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MLB Discussion

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In addition to a $1B ballpark they paid next to nothing for, they also own all of the concessions (formed a company with the Cowboys). Yeah, they'll be alright.

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  JR Boucicaut said:
In addition to a $1B ballpark they paid next to nothing for, they also own all of the concessions (formed a company with the Cowboys). Yeah, they'll be alright.
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And they can deduct any stadium expenses from the revenue sharing check they have to give to the league.

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Torre doesn't seem like the type of guy who will trash on people though. Just saw on Sportscenter that he claims ARod is "obsessed" with Jeter, whatever that means.

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ARod seems smart enough to figure out that clutch performances and douchebaggery are tied into how well someone is liked/loved.

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  mack said:
ARod seems smart enough to figure out that clutch performances and douchebaggery are tied into how well someone is liked/loved.
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My fondest ARod memory is his feeble attempt to slap the ball out of Bronson Arroyo's glove ...

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As much as I don't like the guy, it doesn't really affect my thinking of how good he is as a player. It was wrong but not illegal, but you still have to be able to hit a ball.

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Actually, it was illegal but not banned. And even though they still need to be able to hit the ball, most players using PED's should be able to hit it harder and farther. It would skew the totals of those using versus those clean.

One question I'd like to ask A-Rod and Bonds (and other superstar players) is Why? Those two were destined for Cooperstown from their first at bat, so why use PED's? For an even greater legacy? For more money today? To be able to play a game they love longer? Because of sheer competitive nature?

Neither needed to use PED's to be considered among the all-time greats, so why do it?

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I mean illegal in terms of MLB. I'm not going to hold a pro athlete to the same consequences any normal/regular person would face.

I'm not going to get into the pros of using anything to improve hitting, but I'll agree about the "WTF" factor of these guys doing it. I'd go with them feeling they needed to get an edge. There's probably a lot of false ignorance they fall into if/when they receive any supplements to take.

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Can the MLB do anything about it now because at that time the test was only for a survey and was not going to be used for disciplinary action.

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MLB has to do something about it now as a statement for kids. MLB records broken on uneven ground is one thing but when HS kids start taking roids there is a problem. I say jail Roger and Barry and thats a big enough statement.

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I don't get how MLB said that basically 'you can't use steroids, but we've got no penalties against it, and we're not even going to check if you are using them'..

Frankly, in that environment, why wouldn't you use PEDs? There's no downside other than potential long term health risks. Even if you are the best player of all time, if PEDs make you 5% better, you think everybody is doing them, there's no testing or rules against it really, then why wouldn't you take it? People talk all the time about 'fairness' and what's right and wrong, but I'm pretty sure that goes out the window real quick when it's maybe a $50 million difference on the next contract you sign.

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  ponty said:
MLB has to do something about it now as a statement for kids. MLB records broken on uneven ground is one thing but when HS kids start taking roids there is a problem. I say jail Roger and Barry and thats a big enough statement.
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I know kids that were taking steroids in HS, mostly for football, in the early 90s. That is nothing new.

  mrusse01 said:
I don't get how MLB said that basically 'you can't use steroids, but we've got no penalties against it, and we're not even going to check if you are using them'..
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Do you really need a rule saying that doing something illegal isn't allowed in your sport?

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Yes. It would at least give the sport the responsibility of making sure that a player was punished in a fashion that affected their work.

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It really just makes me think how many athletes are juicing. I think all leagues neeed a better testing system, hockey is probably one of the most benificial for roiding and you never hear of testing so it just makes you wonder. Also a lot of the times there is someone such as a trainer supplying the athletes so it makes me wonder how much they influence their decisions to use steroids

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  Jason Harris said:
Actually, it was illegal but not banned. And even though they still need to be able to hit the ball, most players using PED's should be able to hit it harder and farther. It would skew the totals of those using versus those clean.

One question I'd like to ask A-Rod and Bonds (and other superstar players) is Why? Those two were destined for Cooperstown from their first at bat, so why use PED's? For an even greater legacy? For more money today? To be able to play a game they love longer? Because of sheer competitive nature?

Neither needed to use PED's to be considered among the all-time greats, so why do it?

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I would have to disagree on that. NO PLAYER is "destined" for anything. It's up to them to forge their path to Cooperstown, or whereever. Why should Bonds have been destined for anything? Because daddy played in the show? Nah. Steroids certainly played a part in his numbers. Look at his HR totals from '98-'03 37, 34, 49, 73,46,45,45. Something jump out at you? Not to mention in his last two years, he only hit 26 & 28 HR's, despite having 367 and 340 ABs. Hell, in 03, the year A--Rod supposedly took them, he hit 47 HR's a(led the league) and won the MVP! 'Roids does play a big part in it.

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