on getting healthy 100%.

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This past winter one of the local talk radio hosts had a bunch of phone calls from people who had been hit by cars and flew way up in the air and were barely hurt. Really strange. But even weirder was the following week, ANOTHER talk radio host from the same station got hit by a car, flew up in the air, and was barely hurt.

Just thought I'd share. Good luck with the recovery!

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Hope you have a full and speedy recovery. I had a friend that got hit by a car once. Luckily for him, I think the car was either going pretty slow or was already trying to stop by the time he got hit, so he only needed to use a crutch for a little while.

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try going swimming to recover from your injuries. the weather's amazing right now, plus it's a cool story to tell all the hot girls at the pool haha

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A kid on my team got hit by a car this year ( apprently car was going 70km/h) he decided to cross a major rd in Toronto n got nailed while on his bike

He had a hairline fracture in his leg and some brusies,

he did some rehad for like 6 weeks n was backplaying in 2 1/2 months after the getting hit

you got lucky man

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hey thanks for the all the great comments.

I'm getting my glasses today, but with my own money, the women doesn't want to pay.

Edit: even all the policeman's, etc where saying I got lucky. yesterday a kid broke his arms and they were telling me about other stories when I was in the ambulance. I was like woah...

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hey thanks for the all the great comments.

I'm getting my glasses today, but with my own money, the women doesn't want to pay.

Edit: even all the policeman's, etc where saying I got lucky. yesterday a kid broke his arms and they were telling me about other stories when I was in the ambulance. I was like woah...

Wanting to pay and having to pay are different things. Kindly explain how she struck a pedestrian and rather than a lawsuit there should be proper compensation.

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Not to be a dick but it seems both were in the wrong, you said that your glasses were fogged up which was your problem and that you tried sprinting across straight after a bus (which it sounds like was hiding this car) maybe I'm reading this wrong but it seems you may not have given the road your full attention?

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Hey there hope you get better that was a little interesting story and wish the best and may god bless you. I have to say though that woman sounded so innocent.. (This is what happens when man creates machine/technology =) you kill your own kind by accidents)

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Not to be a dick but it seems both were in the wrong, you said that your glasses were fogged up which was your problem and that you tried sprinting across straight after a bus (which it sounds like was hiding this car) maybe I'm reading this wrong but it seems you may not have given the road your full attention?

you are right. it was both. She still said it was all my fault, because I was just a kid, and she thought i would stop. You are right, I was paying more attention on the other road, than the one i was going on

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Not to be a dick but it seems both were in the wrong, you said that your glasses were fogged up which was your problem and that you tried sprinting across straight after a bus (which it sounds like was hiding this car) maybe I'm reading this wrong but it seems you may not have given the road your full attention?

Even so as a driver you are suppose to be in control of your car and observant of the road and other factors the whole time. She sounds like she is trying to pass the buck cuz she is so nervous/scared.

But if you get rear-ended and you hit the car infront of you technically you are liable for that 2nd accident. You need to always be aware.

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She looks at another person and said I DIDN'T HIT HIM AND started to cry even more. I'm like shocked because she was like worried for getting sued or something while I got hit by her. I walked to the sidewalk than like 50 people rushed to me, good thing there was a ex-fire fighter right there.

kevin vu


So you should reward her for that attitude by tapping her for $250K for pain and suffering! Point out in court how your hockey career is now in jeapardy!

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I get where he's coming from, cause I just dodged this moron by an inch last week. I felt the tire rub against my shoe, it was that close. First I felt anger and then second thing I thought was "Thank god, if I couldn't play hockey I'd kill myself". I've been training all year and like crazy since june for this tryout in september. If I missed that tryout, I'd sue the shit out of this person. I realize there are a million things more important than non-pro hockey, but after devoting a year of training and hope, I'd be crushed, if some moron in a car took my chance away from me.

By the way, you should definitly sue her. She has car insurence, and I'm sure there is an accident report in your favor. Sue the insurence in small claims, if worse comes to worse, the insurence will pay for your glasses and medical bill. They would then be forced to pay your lawsuit filing fees. They may even just avoid the whole thing and give you the $5000 (small claim max) cause it's chump change for them.

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Well, I read everything and my understanding is that you were probably jaywalking so you are actually in the wrong. I also read someone saying that you have to be in control of your car. Yes it's true but he also said he let a bus get by then he moved forward to cross the street. Number one, she probably didn't even know he was there. Number two, if she knew, she probably assumed that he wasn't dumb enough to cross the street with oncoming cars. Having your glasses fogged up is truly not an excuse. You saw the bus and let it go by before attempting to cross the street so something tells me that you should also have seen the car.

As for the lady crying and possibly lying, this could easily be attributed to shock as she must have been in shock and denial after she hit you.

Also, in Quebec, you cannot sue anyone in any kind of traffic accidents. The Société de l'assurance automobile du Quebec is in charge of any moneys to be paid to either part for treatment, loss income etc. So, for the lady having to pay for your glasses, I find that very odd if you ask me. I'm no law major or police officer but I don't see how the police officer could have foced her to pay for your glasses as it's not in his scope of rights to force her to do so. Only a judge could do that and you would have to go to court for that, which you obviously didn't. Also, consider yourself lucky that you weren't fined for jaywalking....

Glad to hear that you're somewhat ok though.

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