_HSB_b345t 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 This is semi-hockey related, but with application to just about anything.Before I start, I've already made my decision. However, I am curious to see how others would weigh in.My rink, as do the majority I would imagine, have a trash can near the benches or locker rooms in which people discard broken sticks, shafts, equipment etc. Being the self-acknowledged gear whore that I am, it has become somewhat of a hobo-esque ritual to glance through said refuse for anything useable. You know, another man's trash... yada yada yada. Tuesday evening, I enter an empty locker room to dress for some stick time and notice someone has left a seemingly new (sans a few puck marks) Bauer OPS in the stick rack. The model is irrelevant, but needless to say, not inexpensive. Possibly the Monday night league or Tuesday morning Early bird pick up seeing as how I was the only one at this rink at this time. Whatever. Go out. Do my thing then leave. Fast forward to Thursday afternoon.I come in for some stick time and see the same stick, untouched. Curious. Again, being the equipment-horny gear whore that I am, I walk over and give it a once over looking for any distinguishing marks (ie, name, number, etc.). Nothing. I get dressed. Go out. Do my thing then leave.Sunday afternoon comes. I show up early to watch the other teams in our league. On my way to the stands, I pass by the trash can. To my surprise, the stick is now in the refuse! FINDERS!! I take the stick, check to see if maybe someone had used it and broken it, but, to my elation, I find that it is in the exact same condition as when I saw it on Tuesday.I get home, cut it down to size and tape it. Score! New OPS!The following Wednesday, I take my new stick for a spin during some pick-up. Posted on the locker room door is a note:Lost: Bauer (insert model) OPSIf found please call blah blahor return to management.Hence, my title: What would you do? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
top_shelf_24 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 Call and explain what happened tell the owner that you cut it down but as it was in the trash it was fair game.. especially since you left it untouched multiple times when it was just sitting there. Offer to meet at the rink to give it back and if you're really feeling nice pop in a plug to show some extra courtesy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Joe 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 It was placed in the garbage, so you've cut it it's now yours. If its a high model give it back and apologise. If its a V or something just hang onto it. If you didn't nab it, it would be below 3 layers of crapola by now at the dump. The way I see it you were meant to have it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LegoDoom 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 It was placed in the garbage, so you've cut it it's now yours. If its a high model give it back and apologise. If its a V or something just hang onto it. If you didn't nab it, it would be below 3 layers of crapola by now at the dump. The way I see it you were meant to have it.Why does the price of the stick matter? Obviously the owner would like the stick back. Just because someone placed it in the trash doesn't mean that's what it was meant for. I'd give it back and apologize for cutting it down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 It was placed in the garbage, so you've cut it it's now yours. If its a high model give it back and apologise. If its a V or something just hang onto it. If you didn't nab it, it would be below 3 layers of crapola by now at the dump. The way I see it you were meant to have it.Why does the price of the stick matter? Obviously the owner would like the stick back. Just because someone placed it in the trash doesn't mean that's what it was meant for. I'd give it back and apologize for cutting it down.Agreed. There's nothing wrong with "finding" something then realizing someone wants it back. Just be honest and say that you found it in the trash, and cut it, then found out that it went missing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tailboard Jockey 25 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 I'd give it back and explain the situation to him just like you explained it here. If it was my stick, I wouldn't have any hard feelings toward you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleophus 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 Yeah, I'd give it back too. The original owner should just chalk up your cutting the stick to "stupid tax" on him for leaving the stick there and there should be no hard feelings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gxc999 7 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 This does not constitute legal advice. I'm not yet a practicing attorney (Insert other disclaimer here). Ok, legally speaking, I think anyone would have a hard time bringing you to trial for a significant criminal charge, not impossible though. It really depends largely on construction of state statutes. Still, I say return the stick and explain. Think about what you'd want someone to do if the roles were reversed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LegoDoom 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 This does not constitute legal advice. I'm not yet a practicing attorney (Insert other disclaimer here). Ok, legally speaking, I think anyone would have a hard time bringing you to trial for a significant criminal charge, not impossible though. It really depends largely on construction of state statutes. Still, I say return the stick and explain. Think about what you'd want someone to do if the roles were reversed.He said it was a moral dilemna. I'm guessing he's not too worried that he's going to jail for this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skeeter14 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 I say contact the guy personally