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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst Team Names

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theres a team in my div called the Clown punchers....wsup with that?

haha, i play with those guys... wasn't involved in the naming process though. which team are you on?

[edit: apparently that name is more common than one might expect. i'm talking at glacial gardens]

There was a team of Clown punchers when I played in Columbus OH. I agree more common than you think.

The team I am on now is the Puckin' Moose.

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I played on a softball team called

"off in the corner"

We were bad and got beat all the time.

There is a team in another league that's called "Puck This" a bunch a jagoffs.

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a sampling of my rinks 3 leagues:

Team Chronic

Kings Of Crunk (recently changed their name to America, after purchasing stars and stripes jerseys)


Combat Wombats

Drunken Anklebenders

Dips N' Dangles

Get Some

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yea, it was some of the guys that played d-1... they thought it would be funny but seeing as they played d-1 i can't exactlt do anything to them cuz they are gods on ice

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I once played for a summer-league team that was a merger of two teams - the Zambonis and the Blues.

We wore the Zambonis' uniforms, and were (for some reason) called the Zam-Warriors.


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Mens league team I joined this year call themselves the Fog.

Fat Old Guys, seen that one a number of times

But it's not for that. It's just the Fog, like those low grey clouds. Thats what makes that name bad. I asked the guys why that name and they just said they had no other ideas. Ice Holes got rejected by the league.

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