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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Going to college tomorrow....

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  mack said:
Welcome to the show, I'm not about pm'ing. You've got an infantile need to try and irritate so unless you actually have something to add about college, peruse other threads instead.
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Ahh, so its about looking the hero then.

Fair enough :)

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Holy Hell!

How many quote worthy statements has Mack made in this 'Lil slice 'o heaven?

Mack... you ARE the enforcer.

And you're right...

stay on the f-in topic...

and kilner, know your adversary before you engage them.

You could learn something from Tsun Tsu.

Don't mess with Mack. He'll skip the chewing-up and spitting out part and just ridicule you.

And we'll all laugh!

Know your role and CONTRIBUTE!

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haha wow mack is the man.

anyway kovy are you gonna play ice hockey there? the pirates aren't too bad for club, i play with a few of their guys and

they make the team carolina kids look like pylons.

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  kilner said:
  mack said:
No, it's utter crap and worth no one's time to even have to scroll past it. Maybe it's a condition you have, but it's becoming a bit more prominent and should cease.
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To say its worth no one's time is abit of a silly thing to say really, because its obviously worth your time otherwise you wouldn't of said anything about it would you?

If you geniunally believed that then you would of just ignored it and let it run its course.

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It's his job to read everything on this board. Simple as that. People like you make it difficult for us.

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  ramensandwich said:
haha wow mack is the man.

anyway kovy are you gonna play ice hockey there? the pirates aren't too bad for club, i play with a few of their guys and

they make the team carolina kids look like pylons.

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Not this year. Probably inline this year as I dont want too much Freshmen year. If I play my cards right, Im gonna try out next year..

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Sitting through orientation for three hours on four hours of sleep after drinking at the hockey house for 5 hours the night before is really no fun.

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Hey class doesn't start 'til Tuesday, until then I'm free to indulge. And there is nothing better than being told that an entire sorority is DTF.

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Starting my second yea Monday...

Biggest thing I learned is that balance is very important. 50% studies, 50% social.

Ok maybe more like 70% social... :lol:

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Cant wait to start my second year in 4 weeks. Move up to my new apartment in 2 though. Pretty much gonna party and have fun till classes start, then gotta get back on top of things and save socializing till after the work is done.

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Granted, I'm nowhere near done yet...but I'm under the impression that the only thing that I'm going to take from college is a full understanding of just how long my body can go without sleep.

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  LkptTiger said:
Granted, I'm nowhere near done yet...but I'm under the impression that the only thing that I'm going to take from college is a full understanding of just how long my body can go without sleep.
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Im using that skill right now, damn early starts <_<

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  interpathway said:
  Dougie8 said:
Does this mean we'll be seeing less of you around kovalchuk?
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if he is anything like me he'll be trolling on MSH during his British Lit. lectures

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I read ESPN magazine during one of those today. If you don't have a laptop, you have to be resourceful. I keep a pen in my hand and make motions like I'm writing - if you're at the back of the room, a magazine looks enough like a notebook.

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