and explain it. He really would have no place to be pissed, as 1) he left it there, albeit on accident or not. and 2) its not like he left it there, and you took it that night and cut it down. a few days passed, and a trip to the trash bin. In short, give it back like everyone else says, and don't sweat it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fatwabbit 93 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 contact the guy, explain the whole situation that a long time has gone and when you found it in the trash it kinda confirmed that no one wanted it.Leave it in his hands how he wants to do it... if he asks for it back, so be it. If he asks to be compensated, tell him you'll shove it where the sun dont shine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chadd 916 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 I think you play in the only rink in the world where an employee or other player doesn't swipe sticks if left unattended for ten minutes.I would just drop the stick off at the rink and include a letter with the story as you wrote it here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jbyun04 7 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 If that was my stick and you returned it to me I'd be really thankful but then again, I wouldn't just leave it lying around the rink in the first place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 There is no dilemma. Give the stick back and be done with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrusse01 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 I'd think a janitor who doesn't know any better (and must not be that smart) saw it in the dressing room and put it in the trash. That's crazy that it lasted from Tuesday until Sunday though. I mean, it's pretty obvious that someone didn't just leave their stick behind in the dressing room because they didn't want it anymore. If it was a brand new XXXX I'd probably feel bad for the guy and just pick it up right away (after I got off the ice and still saw it sitting there) and return it to the front desk for him. So, depending on what the stick is and how much you ended up chopping off of it, I could see the guy being a bit ticked off that you didn't just return it in the first place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pantherfan 0 Report post Posted July 29, 2008 If that was my stick and you returned it to me I'd be really thankful but then again, I wouldn't just leave it lying around the rink in the first place.You'd think most people would be thankful, but I've seen shit hit the fan over much less. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sitzlejd 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 You didn't do anything wrong. Like someone else said, I can't believe the rink workers didn't have it cut, taped, and used within 10 minutes of finding it in the room. If I was in your situation I'd probably just keep it. It's not your job to go out of your way to rectify this guy's mistake. You gave it plenty of time before you took it. As soon as it's in the trash (considering you didn't put it there) it's up for grabs IMO.If you do decide to give it back, just make sure you don't take any shit for cutting it down. It was his stupidity and he can only be mad at himself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 My guess is if you give it back, good intentions and all, it's going to end badly. He will lose his shit and not care that someone had the decency to return it to him. People as a whole suck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aussie Joe 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 I see Mack has the same "Sick of the human race" thing going as some of the rest of us.Really if you didn't pick up the stick it would be long gone. So enjoy it I say, plenty more carbon/kevlar/whatever to go around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dougie8 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 If you don't wanna worry about what the guys reaction will be, you could do what Chadd said and leave a letter with the stick at the front desk. After that if you ever saw him around the rink (same kind of stick) and he seems like a nice enough guy you could come out and tell him the story yourself, face to face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chef_ducky 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 Look at it this way, if the guy waited that long, he is just plain Lazy. Espeacially if it had just been sitting in the DR, then in the garbage with out him coming back and noticing it, I would say it is your stick. If I lost or forgot a stick I would be prompt do go back and check for it, not wait those many days. I would say keep, and enjoy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LegoDoom 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 Look at it this way, if the guy waited that long, he is just plain Lazy. Espeacially if it had just been sitting in the DR, then in the garbage with out him coming back and noticing it, I would say it is your stick. If I lost or forgot a stick I would be prompt do go back and check for it, not wait those many days. I would say keep, and enjoy!Just because the guy couldn't get back to the rink for a few days doesn't make it your stick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildebeest 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 You little SOB!! You stole my stick! :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chippa13 1844 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 Glad to see that honesty and integrity are still characteristics held in such high regard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smitty34 0 Report post Posted July 31, 2008 I would tell the guy the story that you told us in this topic's original post. Even if it ends the way Mack said, which is a possibility, it's better to be honest and see how it goes from there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites